MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion George vs. Lisa on lead guitar

  • Timothy Connelly

    30/10/2018 at 00:43

    I think the importance of Hamburg to The Beatles has been vastly overrated. Their popularity soared in Liverpool when they returned because Paul was now the bass player instead of Stu and because their more animated stage presence was in direct contrast to all the other bands who were imitating the Shadows.

    All the many hours of being onstage, playing to all hours of the night- mainly for drunks- made them sloppy, lazy and got them started on pills. You don’t completely change your drummer and bass player- out with Pete and Stu- and come away as a tight, wonderful band. They flunked the Decca audition with Pete because they simply weren’t that good with him on drums.

    The addition of Ringo and Paul as the rhythm section changed everything and it gave birth to their being able to write songs that had a power and substance the Hamburg band never had. Practice is a vitally important aspect of talent development and Lisa had one tremendous advantage over George. She knew exactly what she wanted to do and has worked every bit as hard as George to get there.

    Now it’s doubtful that she has the sheer genius that he had as a songwriter. But if you listen to her acoustic guitar solo on Time of the Season- you tell me a Beatles number where George’s guitar rivals that. Genius trumps talent. George as a guitarist was exactly as good as he needed to be but for playing talent, he was never one of the best.
    Part of my source for this is Geoff Emerick’s book Here, There and Everywhere. Another thing I’m looking at is how often somebody else- usually Paul played the lead guitar parts from Rubber Soul on.
    All of this is opinion and I have the utmost respect for yours. I’m just sharing another point of view.

  • Steve

    30/10/2018 at 01:29

    I really don’t think it’s necessary to compare Lisa with George or any other guitarist for that matter.  They were both excellent guitarists but as time as gone on we’ve learned that many of the solos we attributed to George weren’t done by him.  But it doesn’t take away from his skill.  Lisa is an excellent guitarist and has demonstrated that she can play virtually any style.  Her acoustic work on Time of the Season is fabulous as is her grittier work on White Room.  She has honed her craft and will get better and better as time goes on.  Lisa’s work stands on its own and in my opinion she doesn’t need to be compared to anyone.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 02:18

    I’m with you there Steve, as you will see from earlier posts. Comparisons don’t mean a lot in the scheme of things.

    Comparisons are a thing that Tim in particular is into and I guess something we can expect from a fan club full of geeks, nerds and various other music aficionados! I think we can expect more of this from Tim as he ploughs through his copy of ‘Here, There and Everywhere’!

  • Timothy Connelly

    30/10/2018 at 02:32

    Or maybe not.
    If I’m going to go to all the trouble to make my comparison posts, I need people to care about them. You guys obviously don’t. I appreciate your feedback but unfortunately it leads me to believe my posting is a poor fit here.
    I will continue to be a member of the Club and lend support to the Twins. Thanks to everyone for being exactly who you are.


  • Jacki Hopper

    30/10/2018 at 02:46

    Hi Tim:

    May I offer up this  !?! :

    Everyone is of their own cup of tea /coffee…custom blended. Yes there are various varieties out there…not one is the same exactly…sure may be similiar in flavour and brewing/ingredients…but it still comes out slightly unique. Yes …all are entitled to enjoy their own cup of tea but I like a tea party gathering where all can come and enjoy the sips of different teas regardless of the kind…how it’s made.  We all have our thoughts and diversity is good…Taste what you enjoy ☕????☮️


  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 03:21

    Very nicely put Jacki. I of course was including myself in the label of geek and nerd. Nothing wrong with that. Most of my friends are geeks and nerds!

    I’m fine with comparisons outside this forum as it is something we all do. I’m just not so sure about their value within a Club Forum. My opinion only, and of no more value than Tim’s whose analyses I appreciate.

    I don’t think your posting is a poor fit at all Tim and your withdrawal from posting would be a loss to the club and I’d hate to think it was simply because of one of my posts! Please reconsider.

