• Gimme 10 MLT songs

    Posted by Jung Roe on 25/01/2019 at 18:01

    Imagine you are embarking on a week long cross country Europe bus tour, and the bus driver asked you to contribute 10 MP3s to include in the communal bus stereo system for all on the bus to enjoy for the week.

    What 10 MLT songs would you recommend to give the bus driver that represents the best of MLT (Originals and covers)?  Not necessarily your 10 faves, but the 10 best songs you think could hook the passengers to MLT most effectively over the week long trek around Europe.

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    25/01/2019 at 18:14

    To kick it off, here are my 10:

    1.San Francisco

    2. Time of the Season

    3. Aufstehn

    4. Paint It Black

    5. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

    6. Sweet Lorraine

    7. Close To You

    8. Still a Friend of Mine

    9. Club 27

    10.  The Wide, Wide, Land

    If it was around Christmas time, I would replace Aufstehn with Little Drummer Boy.

    My selection would try to highlight the very wide variety in genre in MLT music.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/01/2019 at 19:00

    Oh My… Damn… Good Q Jung… Now where to begin… Tough call as ALL are Equal in my mind… But… Seeing I’m a Bus person .. I’m gonna go with:


    Club 27

    Sweet Lorraine

    That’s Life

    I Don’t Know Birds That Well

    Wide Wide Land

    Time of the Season

    Night Before

    Two of Us

    Bus Stop

    Drive My Car



    And I can’t help but add 5 more Bonus ones… Just Because…

    Johnny B Good

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps

    California Dreamin

    Are You Going To San Fransico

    Mercedes Benz


    That’s All Folks …

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/01/2019 at 19:02

    But… That’s not to say that I’d request to shuffle and mix up so ALL songs would be heard throughout the journey… It’s the right thing to do… I insist… ????????

  • Steve

    25/01/2019 at 19:07

    I’ll take the easy route and just give the driver the Orange CD to play.  If that doesn’t hook the riders, nothing will.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    26/01/2019 at 03:42

    This is great exercise. I have to say that the MLT are the only band other than the Beatles, which I like all their songs (even if I skip over Revolution #9)

    1. The Wide Wide Land
    2. All About Falling in Love
    3. Nothing Is In Vain
    4. Dreams
    5. Count On Me
    6. Still A Friend Of Mine
    7. The Best Years Of Our Lives
    8. Bus Stop
    9. God Only Knows
    10. If I Fell/This Boy

    It’s hard to leave so many good songs out, but for these requirements, this would be my choice. I know I cheated at the end with the Beatles cover, but If I Fell is a favorite of mine, while This Boy is sheer MLT perfection, and it has that little extra in the voices that you just can’t put your finger on it that makes it extra special, so one of those two.

    The thinking behind this for me is to highlight their immense talent.


  • Michael Triba

    26/01/2019 at 10:28

    So sorry, but I have nothing here.  Not because I don’t like MLT songs.  I truly do.  But I would not travel by bus across town for 20 minutes, much less stay in one for most of a week traveling across a continent.  Who are the fellow passengers, anyway?  And what other music is played in this communal bus stereo system?  72 hours of polka with accordion?  Which European countries and cities are you visiting?  Am I sitting next to a man who nose whistles, snores, smokes, and stinks?  Sorry, but not enough information for me.  I’ll sit this one out; thank you anyway.  Ask Itso!  Where’s Howard?

    Next question please, Jung!  😉

  • Howard

    26/01/2019 at 15:27

    I’ll pass on this one too. My bus wouldn’t have communal music and I’d be playing my own selection through my noise cancelling wireless headphones. The MLT Jukebox on random would do me fine.  Can’t stand listening to music on buses on a commute to work, let alone a whole week on a bus with strangers and their selection of music!

    Back to the drawing board Jung!

    • Michael Triba

      26/01/2019 at 20:09

      Hey hi there Howard, my friend!  So happy to see you still here…I was afraid.  More and more, you and I have so much in common, even though you are a Down Underer and I am a Middle Earther; lol!

      I just sent you my revised TOP 20 in the BIG THREAD last night.  I sent another one just now (I forgot I could just use the edit function.)  THE COORS had slipped my memory and they are now TOP 10!

      Later, buddy. I have to shut down MLT CLUB and FB for a while. 😉

      BTW, you have not seen my Q #3 to Lisa, because evidently the FBI or KGB or UK Customs has seized it.  My Q #4 to Mona was delayed more than a full week because of the dilemma.  But it has now been submitted last night and awaiting scrutiny.  I was up until 5:30 am again, Omaha time.  Slipping back into bad habits.  🙁

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      27/01/2019 at 02:51

      And you may find yourself
      In another part of the world
      And you may find yourself
      Behind the wheel of a large bus
      With beautiful music
      And you may ask yourself, well
      How did I get here?

      And you may ask yourself
      How do I work this?
      And you may ask yourself
      Where is that large bus?
      And you may tell yourself
      This is not my beautiful bus!
      And you may tell yourself
      This is not my beautiful music!


