MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Greetings from France.

  • Greetings from France.

    Posted by Angelo on 02/05/2019 at 20:08

    Hello to Mona, Lisa and all MLT members.

    Let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Angelo. I am of Italo-Franco-Germanic origin, I grew up in Belgium and nowadays I live in France, in the Alps. I am an dabbler guitarist and guitar lover for 40 years .. I’m a fan of the Beatles (the very first song I learned was “Yesterday”). I am also a fan of Austria and Gretsch guitars. Recently, by searching on YouTube, a tutorial to play “drive my car”, I came across Mona and Lisa videos and I immediately fell in love with their talents as musicians, singers, and actresses, in front of so much beauty , joy of life and enthusiasm. I see that I am not alone in sharing this feeling and I am very happy for them that we are so numerous. Besides, I would also especially like to congratulate their father for the way he raised his daughters and supported them in their project. Not all fathers have daughters like them, but not all daughters have a father like him either. Your family is an amazing team. Congratulations Mona and Lisa, keep on producing happiness and sharing it as you do. Greetings. Angelo

    Angelo replied 4 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    02/05/2019 at 21:29

    Hi /Bonjour /Bourjourno Angelo and comme on ca va /Come est sti/ How are you?!… Welcome to here .. Enjoy ?✌️☮️

  • Howard

    02/05/2019 at 22:39

    Welcome to the club Angelo. You are in good company here.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/05/2019 at 23:57

    Bonjour, Ciao, Hallo and Welcome, Angelo!

    What a fun mix of cultural backgrounds in just one person, we loved your introduction! We want to say a big welcome and even bigger thank you for entering the virtual walls of this humble abode, the MLT Club.

    “Drive My Car” has introduced a lot of new people to our music recently, and we’re so glad you were amongst them and decided to click on the next video and the next … until you ended up here 😉

    Our dad and step-mum just read your message too, and we all appreciate what you said about us.

    Lots of peace, love and groovy greetings from Liverpool to the beautiful Alps!

  • Stephen Krogh

    06/05/2019 at 05:18

    Greetings and welcome Angelo! Thank you for your wonderful intro and sharing your compliments to the Wagner family. So well said!

  • Jung Roe

    06/05/2019 at 05:41

    A warm welcome Angelo.  It sounds like you live in a wonderfully beautiful place, the French Alps!  It’s great to have you here!

  • Angelo

    19/09/2019 at 10:25

    As I introoduced myself upon arrival, I write these few words to greet all members of the forum who welcomed me, answered, and encouraged my posts. I also greet guitar enthusiasts, silent readers and of course all the wonderful team of MLTs who have been so cooperative in answering my tedious questions. I’m leaving the Fan Club because after about 5 months of discoveries of  beautiful old images and past stories which just make me regret having come too late ,I must say that finally what interests me most is to hear them sing and play and also I would like to allocate the 12 $ to other young talents. I will though remain attentive to any production of MLTs. I will not fail to buy all future CDs and attend future concerts.

    Farewell to all.

  • Howard

    19/09/2019 at 11:06

    Hi Angelo. It’s been nice knowing you. Sorry to see you go so soon. It’s not too late to reconsider. The end of the year is a very interesting time in the Club. Last year the MLT team produced their excellent Advent Calendar that included something special every day from December 1 until Christmas day and this year I am expecting them to bring out their new album, so it will be a very exciting time to be a member of the Club.

    • Angelo

      19/10/2019 at 07:49

      Hello Howard,

      Yes, you guessed it, I did not leave for a long time. I would have a service to ask you, as an Australian, nothing extraordinary and directly related to my interest in MLTs. You already guess what it will be … Since the forum does not provide for direct exchange between members, here is my email address
      Can you get back to me, please? Still today if possible.

      Thank you and greetings


  • Jung Roe

    19/09/2019 at 16:07

    Hi Angelo.  It was nice to meet you here and enjoyed your valuable input at the Club, and hope to see you again online in future MLT correspondence.  For me the Club has always been a great way to help support Mona and Lisa in their music creation journey, and not an end in itself as an entertainment  service.  The content  MLT provide and the opportunity to interact with Mona and Lisa directly and the fellowship with other fans is top notch.

    New music and album creation at the high quality MLT  do them is time consuming and I’m glad we have the Club to be able to support them through.

    • Jacki Hopper

      19/09/2019 at 18:54

      Hi Angelo : I’m sad that you’re leaving us on here but I have enjoyed meeting you on here, all your postings, etc. I hope you will pop in now and then in future to let us know how you are…. Best wishes and indeed keep on MLTBuzzing Groovy…

  • John Behle

    21/10/2019 at 16:44

    Hi Angelo,

    I’ve really enjoyed your posts and presence here.  I especially like having those around like yourself with musical talent and tales.  I enjoy checking in here to learn and to see what’s new with my two favorite artists (and family).  There are lots of talented people out there and plenty in my local area, but to me there is something very unique about Mona and Lisa.  Their fans and friends are pretty cool people too. I’m very sad to see you go, but hope we can see more of you as time goes on.  Take Care.   – John

  • Angelo

    21/10/2019 at 21:32

    Thank you John, actually I’m back but I’ll remain very discreet. Still concerned about the MLTs’s guitar though, asking a question now and then. Greetings.

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