• Great French Songs

    Posted by David on 21/08/2020 at 23:36

    When I saw the Françoise Hardy album lying on the floor with you in the photo you posted on your “Any Questions About Our Musical Influences ?- Q&A Form”, it struck me how long its been since  I last listened to her. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed her evocative, incredibly beautiful songs. Thanks for the reminder.  I can easily see why you would count her as one of the artists who has influenced your work. What a phenomenon she is.

    Here is just one of her gems:


    The house where I grew up

    When I turn to my memories
    I see again the house where I grew up
    A million thoughts come back to me:
    I see roses in a garden
    There, where the trees used to live,
    now the city is there
    and the house, the flowers I loved so much, no longer exists
    they knew how to laugh, all my friends
    they knew so well how to take part in my games
    but everything must come to an end in life
    and i had to leave, tears in my eyes
    my friends ask me “why do you cry?”
    and “traveling the world is better than staying.
    You’ll find everything here you cannot see,
    an entire city that sleeps at night under the lights”
    When I left this part of my childhood,
    I knew already that I was leaving my heart
    All of my friends envied my luck,
    but i still think of their happiness,
    of the carefree way that made them laugh
    and it seems that I hear myself telling them:
    “I’ll come back one day, one fine morning amid your laughter,
    yes, one day I’ll take the first train of memory”.
    Time passes and here I am again,
    searching in vain for the house I loved.
    Where are the stones, where are the roses,
    all of the things I held dear?
    Of them and of me, no trace remains.
    Other people, other houses have stolen their place.
    There, where the trees lived, now the city is there
    and the house, where is the house where I grew up?
    I don’t know where my house is,
    the house where I grew up.
    Where is my house?
    Who knows where my house is?
    My house, where is my house?
    Who knows where my house is?

    Howard replied 4 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • David

    22/08/2020 at 00:09

    Jacques Brel- Ne Me Quitte Pas.

    This incredible song shatters me. The pain, the emotion!


    Don’t Leave Me

    Don’t leave me.
    We can forget
    Everything can be forgotten
    Look, it’s gone already
    Forget the time
    the misunderstandings
    & the moments lost
    We must know how
    Forget those hours
    Which killed at times
    With each thrust of why
    The heart of happiness
    Don’t leave me now

    Me, I’ll  offer you pearls of rain
    That comes from a place
    Where rain never falls
    I will mine the earth until the day I die
    To cover your body in light and gold
    I’ll make a place for us
    Where love is king
    Love is law
    And you are queen.
    Don’t leave me.

    Don’t leave me
    I’ll invent for you
    Nonsense words
    That you’ll understand
    I’ll speak to you
    Of those lovers there
    Who have seen two times
    their hearts all ablaze
    I’ll recount for you
    The story of that king
    Dead for not having
    the chance to meet you
    Don’t leave me

    How often has the fire of an old volcano
    Erupting, burn the land
    Then in that place more wheat grows than in the best April

    And when evening comes
    So that the sky is ablaze

    The black and the red
    Can the night be brilliant without both?
    Don’t leave me.

    Don’t leave me
    I’ll no longer cry
    I’ll no longer speak
    I’ll hide right here
    Just to look at you
    Watch you dance and smile
    And listen to you
    As you sing and laugh
    Let me become
    The shadow of your shadow
    The shadow of your hand
    The shadow of your dog

    Don’t Leave Me

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 00:27

    Charles Aznavour –  Emmenez Moi


    Around the docks, where burden and boredom
    bend my back down
    here come the ships their bellies heavy
    with fruits.
    They come from all over the world
    bringing along
    vagabond  ideas
    tinged with blue skies
    and mirages

    trailing a peppery scent
    of unknown countries
    and everlasting summers
    where people live half-naked
    on the beaches.

    I who saw nothing all my life
    but the northern sky
    would like to wash this grayness
    going about.

    Carry me away all over the world
    Carry me away to wonderland
    It seems that misery
    would be less hard under the sun

    In the bars at dusk
    with the sailors
    as we talk about girls and love
    with a glass in hand

    I loose my sense
    and suddenly my thoughts
    carry me away,
    on a wonderful summer day,
    to the shore

    where I see love, arms outstretched
    running madly to meet me
    and I throw my arms
    around my dream

    As bars close and sailors
    go back on board
    I still dream till morning,
    awake in the harbour

    Carry me away all over the world
    Carry me away to wonderland
    It seems that misery
    would be less hard under the sun

    One glorious day, on an old tub creaking
    from hull to deck
    to earn my leave I’ll work
    at the boilers.

