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  • Tom Fones

    08/04/2023 at 17:29
  • Tim Arnold

    09/04/2023 at 18:13

    In 2016 (after thirty five years of singing) AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson had to quit mid-tour or risk total hearing loss. Guns and Roses singer Axl Rose volunteered to finish the tour and did a remarkable job despite breaking his foot along the way. An epic job of “pinch hitting”.

    • Jung Roe

      10/04/2023 at 01:20

      Hi Tim

      Well Axle did an awesome job, I think Brian Johnson would have been proud of that performance. Speaking of risking hearing loss, when they lower that cannon for “For Those About To Rock”, you want to cover your ears! My ears rang all night. I saw them live in Toronto in 1985, and what a show.

    • Tim Arnold

      10/04/2023 at 04:24

      Thanks for the comment Jung. Yeah, I can’t imagine being exposed to that noise level for 35 years. From what I know Brian thought his career was over and was quite depressed. He was able to get help through some experimental procedures by a Doctor from Denver. Quite an ordeal I guess but was eventually able to rejoin the band. Very cool that you seen them play live. I’ve been a fan for many years but never have seen them live.

    • Jung Roe

      10/04/2023 at 04:55

      Hi Tim

      That’s great to hear Brian Johnson was able to get his hearing treated to return to the band. I suppose hearing loss can be a job hazard for musicians, especially in rock bands. I asked MLT a while back how they deal with the loud sounds and protect their hearing. Lisa provided a really in depth and insightful response here, if you want to read it. An interesting device the “in-ear monitors” originally devised by Eddie Van Halen. Lisa mentioned Mona wore one in the Cavern performance.

      I’ve been a big fan of AC/DC too, and while I never really got into heavy metal, AC/DC is unique and their hypnotic rhythmic guitar sounds I find just irresistible.

    • Tim Arnold

      10/04/2023 at 06:10

      Hi Jung. It looks like you guys have covered this topic in the past. I’m sure it’s even more of an issue in the heavier Rock n Roll bands. Interesting reading Lisa’s explanation. I knew about why they use monitor speakers facing each of the musicians but didn’t know about the spacing of musicians and monitors on the bigger stages. Makes sense. I believe the Beatles may have been the first band to use monitors because they said the first big arena shows the did that they couldn’t hear themselves over the crowd. I see quite a few bands using the ear monitors also now. My brother Tom played in clubs and bars for many years and suffered from hearing loss because of it. He compensated for it by just turning his amp up louder. Obviously not a good solution. Interesting topic. I think I liked AC/DC more in the early days with Bon Scott on vocals. They were more of a raw and raunchy Rock n Roll band. I do like a lot of their stuff with Brian though, Back In Black album and Black Ice album are my favorites. It’s still great Rock n Roll but much louder.

  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2023 at 01:13


    Some great keyboard work in Light My Fire. Looks like an organ was employed in it.

    “The Vox Continental organ was what I played with my right hand and the Fender keyboard bass with my left hand.” It was Manzarek’s interpretation of Bach — with that right hand — that launched The Doors’ first hit, “Light My Fire,” in 1967.May 21, 2013 – NPR

    • Tom Fones

      10/04/2023 at 04:58


      thanks for the info about concert volume.

      I am happy Lisa et al are on top of this.


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