MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Foxy Lady to Club 27!

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2021 at 06:02

    ….MLT’s Club 27, and wow it felt like perfection…..

    …Club 27 certainly captures all the magic and essence of the rock and roll legends!!! All in the wonderful refreshing modern style of MLT.

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2021 at 06:04

    Two days after Sargent Peppers album is released, Jimi honors the Beatles with a performance of this. Paul obviously appreciated that!

  • Walter Music

    23/06/2021 at 03:01

    Thank you Jung, Sir Paul way to go!!!!!

    Walt Music

  • Walter Music

    23/06/2021 at 03:06

    Well you have 2 Beautiful young ladies with one of their own compositions Rocking hard to all the Greats of Club 27 and Sir Paul giving a blink to Jimi Hendricks!!!! Did everyone realize Sir Paul could whale like that on a six string. Only think he plays bass, think again he plays a lot of instruments.

    Far Out and Groovy!!!!

  • Jung Roe

    23/06/2021 at 05:18

    Hi Walt, Paul was amazing wasn’t he. He sure could hold his own on the hard rocking guitar parts, play any instrument he set his mind to, and boy could he sing too. He had every aspect of music mastered including the endless spring well of songwriting and melody creating genius that left his musical colleagues/rivals in utter awe!

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