MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Great Covers by Obscure Artists

  • David Herrick

    14/07/2023 at 02:15

    I just found this group on YouTube. They’ve posted about a dozen Beatles covers, all of very high quality.

    • Steve Kirk

      14/07/2023 at 14:54

      This is very good!! I’m checking these guys out… German? Thanks for this

    • Tom Fones

      14/07/2023 at 14:56

      Very nice!

    • David Herrick

      14/07/2023 at 17:10

      Yes, Steve, according to the “about” section of their YouTube channel, they’re from Bavaria.

    • Steve Kirk

      14/07/2023 at 17:25

      Thank you David. A good find from you. Really enjoying going through their stuff. They pretty much nail every one

  • Jürgen

    14/07/2023 at 07:28

    Hi Tom, hi folks,

    I have something very special here. The ballad „Seemann“ (Sailor) originally was performed by the band „Rammstein“. This song was then covered by the group „Apocalyptica“, a finnish cello formation, specializing in hard rock and heavy metal. They are supported by the singer Nina Hagen, the German godmother of punk. The result is the following cover version. Why obscure? Well, the song „Seeman“ might be less known, as well as the band „Apocalyptica“ (maybe I’m wrong). Actually no music here for the forum, but I’m sure you can handle it. 😃

    • Tom Fones

      14/07/2023 at 15:02

      Definitely Rammstein like.

      Nina has been around quite a while.

      BTW Juergen –

      Recently at the health club i saw a young man wearing a tee-shirt which said Rammstein

      on the front and … “Sechs herzen die bruennen” on the back – if i have that right.

    • Tom Fones

      14/07/2023 at 15:03
  • Jürgen

    14/07/2023 at 19:32

    Yeah Tom, „Sechs Herzen die brennen“ (six hearts that are burning) inspired by Rammstein’s 2001 song “Mein Herz brennt” (my heart is burning). Rammstein is still quite active, unlike Nina Hagen, around whom things have become very quiet. As you rightly said, she’s been around for a long time. By the way, Nina’s full name is Catharina. She had her first commercial success in 1974 with the song „Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen“ (You forgot the color film). A nice parody of German holiday culture. At that time she was still living in the former GDR.

    Most recently, Nina Hagen was involved in an interesting project together with her daughter Cosma Shiva Hagen (and that brings me back to the topic). It was called “Rilke Project”, named after the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke (born in Prague in 1875 and died in Montreux/Switzerland in 1926). In German-speaking countries, Rilke enjoys great popularity because of his poetry and is considered one of the most important poets of modern literature. I don’t know if he’s well known in English-speaking countries (but it doesn’t matter). The “Rilke Project” consists of a group of German artists and actors who have tried to interpret Rilke’s literary works in a musical way. So they tried to create a musical cover version of his lyrics (phew, and that brings us back to “great covers”).

    This transformation sounds like this, for example: „Liebes Lied” (Lovesong ). The poem „Liebes Lied” by Rainer Maria Rilke deals with the question of which higher power controls our feelings, especially the feeling of love for another person. I have attached the original text and tried to translate it into English, which may not always make sense, since Rilke uses a very old-fashioned German (also I don’t know what gender the word „soul“ has in English. In German it is feminine. So I used „she“ in the translation)

    PS: sorry that the post is so long. But I find the idea of putting classical poetry into music very interesting and beautiful.

    Rainer Maria Rilke: „Liebes-Lied“

    Wie soll ich meine Seele halten

    das sie nicht an deine rührt?

    Wie soll ich sie hinheben

    über dich zu anderen Dingen?

    Ãœber dich zu anderen Dingen

    Doch alles was uns anrührt

    Dich und mich

    Nimmt uns zusammen

    wie ein Bogenstrich

    Der aus zwei Saiten eine Stimme zieht

    O süßes Lied, O süßes Lied

    Meine Seele

    Ach gerne möchte ich sie bei irgendwas

    Verlorenem im Dunkel unterbringen

    an einer fremden stillen Stelle

    die nicht weiter schwingt

    wenn deine Tiefen schwingen

    wenn deine Tiefen schwingen

    Doch alles, was uns anrührt

    dich und mich

    nimmt uns zusammen wie ein Bogenstrich

    der aus zwei Saiten eine Stimme zieht.

    O süßes Lied

    Auf welches Instrument sind wir gespannt?

    Und welcher Geiger hat uns in der Hand?


    How am I supposed to hold my soul

    that she doesn’t touch yours?

    How am I supposed to raise her

    about you to other things?

    about you to other things?

    But everything that touches us

    You and me

    brings us together

    like a bow stroke

    that forms a voice from two strings

    O sweet song, O sweet song

    my soul

    O I would like to place it

    with something lost in the dark

    in a strange quiet place

    which does not swing any further

    when your depths swing

    when your depths swing

    But everything that touches us

    you and me

    brings us together like a bow stroke

    that forms a voice from two strings.

    O sweet song

    On which instrument we are stretched?

    And which violinist holds us in hand?

    • Tom Fones

      14/07/2023 at 22:51

      I have definitely heard of Rainer Maria Rilke but i did not know anything about him.

      it’s “la alma” in Spanish – feminine – but it’s “the soul” in English. We have no gender for

      anything except people and animals.

    • Tom Fones

      14/07/2023 at 22:55

      “It” is the neuter subject and object article.

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