• Tom Fones

    10/06/2021 at 02:58

    Thomas we are hoping for photos when you are ready.

    Where do you live?

    Here in Davis, CA. we are having a cold snap.

    It’s down in the eighties.


    • Thomas Randall

      10/06/2021 at 17:38

      I’m in the Mid Hudson Valley of N.Y., Poughkeepsie. About 65 miles north of NYC.

      Nothing to really photograph yet, things are just getting going. Our heat wave is over for now, today is not so bad and tomorrow is supposed only be in the 70’s.

  • Jung Roe

    10/06/2021 at 05:27

    We decided to give our flower bed a little boost and put in some grown plants along with the seeds. With the seeds I don’t know if we are growing the garden or just feeding the birds. The local Home Depot seems to be the busiest place these days as people focus on DIY projects instead of travel.

    I don’t know which I enjoy more, watching our garden flourish with colors, or having more interesting things to photograph around the house. 🙂 Maybe both.

  • Tom Fones

    10/06/2021 at 15:08

    Looking good Jung.!

    Nice sturdy box.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/06/2021 at 15:47

    This year’s Grocery Store OutdoorGarden Flowers I picked for this year’s efforts of Springtime 2021 FlowerPower outside my apt unit…

    During this Pandemic time, I’ve developed the habit of once in awhile to treating myself to an indoor “Cheer Myself Up” bouquet from the grocery store Floral Dept inside store.


  • Jacki Hopper

    10/06/2021 at 15:52

    To Jung: Your homemade outdoor Garden Box is fab…I hope it flourishes abundantly…. And to everyone else’s Gardening Efforts, pleased to hear of your efforts too ????????

  • Tom Fones

    10/06/2021 at 17:54

    They are beautiful Jacki.

    I just drove past the sunflower fields. I think they need two weeks. Stay tuned.

    Thomas R. – enduring weather will be a challenge.

    We are having big temperature swings here in the central valley when it should be just plain hot.

    Anthropogenic or geoengineered climate – what makes gardening even more challenging is the best reason to have one.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    16/06/2021 at 03:38

    My gardening skills are limited. The rose bush is tacked to the wall with wire. The orange lilies wake up like this every year. I am hoping the yellow ones on the right blossom soon.

    A couple minutes later I caught a deer weeding the side yard.

  • Tom Fones

    16/06/2021 at 04:21


    the flowers are beautiful.

    The deer looks like venison.


  • Tom Fones

    01/07/2021 at 18:35

    Central valley sunflower

  • Jung Roe

    02/07/2021 at 05:49

    Thomas, I have a 7 feet tall sunflower in the back, but it hasn’t bloomed yet. But in the front, some of the wild flowers seems to have flourished despite the extreme heat wave the last several days.

  • Thomas Randall

    02/07/2021 at 21:30

    Baby deer bedded down in the small woods behind my house. He/She has been there for weeks now.

  • Jung Roe

    03/08/2021 at 02:42

    My garden update: The sunflowers kept facing the neighbours yard even though the sun is not in that direction, so we had to reset it’s roots a couple of times. I’m proud to say I have sunflowers in the MLT colours!

    As can be seen, we often have visitors in the garden.

  • Tom Fones

    03/08/2021 at 03:11

    Here in the central valley sunflowers aren’t getting any water.

    They have all gone brown.

    Hard times for farmers.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    03/08/2021 at 03:47

    Jung, I love the Mona Lisa colors are on the correct side. We have orange and yellow lilies in front of our porch. My orange lilies blossomed before the yellow ones, (seen above) plus they are on the opposite side when viewed from the front yard. Hmm, the orange ones were first, but the yellow ones were a little taller. Now if I can just get them to blossom at the same time.

    Thomas, too bad your are having dry weather. We have had rain for weeks here in upstate New York Our lawn is becoming a jungle.


  • Tom Fones

    03/08/2021 at 21:06
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