    Following the road that leads
    to my childhood dreams,
    on faraway islands,
    where nothing matters
    but living,

    where languid girls
    capture your heart?,
    or so I’ve been told, by weaving
    flower necklaces

    I’ll run away, leaving my past
    with no remorse whatsoever
    with no luggage and a free heart
    singing ever so loudly

    Carry me away all over the world
    Carry me away to wonderland
    It seems that misery
    would be less hard under the sun

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 00:59

    Francis Cabrel –  Je t’aimais, je t’aime,Je t’aimerai


    My naked child  on the rocks
    The wind in your undone hair
    Like spring on my journey
    A diamond fallen from a box
    Only the light could
    Undo our secret landmarks
    Where my fingers caught on your wrists
    I loved you, I love you and I will love you

    Whatever you to do
    Love is everywhere you look
    In every nook and cranny
    In the smallest dream where you linger
    Love as if it was raining
    Naked on on the pebbles

    the sky claims it knows you
    It is so beautiful, that its surely true
    it that never comes close
    I saw it  caught in your nets.

    the world has so many regrets
    So many things that we  promise

    there is only one for whom I was made

    I loved you, I love you and I will love you

    Whatever you do
    Love is everywhere you look
    In every nook and cranny
    In the smallest dream where you linger
    Love as if it was raining
    Naked on the pebbles

    We will  fly away from the same dock
    Our  eyes in the same reflections
    For this life and the one after that
    You will be my only project

    I’m going to hang your portraits
    On all the ceilings of all the palaces
    On all the walls that I will find
    And just below, I will write

    That only the light could….

    and my fingers caught  on your wrists
    I loved you, I love you, I will love you

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 01:37

    From Quebec

    Mes Aïeux -Dégénérations



    Your great-great-grandfather, he cleared the land

    Your great-grandfather, he worked the land

    And then your grandfather, he made the land profitable

    And then your father sold it, to become a civil servant

    And you young boy , you don’t know what to do

    In your tiny one-bedroom apartment, way too expensive and cold in the winter

    You get urges to become a land-owner yourself

    And you dream at night, of having your own little plot of land

    Your great-great-grandmother, she had fourteen children

    Your great-grandmother, had nearly as many

    And then your grandmother decided three was enough

    And then your mother wanted none, you were an accident

    And you young lady, you change partners all the time

    When you do something stupid, you get out of it  with an abortion

    But sometimes in the morning, you wake up in tears

    After you’ve dreamed at night, of a large table surrounded by children

    Your great-great-grandfather, lived in dire misery

    Your great-grandfather, only had pennies

    And then your grandfather, a miracle! He became a millionaire

    And then your father inherited it, he put it all in RRSPs (Retirement Savings Plans)

    And you youngsters, owe your butts to the  government

    No way to get a loan from any bank

    To resist the urge to commit robbery

    You read books that talk about voluntary simplicity

    Your great-great-grandparents, they knew how to party

    Your great-grandparents, were swinging hard  at parties

    And your grandparents, knew the  yeah,  yeah period

    Your parents had the disco,  thats where they met

    And you my friend, how are you spending you evenings?

    Turn off your TV, you shouldn’t stay stuck inside

    Fortunately, in life, certain things refuse to change

    Put on your nicest clothes… Because tonight we’re going dancing

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 02:19

    Also from Quebec.

    Les Cowboys Fringants РLes ̩toiles filantes


    The falling stars

    If I stop for a moment
    To talk to you about life
    Just like that, peacefully
    In a bar on St-Denis street ( a street in Montreal with lots of bars and night clubs)

    I would tell you the memories
    Well etched into my memory
    At that time when aging
    Was still illusional

    When I was annoying little girls
    Not far from the swings
    And my bag of marbles
    was a real treasure

    And those snowy winters
    Building igloos
    And coming home with frozen feet
    Just in time for Passe-Partout ( An old Quebec children’s  tv show like sesame street)

    But at the end of the road, tell me what will remain
    From the small school and the playground
    Where  the paper planes don’t fly through the wind anymore
    We tell ourselves that good times finally  pass away

    Like a falling star

    If I stop for a moment
    To talk to you about life
    I realize  that often
    We don’t choose but we submit
    And the dreams of small bums
    vanish or are repressed
    In this crude reality
    That puts us into the mold

    The thirties, the potbelly
    The brats, the mortgage
    The happiness and the sorrows
    The good moves and the failures

    Work, do  your best
    don’t tear out, get out
    And hope to be a little happy before dying

    But at the end of the road tell me what will remain
    Of our little passage in this wild  world ?
    After existing to win time
    We’ll tell ourselves that  we were after all

    Just falling stars

    If I stop for a moment
    To talk to you about life
    Just like that peacefully
    Not far from St-Louis square (a  park in an old run down part of Montreal)
    It’s because with you I feel good
    And I don’t want to worry anymore
    Cause you know looking too far
    Is not better than looking back

    Despite the old bitterness
    And the loves that pass by
    The friends we loose in the fog
    And the ideals that break down

    Life hangs on and is reborn
    As springtime come back
    In a breath of fresh air
    That soothes the broken hearts

    So if tonight if you want to stay
    With me the night is calm & we can walk
    And even if everything lasts  only for a short time
    I’d like you to be here for a moment

    My falling star

    But at the end of the road  tell me what will remain
    But at the end of the road  tell me what will remain

    only falling stars…

  • Jung Roe

    22/08/2020 at 09:06

    David, Francois Hardy sounds great!  I haven’t had a lot of exposure to French music, but in high school French 8 class our teacher often played French pop music, and had us sing along to the lyrics in French.  That was the best part of the class.   I can’t remember all the artists, but one that I do is Nana Mouskouri.  Really enjoyed them.  These bring back those memories, thanks!

