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  • Green Light a Cover

    Posted by Dale Harris on 04/01/2021 at 21:22

    I conducted a search to see whether my question had already been addressed at some point, and I concluded “sort of”, so I apologize if this is redundant but I think I’m looking for something a bit more specific:  I was wondering how the artistic decision is made to go ahead with a cover, since time and logistics factor into the recording of any song.  Is it perhaps the impact the song had when originally released, or is it more the effect a song had on you that tips the scale to the “let’s cover this” side?  Or something else entirely?

    Jeffery Ohlwine replied 3 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/01/2021 at 21:23

    I’d say that the most important factor is that we have to really like the song. Nearly all the songs we’ve covered, really mean something to us. There is always something about the composition, the song’s meaning, lyrics, sound or its ties to our own life story that makes us choose a song.
    We generally don’t cover things we’re not really into, even if we think they would do well on YouTube for example.

    A song has to work well for our voices, our style and whatever concept or project we’re currently working on (Duo Sessions, a new Beatles compilation CD, a homage or Birthday present to someone, etc.). If they are popular songs that could potentially gain us new fans by doing well on YouTube, that is just an added bonus. But actually, if we learnt one thing it is that there is no way to really predict how well a song is going to do. We’ve had “popular” songs doing rather poorly (in terms of views) while more obscure songs got loads more clicks. There really is no foolproof recipe.

    So in summary, it’s songs we love, we can play well and songs we either think we can give an interesting twist or cover in a way that we don’t lose any of its original beauty. At least that’s what we’re always trying to do 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    08/01/2021 at 03:46

    What an interesting question Dale, and loved reading your response and insight into your approach Lisa!  One of the things I find personally when it comes to your covers is that often times it’s those lesser known gems you do that I end up really enjoying a ton.  For example on the latest Live at the Cavern Club album, songs like Hey Bull Dog, She’s A Woman, Lazy Sunday, Kansas City, not that the popular well known ones aren’t absolutely awesome too like Please Mr Postman and My Generation.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/01/2021 at 03:37

    Great question and response! I think it’s awesome that the songs need to have meaning to you for you to cover them. It’s also gracious of you to let us fans make suggestions, as it makes us feel important to you in a way. It’s just as important that you never feel obligated to any degree to cover something that doesn’t speak to you in order to appease us. The end product of a cover you don’t feel ???? behind probably wouldn’t satisfy you. I, for one, couldn’t be happier with the variety you’ve covered, not to mention your originals! Now….when the heck are you gonna cover some ELO or Wilburys? ????????????????

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