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  • Funny Twin Stories

    Posted by Ian Sampson on 19/02/2020 at 09:21

    Hi Mona and Lisa from Australia.

    Do you have any funny twin stories growing up.

    We have twin boys (about your age) that played basketball. One of them got fouled out of the game, the referee pulled the game up demanding that the other twin leave the court  to then suddenly realise that there were two of them that were identical. Oops.

    Do you have any stories like that

    Wilson Roberto Marganelli replied 4 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/02/2020 at 09:21

    Hi Ian!

    We didn’t really look alike enough to successfully pull off any twin pranks, but we did look alike enough for teachers to mix us up a lot. That’s why, when you are a twin in high school, you start answering to both your own and your twin’s name 🙂

    I once somehow passed a bad “general conduct grade” on to Mona, despite her definitely having been in better standing with the teacher that graded her than me.

    It was our geography teacher who really didn’t like me (the feeling was mutual) yet she must have mixed us up when filling out the report cards.
    I tried to point out that I was the one she was hating but it was too late by then …

    At least I got a clean record now 😉

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 12:57

    Wow Lisa! I can’t possibly believe you could get a bad “general conduct grade”, ever! Impossible! I don’t know that geography teacher, but I don’t like her either. She obviously didn’t have a sense of humour.

  • David Herrick

    19/02/2020 at 14:15

    Howard, don’t forget what Lisa did to Mona at the end of the Maxwell’s Silver Hammer video.  She clearly has rage issues.


  • Jacki Hopper

    19/02/2020 at 15:01

    Lol… I was like that too in school, For all the teachers whose Vibes I did not like from getgo, proved correct and mutual.. If I liked /sensed good about a teacher, I did well, otherwise not well or just barely passed…

    I was meant to have twins in my life… Really…

    My Grandma Rea’s Mom was a twin, identical if I recall the photo correctly, our neighbour while I was growing up babysat identical twins, Whom I played with for years until they moved away and nrighbour no longer babysat them, and in school years, always had twin sets in school, identical twin boys, identical girls, fraternal boys and girls, fraternal boy and girl sets….

    My late Dad got to know as well as me, identical twin waitresses at a sports bar he used to go to now and then when they worked there and also when they worked at bowling alley bar where I still bowl at… And… One of my younger 30s something cousin has… You got it, 3 year old fraternal boy/girl twins…. So, yes, indeed, meant to have twins in my life?

  • Darryl Boyd

    19/02/2020 at 22:12

    Not to mention the Time Of The Season video.


  • David Herrick

    19/02/2020 at 23:10

    That?  ‘Tis but a scratch!


  • Wilson Roberto Marganelli

    21/02/2020 at 01:27

    Fantastic, one more reason for you to be one of my guitar heroes.

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