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2018 at 03:52

    Hi Tim,

    I find your input in the forum valuable and thought provoking.  We’re all MLT, Beatles (and Beach Boys -had to throw that in) geeks and nerds here and darned proud of it!

  • Timothy Connelly

    30/10/2018 at 17:06

    Thanks Jung and Jacki,

    I appreciate the support.

    And a special thanks to Howard, who emailed me with a number of positive suggestions.

    This forum is not about me. It was set up by the MonaLisa Twins as a way to promote their artistry and to give back to their closest fans. They have done an amazing job.
    Unfortunately, I am a veteran of a number of music forums from more than 20 years ago. The people on those boards were argumentative, often rude, occasionally obnoxious but very, very active.
    We averaged more than 100 posts per day on the Dan Fogelberg board for several years and often hit 200 posts per day. If I made a couple of posts per day, well, so did a lot of people.  We had disagreements- we had to ban people because there was some really bad behavior.

    Posts that compared Dan with Jackson Browne and Neil Young- both favorably and unfavorably- were the staple of the board. Which song or songs- which album or albums, which, how, why- there was constant analysis going on at all times.

    It’s very different here. This has been a wonderful experience for me in every way except one- you guys are into listening to and appreciating the MonaLisa Twins but not analyzing their music. or comparing them to other acts. None of the posts here except mine tended to do that.

    I was already frustrated by the lack of follow up to my posts when Steve came back with “Lisa doesn’t need to be compared to anyone.” Even before I read Howard’s, “Comparison’s don’t mean a lot in the scheme of things”, I knew I was badly out of step here and that continuing to post my more analytical posts needed to stop.

    The unfortunate thing is- this is how I think- this is what I enjoy so there’s no way to alter my posting style and even half way enjoy it.

    I will continue to monitor the board and take advantage of this wonderful club. I will respond to posts and give support and enthusiasm to other posters. The only thing that stops is my longer, more analytical posting-

    I’m good with this decision and there’s no reason for anyone to comment further. You guys are wonderful and have great taste in music!

  • Steve

    30/10/2018 at 18:08

    Tim I wasn’t implying that you can’t continue to do your thing here.  I was simply stating my opinion.  If you want to continue making your comparisons by all means do it.  If the MLT family doesn’t mind, then I certainly don’t.  I’m not just sure how, in this case Lisa, takes to being compared to other guitarists.  But like I said, if they don’t mind, I don’t mind so by all means continue doing your thing.  It’s OK to agree to disagree as long as we do it in civil manner and not start attacking one another which I haven’t seen anything like that here and I certainly hope I never do.  I see enough of that on Facebook and find this forum a refreshing change of pace where we can openly discuss MLT and share opinions and thoughts like civilized human beings unlike some of those idiots on Facebook and I’m not talking about the Intergalactic MonaLisa Twins Fan Club but rather other areas where people spew continual hate about anything that ruffles their panties.  At least here we don’t have any of that which is why I spend more time here than on Facebook.  So carry on my man.  You’re not bothering me in the least.

  • Timothy Connelly

    30/10/2018 at 20:09


    I appreciate that. But I’ll be more than happy looking for things that I can respond to. I won’t have to work so hard and it’ll give me loads of extra time each day.

    I’m in complete agreement with you that MonaLisa fans are very good-natured.

  • Howard

    30/10/2018 at 23:44

    Well Tim, your contributions will be missed but the positive side for you is it gives you more time to enjoy MLT music! Maybe time also for your own music blog.

  • Jacki Hopper

    31/10/2018 at 00:45

    Well…speaking of music blogs…Yes I have a couple of music poetry ones ( non MLT ) but now I do have enough MLT poetry that I should now create  a poetry blog for just their stuff ????????????????????????❤️ but I did though on a non-poetry personal blog of mine wrote a posting of MLT as a topic awhile back ago☮️✌️????

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