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  • Glass onion whisper?

    Posted by Lior on 01/11/2018 at 15:31

    Hi Girls,

    First of all I want to let you know that I really enjoy

    listening to your new 2018 recordings, in your new vol.3 album.

    Together with your dad, you reached a new high level of performance,

    arrangement and production.

    Songs like: Hey Bulldog, Glass onion, White room, You really got me…and more,

    are very complicated to perform, but your versions are just excellent, the best covers I heard ever!!!

    I have a little question, I am just curious:

    what are you whispering in the end of Glass Onion? 🙂

    (I tried to understand without success…)

    Keep on rockin’





    Lior replied 5 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Rick Ross

    07/11/2018 at 10:50

    Hello Ladies.

    I have gone as far as putting on headphones trying to figure out what is being whispered on Glass Onion. I know Lisa is on the Cello but that’s all that I can make out. Sounds almost like your speaking German.

    Several others are wondering as well, but they haven’t come forward to ask.

    Thanks for solving the mystery

  • Steve

    07/11/2018 at 17:41

    I think someone’s whispering Coo-coo-ca-choo and since it follows “The walrus was Paul” it makes sense.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/11/2018 at 20:46

    Hi Lior!

    Thanks a whole lot, we’re glad you’re enjoying the new song and appreciate the nice words!!

    We’re happy to answer most questions but some things you’ve got to figure out yourselves. 😉

    Hint: It’s not German.

    Stay groovy!

  • Timothy Connelly

    07/11/2018 at 22:41

    I’ve got an app that plays things backwards and I sent the whisper through that program and it clearly said, “I’m the more talented twin.”

    Armed with this new controversy and wanting to get to the bottom of it, I contacted a linguistics professor at Princeton and asked him to tell me which twin was responsible for the message. I also told him about Mona’s effort to keep it on the hush. He came back that it was Lisa. Certain now that Lisa, with her brassy red hair and close friendship with John Lennon was guilty and also aware of her recent beheading of poor Mona, I came very close to revealing her guilt. But wanting to be careful that I didn’t make a false accusation, I decided I needed to make sure this American professor wasn’t being confused by the Austrian accent. I then contacted a music professor at the University of Graz who assured me Mona was the guilty party.

    So you can see my dilemma…

  • Steve

    08/11/2018 at 01:40

    Tim why don’t you use that app on the very end of Strawberry Fields and tell us if John is saying “I buried Paul” or “I’m very bored.” if it’s even John saying it.

  • Timothy Connelly

    08/11/2018 at 02:08

    Hi Steve,

    I’m sure you know I was totally kidding about the hidden words at the end of the MLT version of Glass Onion. I did wonder if they were backward and I do have an app I was able to play it to but I am no closer to an answer. I thought my post was cute enough but…

    To answer your question, the “I buried Paul ”  remark at the end of Strawberry Fields Forever isn’t backwards but can be heard clearly forward. Ringo gave the best explanation by saying that John’s guitar had buried Paul’s bass – thus I buried Paul.

    John himself has said that his words were “I’m very bored” as well as “cranberry sauce.” But it is clearly I buried Paul.


  • Darryl Boyd

    10/11/2018 at 10:34

    I found it pretty easy to hear on your clip.

    Wouldn’t have figured it out listening to the “forwards’ version though!

  • Timothy Connelly

    10/11/2018 at 12:48

    Rudolf wins techno wizard of the tri-millennium for placing the whisper on backwards to begin with.

    Great job, Mona and Lisa in dispensing clues!

  • Steve

    10/11/2018 at 13:50

    I think I know what they’re saying.  So without coming right out and saying it, here’s another clue for you all: 11/22/68.

  • Lior

    10/11/2018 at 17:35


    Thank you Mona for the answer and thanks

    to all the fans for solving the mystery…:-)

    I remember when I was young we used to stop

    the White Album record from turning at the end of

    “I’m so tired” and turn it backward with our hand,

    trying to understand if John really saying:

    “Paul is dead now, miss him, miss him, miss him…”

    Of course today almost every mp3 player has the reverse playing option…

    so it is much more easy to try…

    Thank you MLT family for sending us back to great times of music and spirit…



  • Rick Ross

    09/11/2018 at 14:55
    1. Unless I Severely miss my guess, it’s Mona and Lisa whispering together.
    2. I do love this mystery though I have a pretty good idea as to what is said.

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