      Once in a Lifetime… 

  • Thomas Randall

    26/01/2019 at 19:10

    On man this is tough, O.K. I’ll play:

    1 – When we’re together

    2 – June

    3 – That’s life

    4 – It’s Alright

    5 – Drive my car

    6 – Day Tripper

    7 – Please Please Me

    8 – I’ll follow the Sun

    9 – You’re going to lose that girl

    10 – Bus Stop


  • Jacki Hopper

    26/01/2019 at 21:26

    Gee whiz… Guess I’m not liked anymore… You’re all plotting against me in being Anti-Bus whereas I Love the bus as that is how I commute as I don’t have or want a drivers license… Awww… What did I do to deserve this…. Lol… Just kidding .. Haha?!?!

    • Jung Roe

      26/01/2019 at 21:42

      Jacki.  About 2 years ago I did did a last minute Rocky Mountain 5 days bus tour (Vancover – Kamloops-Revelstoke-Lake Louise-Banff – Columbia Ice fields – back to Vancouver).  First time I’ve ever done a long bus tour.  While it was a fast paced whirlwind tour, it was a lot of fun and developed great comradery with fellow travellers.  I’d highly recommend this one.

  • Jung Roe

    26/01/2019 at 21:32

    Hi Howard, Mike

    I guess for some of us who don’t like the bus, I should have asked the question differently.

    My intent here was to more solicit a list from the MLT fans on what 10 MLT songs they would select if they were in a position to present MLT to an audience in hopes of growing some new fans.

    Another way I thought of asking this question was if you won a contest on the BBC, NPR, or CBC (in Canada) where they would feature your fave band and play 10 of their songs nationally, what would you choose for the MonaLisa Twins.  Or if you were forced into a car pool with your 3 best friends to attend an all expense payed golf trip (NFL game etc), you wanted to convert them into MLT fan, what 10 songs would you include in your car stereo playlist on the 6 hours drive…..etc.

    BTW Howard, we noticed your absence around here for a few days.  I figured you were just cruising the beautiful Australian outback on your Motto Guzzi California for a few days.  🙂


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/01/2019 at 00:34

    Sounds interesting Jing but long distance Travelling on a bus… Well in general… We don’t get along great… I used to years ago do bus from Ottawa to Oakville near Toronto… Then… switched over to train… Prefer train… Lol… Also… I only go as far as Kingston or to Montreal by train… I can handle that… Also… I enjoy doing my commuting daily by city bus routes… Interesting people you see and hear… Interesting bus drivers… Etc… Lol

  • Jung Roe

    27/01/2019 at 04:25

    Howard, Mike:  I think these chaps were rather fond of traveling by bus:  Magical Mystery Tour

    Magical mystery tour beatles 1

  • Michael Rife

    27/01/2019 at 07:44

    I’m not sure I can restrict it to 10 but I’ll try:

    1) Still A Friend

    2) Close To You

    3) Sweet Lorraine

    4) In It For Love

    5) June

    6) If I Fell

    7) You’re Gonna Lose That Girl

    8) I’ll Follow The Sun

    9) Yesterday

    10) Bus Stop

    And it should be 20 to take.


  • Howard

    27/01/2019 at 10:41

    Don’t get me wrong Jung and Jacki. I don’t mind travelling by bus, although I do prefer train travel. I’ve done the Indian Pacific rail journey from the eastern coast of Australia to the western coast via Broken Hill and Adelaide and loved it. Had a sleeper cabin though for the three night trip, which made all the difference. Would like to do a similar rail trip across Canada.

    I would love to do a bus tour if it was something like the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ where they played only Beatles music. Or perhaps on the Who’s ‘Magic Bus’ where you could choose your own. As for MLT top ten to play, I like both Mike’s and Tomás’ selections with perhaps a couple of variations. I’d like to find room for ‘San Francisco’, ‘Catch The Wind’ and/or ‘A World Without Love’.

    • Michael Triba

      27/01/2019 at 23:09

      I would love a train or Amtrak trip, Howard!  I agree; a sleeper cabin would be HUGE!!!  When I was 14 in Summer of ’65, my mom took her 4 youngest to Baltimore with her to see her identical twin sister and my first cousins who were just a couple years older than us.  Only my older sister stayed home to help dad.  The rest of us ranged in age from 4 to 14.

      Omaha to Baltimore is halfway across the USA, about 1,200 miles and 18 hours or 3 days in a damn bus.  I hate buses!  Diesel smell, dirty, uncomfortable, smelly people, etc.  Our Greyhound Bus was nice, but my poor mom with 4 kids, even though we were very well behaved!

      My only other time on a bus was 1985 in Poland with my wife and her youngest sister.  2 tour buses of my spiritual family to go to international Bible conventions in Warsaw and Katowice 2 weekends apart.  Bussed only to and from the convention site and our hotels!  Clean people, no smoking, cursing, or littering.  All there to praise God.  That of course was great.

      If I had no car, I would sooner hitchhike across Omaha than take a bus, and I would never hitchhike, ever.  In a huge city, I would go the subway route.  Some people have  few options, but to each their own.  But yes Howard, trains are wonderful.

      What is your e-mail address, BTW?

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/02/2019 at 23:56

    Hey Tomas… Am digging that Bus poem…. Groovy good????????????????????????☮️

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