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  • Gretsch electric guitar question

    Posted by Jung Roe on 25/01/2020 at 19:40

    Hi Mona and Lisa

    Greetings and hope you are both having a great start to the new decade!

    I have a guitar question for you Lisa.

    You mentioned the Gretsch Duo Jet is your favorite electric guitar. In some of the videos like “Baby Mine”, and in other videos like “You Can’t Do That”, and the recent “Drive My Car” video from your last show at the Cavern, you also used the all black Gretsch electric guitar. By the way, your guitar riffs in Drive My Car sounded just superb, really stood out! What Gretsch model is that? How does that compare to the Duo Jet in terms of playability, sound, performance etc? In the studio recordings when you do an electric guitar lead part, do you prefer to use one over the other? Has it displaced the Duo Jet as your favorite live performance weapon, or is the Duo Jet still the king?

    Thanks and warmest wishes to you, and the whole family!  🙂

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/01/2020 at 19:40

    Oh, that’s one and the same guitar 🙂 What might be a bit confusing is that I play it without the pickguard attached – the grey-ish piece of plastic right below the pick-ups. I think it looks cool without, so I removed it, which probably made you think it was a different guitar.

    And to confuse you even more … I recently thought about putting it back on 😉

    We do have other Gretsches … a vintage Tennessean that I only play in the studio and a black Country Gentleman that I played in the “Snow Falls Softly At Night” video for example. It has a beautiful, rich and mellow tone, lots of character too but it’s a bit of a chunky build for me to use as my “everyday” guitar. Which is why I think my Duo Jet is so perfect. It ticks all the boxes!

    Thanks for the question and I hope I solved a mystery here 🙂

  • Michael Rife

    26/01/2020 at 01:51

    Hi Lisa;

    I am not sure if you will circle back around on this question…….but I was under the impression that your Duo Jet was an Electromatic Duo Jet.  Of course, I could be wrong.  Please let me know if you see this.  I have a few of your guitar straps and one is on my Baby Jet because I’m silly that way and the other is on my Rickenbacker…..  Love all your music.  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    26/01/2020 at 02:22

    headsmack Hi Lisa, well now it all makes so much sense!  You would have really confused me if you snuck the pickguard on in the middle of playing.  How did you switch guitars so fast?  🙂

    The Duo Jet sounds like the perfect guitar; and the magic you do with it up on stage!  Those riffs are delightful to the ears!

    Thanks for solving the mystery for me.  Some how I’m glad it is one and the same guitar!  I like it even more!





  • Jacki Hopper

    26/01/2020 at 20:27

    Don’t feel badly Jung, I too hadn’t noticed either… But now looking more intently second time round… We both should of noticed right from getgo…. Lol I guess my eyes are playing tricks on me…. ???????

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