  • Jung Roe

    22/08/2020 at 09:31

    Mes Aïeux has a kind of celtic and gypsy flair to the music, cool!

    I liked Francis Cabrel too, a nice new age feel to it.

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 10:04

    Thanks for your reply Jung, I had a French class like that too in junior high. I found the class tough, the music our teacher played us was the only thing that I liked.

    I like Nana Mouskouri as well. She has an incredible voice and wow is she ever versatile. She speaks many languages fluently. I think she is Greek but you would’t know it when she sings in French.

    Celtic music was & I think still is very popular here. I really like bands like Mes Aïeux & Les Cowboys Fringants for their mix of old folkloric music and biting modern  lyrics. They are great musicians too. Many Irish Catholics emigrated to Quebec in the 17 00’s & 1800s and they made a huge cultural impact particularly through music that is still felt today. Many people here have English last names but they may hardly speak English at all.

    I really like Francis Cabrel as well  What beautiful romantic lyrics. He has had a long career & wrote many incredibly great songs.

  • David

    22/08/2020 at 16:40

    Here is one of Françoise Hardy’s most well known songs:


  • David

    22/08/2020 at 16:43

    Here is a great cover of Amy Winehouse’s You Know I’m No Good by a popular  singer song writer from Montreal named Coeur De Pirate:


  • Howard

    23/08/2020 at 05:58

    Hmm! Why do I think of this song?

    Tar and Cement – Verdelle Smith


    The town I came from was quiet and small
    We played in the meadows where the grass grew so tall
    In summer the lilacs would grow everywhere
    The laughter of children would float in the air

    As I grew older I had to roam
    Far from my family, far from my home
    Into the city, where lives can be spent
    Lost in the shadows of tar and cement.

    And every night I’d sit alone and learn
    What loneliness meant
    Up in my rented room above the world
    Of tar and cement.

    Each day I’d wake up and look at the sky
    Think of the meadows where I used to lie
    Then I’d remember all of that’s gone
    You’re in the city, you better push on
    Get what you came for, before it’s too late
    Get what you came for, the meadows can wait.

    And every night I’d sit alone and learn
    What loneliness meant
    Up in my rented room above the world
    Of tar and cement.

    Many years later, tired at last
    I headed for home to look for my past
    I looked for the meadows, there wasn’t a trace
    Six lanes of highway had taken their place
    Where were the lilacs and all that they meant
    Nothing but acres of tar and cement.
    Yet I can see it there so clearly now
    Where has it gone?
    Yes I can see it there so clearly now
    Where has it gone?

    Where are the meadows? (tar and cement)
    Where are the lilacs? (tar and cement)
    And where is the tall grass? (tar and cement)
    The laughter of children? (tar and cement)
    Nothing but acres (tar and cement)
    Acres and acres

  • David

    23/08/2020 at 06:30

    Howard, what a great song. Thanks for posting it. At first I thought that Verdelle Smith took Hardy’s  song changed the lyrics and made her own English version. But no, originally it was an Italian song by Adriano Celentano, Luciano Beretta and Miki Del Prete.

    Here is the English translation of the original Italian song:

    The Boy From Gluck Street
    this is the story
    of one of us.
    and this boy, by chance, was born in Via Gluck.
    in a house outside the city
    where people are quiet and hardworking

    Where there was grass, now there is
    a city
    and that house
    in the middle of green fields, by now?
    where can it be?

    this boy from Via Gluck
    he enjoyed playing with me
    but one day he said to me
    “I’m going to the city”
    and he was crying while he said it.
    I said “my dear friend
    aren’t you happy?
    you’ll finally live in the city.
    there you can find all the things you don’t have here.
    you can shower without going
    down into the courtyard!”

    My dear friend said to me
    “I was born here,
    in this street
    now I leave my heart.
    How do you not understand
    that you who stay are the lucky ones?
    you can run barefoot through the fields
    while i’m downtown breathing the cement.
    but there will come a time when I return
    back here
    and i’ll hear my friend, the train
    that whistles like so:
    ‘wa wa!'”

    The years pass
    and 8 years is a long time.
    Though the boy has come a long way
    he does not forget his first house.
    now, with the money to buy it
    he returns, but doesn’t find the friends he had
    just house on top of house
    asphalt and cement
    Where there was grass, now there is
    a city
    and that house
    in the middle of green fields, by now?
    where can it be?

    Ehi, Ehi,

    La la la… la la la la la…

    Eh no,
    I don’t know, i don’t know why
    why they continue
    to build houses
    and they don’t leave any grass
    they don’t leave any grass
    they don’t leave any grass
    they don’t leave any grass

    Eh no,
    if we are progressing like this, who knows
    how we will end up
    who knows…

    Here is a video of Hardy singing the original Italian version:


  • Howard

    23/08/2020 at 06:56

    Adriano Celentano — (1966) IRagazzo Della Via Gluck (TarAnd Cement)


  • Howard

    23/08/2020 at 06:57

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