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  • Thomas Randall

    14/04/2021 at 00:30

    I just watched this about an hour ago. The lyrics aren’t quite flushed out yet of course, funny to hear him winging it!

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/04/2021 at 01:42

    Thanks for sharing, this is cool. This is how great songs are done, just play some cords and wing it and then it all comes together

  • Jung Roe

    14/04/2021 at 06:45

    Nice one David, thanks for sharing it. The people in the other room hearing this probably didn’t realize they were hearing a classic masterpiece in the making that would touch almost every soul around the globe and many more generations over the ages.

    I can just imagine MLT’s neighbours hearing all this wonderful music being created every week, next door not realizing the impact around the world it’s having too.

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/04/2021 at 12:12

    David thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed the ruff mix.

  • David Herrick

    14/04/2021 at 17:20

    I just enjoy hearing a Beatles song at a point where it’s pretty much complete except for the lyrics. It makes me want to jump into a time machine and go help them out.

    Many years ago I heard a recording of Let It Be at a similar stage of development, and wouldn’t you know it’s on YouTube now:

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/04/2021 at 18:24

    David you are so correct. I personally love to hear the making of a song in the early stages. Then the finish product. The concept of Let It Be. The Beatles Anthology has a lot of great takes. I just bought a while ago some Rubber Soul early takes of those great songs. A bootleg. I pay a pretty penny. But it was worth it. Enjoy your day.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    14/04/2021 at 23:20

    It’s easy to forget how much work and time goes into the finished product. These raw versions sometimes reveal alternate lyrics which can be very interesting, too. I like these videos of the Beatles just sitting around “rehearsing”. It makes them a little more human.

    Jung, I have thought the same thing about MLT’s neighbors. I just hope the neighbors know how lucky they are living next to these musical genius’s. I would put signs in my windows facing their studio that read,”Crank it up, please?”


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