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  • Greetings from Canada

    Posted by Timothy Augustine on 22/06/2021 at 00:27

    I like Tim, rather than Timothy, and I have post a picture of me on my profile. I first heard about Mona and Lisa on YouTube, I think “That’s Life” was the first song I first heard.

    I live in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada 85 KM Northeast of Toronto there’s not a lot to to do in Lindsay if you are a teen, but there are a few pubs to go if older. I have been to both Austria and the UK I’ve been to Salzburg ( Amadeus Mozart’s birthplace in Old Salzburg), and I have been to Wales and Bath, UK.

    I like Status Quo they use a lot of guitar in their videos that I have seen on YouTube

    The only concerts I have been to are a Supertramp concert and I have met Chuck Berry once before after a fifties retro concert, he liked the leather hat that I was wearing and said “Hey, I like that hat” I thanked him and then my parents and I saw him again in his limo getting a milkshake (no big deal).

    I am learning to play the guitar, and scuba dive, been to Cuba and the Dutch Antilles Island of Bonaire. (2X) Und Ich sprache eine bisschen Deutsch.

    Thank you

    Tim Augustine

    Rudolf Wagner replied 3 years ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    22/06/2021 at 03:17

    Well, Gidday Eh!?… Welcome to here, Hi there Tim, greetings from Ottawa way????????????… awesome to see another MLT Canucker fan on here, nice to meet you. Though, I’ve never been to Lindsay, my late uncle has family there, and my cousins, late aunt, uncle went there to visit them often. My relatives live in Oakville. Do enjoy yourself here, plenty to see, do, looking forward to your postings.

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2021 at 16:15

    Hi Tim, welcome to the Club. it’s always so nice to meet another fellow Canadian here.

    You met Chuck Berry, wow one of the greats of rock and roll!

    In the 80s I lived in Unionville/Markham for a few years and remember seeing this highway sign post, Lindsay 80KM on the old Hwy 7. So just out of curiosity took a drive out that way on a weekend. If memory serves it was quite a beautiful drive through small towns littered along the quaint highway route, and Lindsay was a nice beautiful little town. Remember stopping in a little elegant Victorian coffee/sandwich place for lunch there before heading back.

    Hope you have a great time here exploring all the wonderful MLT content and music. 🙂

  • Timothy Augustine

    22/06/2021 at 19:04

    In the 80’s, it was a safe place to grow up, Lindsay is now an urban jungle almost and now we have a super jail.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    25/06/2021 at 02:03

    Hi Tim,

    Welcome to one of the koolest clubs on the web. You are just in time. MLT is working on a new album of originals. As a member of the club, we sometimes get to hear new stuff before it is released. Have you checked out Janitor Joe? Their latest original. It’s awesome.

    This site is a lot like Disney World. It’s tons of fun, but you can’t see it all in one day. I have been here for a year now, and I am still finding new stuff.

    I live in upstate New York in the Catskills, the home of Rip Van Winkle. We have some nice ski areas around here, too.

    Looking forward to your posts and stay groovy!


  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/09/2021 at 15:46

    Hi Tim,

    Please forgive us for our very late reply, we completely overlooked your message and the time and I only just found it buried in the forum.

    So a belated “Welcome” and “Thank you” from both of us, we appreciate that you’re here and hope you have been enjoying your time in the MLT Club so far.

    We love the Chuck Berry story and it seems like you’ve done quite a lot of travelling over the years! 🙂

    Groovy greetings to Lindsay from both of us!
    Mona & Lisa

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