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  • Greatest Beatles Guitar Moments

    Posted by Jung Roe on 06/04/2021 at 03:29

    Greatest Beatles guitar songs

    In one article I came across, it lists these Beatles songs as the greatest Beatles guitar moments.
    For me from all I’ve heard, I would put it at While My Guitar Gently Weeps, And Your Bird Can Sing tied as maybe their best, and Hey Bulldog nipping at the heals because MLTs version at the Cavern just rocks!!!.
    What do y’all think!

    1..The End
    2..While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    4..Here Comes The Sun
    6..A Hard Days Night
    7..And Your Bird Can Sing
    8..I’m Only Sleeping
    9..I Want You
    Just listen to Lisa’s lead in on the Gretsch, such awesome guitar sounds she makes, and then Mona joins in with the Rickenbacker sounding so cool, and then the bass comes in. Such wonderful guitar work by all throughout, with great drumming and a big “yeah!!!”, and of course those incomparable vocals top it all off! Kudos to all, brilliant musicianship.

    In the Beatles studio version of Hey Bulldog, there is some debate as to who actually played the lead guitar, George or Paul? Or John? Or Ringo? Or Pete Best? Thoughts?

    David Herrick replied 3 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    06/04/2021 at 06:25

    All those on the list you posted definitely belong there, but for now I can just say that for my money one of my favorites is “I Want You.” The intro alone is worth the inclusion. Some of the solos are just plain Clapton-worthy. And it’s all so groundbreaking.

    Second place would probably go to “Norwegian Wood.” I also like the Dylanesque “Her Majesty”. Very short, but great guitar. “Here Comes the Sun” for sure. I’m very surprised that “Rain” wasn’t on the list. Brilliant guitar work! And lastly, while not really a guitar song, in terms of my favorite lick, it would have to go to the opening and closing lick that repeats itself throughout “In My Life”. So simple but so beautiful.

  • Jung Roe

    06/04/2021 at 07:01

    Roger, on I Want You, in that heavy melancholic guitar riff, I can feel some Beethoven Moonlight Sonata. This must be the song as the story goes, Yoko was playing Moonlight sonata on the piano and John really dug the sound and incorporated the piano melody in one of his songs. I’m surprised Norwegian Wood is not in this list, and yeah agree Rain has some great guitar work in that. In My Life has some very beautiful guitar sounds, in the same realm as And I Love Her for me. George’s magic.

  • Thomas Randall

    06/04/2021 at 15:05

    “And your bird can sing” and “Here comes the Sun” immediately come to mind for me. “Hard days night” and “Help”. I could be here awhile if I don’t stop now.

  • Tom Fones

    06/04/2021 at 16:07

    You guys know that it really was Clapton on While My Guitar Gently Weeps – right?

    I vote for Taxman. I mean the song.

  • Michael Thompson

    06/04/2021 at 22:12

    I like Georges guitar work on “Everybody’s Trying to be My Baby” I’d also add “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” to the mix.

  • David Herrick

    07/04/2021 at 01:05

    Since the guitar is pretty much the default sound of rock and roll, what tends to get my attention about a song is when an instrument other than a guitar gets to shine. That being said, the Beatle guitar part that I find the most striking is the long solo in the middle of Something. If guitars were sentient beings, I think that’s what they would sound like when they talked.

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