• Jim Yahr

    02/02/2019 at 06:32

    I’ll play – but only because I made it easy by pulling my top rated off of my iTunes collection.


    In no particular order (and definitely not this play order!)


    You’re Gonna Lose That Girl
    Mercedes Benz
    Sweet Lorraine
    Still A Friend of Mine
    This Boy
    When I’m Sixty Four
    Close to You
    Time of the Season
    If I Fell

  • Jung Roe

    02/02/2019 at 07:00

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate all your input.  It’s interesting to see a pattern develop of some songs that get mention frequently, like “You’re Gonna Lose that Girl”, and glad to see my fave of fave original “Sweet Lorraine” mentioned frequently too.

    At the very least, all these suggestions can make a great play list of MLT songs to take with you.

    Please keep them coming if you don’t mind indulging some of us.

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