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  • Tom Fones

    08/04/2022 at 23:54


    you are reminding me why i would like to live in Europe for a while.

    The 80s were rough on my soul. Reagan, Max Headroom and Devo.

    Pop country practically took over.

    Europe had it better. No question.

  • Jung Roe

    09/04/2022 at 05:31

    At the ripe age of 21 I thought I had the world and people figured out, and believed I was a righteous dude! But I learned quick enough that is not a good attitude to have, as life has a tendency to show you don’t know everything, and I guess I was due for a few curve balls in my life just to prove that.

    “If you believe in light, it’s because of obscurity, if you believe in joy, it’s because of sadness…”: Some wise words. I don’t think you can truly feel and appreciate how sweet something really is until you’ve seen the flip side of the coin. Enigma had a big impact on me, and when I wasn’t listening to classical in the early 90s, Enigma was the other soundtrack in my life for a while.

    I posted this before, but here it is again.

    Jurgen, I think I can relate to what you said about how certain music/groups at a time in your life can give “a piece of life feeling”. When music can do that, it’s very special. Thanks for the insight into the 80s German music scene. I like all the German pop/rock groups I’ve heard, Falco, Nena, Seeed, and Rio Reiser – Koenig Von Deutschland is a catchy tune, though I don’t know what he is saying.

    • Jürgen

      09/04/2022 at 09:00

      Hi Jung,

      I’ve had to learn over the course of life that you don’t really appreciate certain things in life until you don’t have them anymore, or maybe you don’t have them for a while and then they return (thankfully).

      Things that seem completely self-evident when you are young. It’s a pity that one often becomes aware of this only with increasing age. Or maybe it’s better that way.

      Have you ever thought about what it would be like to travel around in time? ( I’m sure you did, me too). Just a little bit, just to see what awaits us or how your life could develop? Fortunately this does not work in the direction of the future. But in the past you can travel back at any time. Just put the right LP on the turntable and for a short moment you’ll be there again: at the place where your future will be decided. It works almost like in the movie The Time Machine: as long as the rotating disc at the back of the time machine is spinning, you can travel back. When the LP stops spinning, you are again in the here and now 🙂 .

      I like Enigma. The music invites you to dream and relax. Just like pure synthesizer music. This has always fascinated me, because sounds are produced there that have never existed in nature. It always had something of science fiction, a journey into the future. Jean Michel Jarre is such a timeless, fascinating musician for me. Just like Vangelis or the sound pioneers “Kraftwerk”, “Rheingold” and “Tangerine Dream“. I’ve been following the tracks of their music since I was maybe 14 or 15.

      PS: The song “König von Deutschland” (King of Germany) is about what the protagonist would do if he were king (an ironic synonym for chancellor). All kinds of crazy stuff. Also no more nonsensical than what politicians often do, but much funnier.

  • Jung Roe

    09/04/2022 at 05:31


  • Jung Roe

    09/04/2022 at 18:05

    Tom, Jurgen.

    Your theory, Tom, applies to me as well, as the 80s, and early 90s encompass my 20s, and the music scene after my 20s from 95 and beyond certainly had less appeal to me, and I reverted to music from 250 years ago. In regards to the charts, I recall in the 70s and 80s more often than not I found some good new music there, and I could credit the charts to expanding my musical horizon, but the charts today and the last couple decades I think is limiting and conforming, and to your point Jurgen, one needs to move away from the charts there is more to discover.

    I would also add the opinion that with music, it’s evolution over time does not necessarily lead to better or more inspired music, but rather dead end genres. I think pop/rock music hit a renaissance in the 60s and early 70s, and been down hill ever since, much like classical music hit it’s renaissance around the late 1700s and early 1800s with Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Shubert, and Chopin, and been down hill ever since through the 1900s to today, although some would argue the Beatles is classical western music reignited as per Howard Godall’s excellent BBC movie “The Beatles: a musical appreciation and analysis”.

    What the music world needs is another renaissance, and I think MLT are one of it’s foremost pioneers leading it today.

  • Diana Geertsen

    10/04/2022 at 11:20

    I love so many different genres of music (60’s, Rock, Heavy Metal, Country, Classical… just to name a few). Instead of picking a specific group, I’m going to talk about Disco (not a four letter word….it’s five). In the middle 70’s, I have so many fond memories of going out dancing and fell in love with Disco (not the Bee Gees though). One day I’d be at the disco and then the next week find myself sleeping out for AC/DC tickets. I also love Funk. I included a few of my favorites below.

  • Diana Geertsen

    10/04/2022 at 11:21

    I also love R&B. Check out Jill Scott

  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2022 at 19:52

    Hi Diana, some great tunes there, thanks for sharing them. That second video evokes some fond memories too. I remember cranking this one up back in the day on a hot summer night with all the windows rolled down in my mustang heading out to some clubs with some friends. It sure sounded cool with the bass. That was another time, but some fun times.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/04/2022 at 19:53

    Well, for me, I was exposed/influenced by what music my parents , older brothers enjoyed, albums, 8 track-cassette tapes that were played at home, radio stations that were set on at home..UntiI I reached my teen yrs in the 80s…lol… Then I became a Durannie , Glass Tiger fan ( I did meet GT back in 88/89, have known them personally since then, still keep in touch , try to go to Ottawa shows when they come, and have gone to few out of town shows they’ve done, but now, since discovering MLT about 15 yrs ago while in my 40s, now being 53, have added MLT to this “impact on me ” , list as well as with some others who have passed on musically that had an impact on me too , too many to mention all here, but trust me they have in their own ways … ????

  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2022 at 20:01

    I liked Commodore too, they were pretty big back in the 70s, heard them on the radio all the time.

    Here is another one from the early 90s that was big that I liked. George Michael’s “Faith”, and “Father Figure”. The official video might be a bit too steamy for here, so here is the soundtrack only.

    • Diana Geertsen

      12/04/2022 at 08:04

      Jung, It’s so cool that we are the same age and lived through a similar musical journey. I loved Wham! and George Michael (solo). Gotta add a few more. “Every Thing She Wants”, “Where Did Your Heart Go” and Mother’s Pride (so heart wrenching about the loss of life from war). A lot of these songs bring back amazing memories when I worked for Eastern/Continental Airlines and travelled all over the world.

    • Diana Geertsen

      12/04/2022 at 08:06
    • Diana Geertsen

      12/04/2022 at 08:09
    • Jung Roe

      15/04/2022 at 00:15

      Hi Diana. Mother’s Pride is stirring and moving. The first of the 3 videos you posted is not available in my area unfortunately. Wow, that must have been an amazing experience when you worked for the Airlines and traveled all over the world. Sounds like a dream job!

      I can wholeheartedly relate to the amazing feelings songs from the time of Wham brings me. It was 1984, just had a disastrous year at University, and I decided to take a year off that turned into almost 3, left everything I knew in Vancouver and went to Toronto to work and reset my life. I remember the music of those times that bring back amazing memories and feelings I had.

      I remember the day I got on the airplane leaving Vancouver and as the plane took off, I was listening to the onboard music, and Thompson Twins came on playing this song. Whenever I hear this, I can feel every sad and exciting mixed emotions I felt that moment taking off on that plane, for what felt like a new life, new beginnings.

      80s artists like Wham, Thompson Twins, Laura Branigan, Sheena Easton, Tears For Fears, and AC/DC where the soundtrack to my life those 3 years of self discovery and adventure I embarked on in Toronto. It’s amazing how one song or specific artist can trigger volumes of memories and feelings from a time in your life.

  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2022 at 20:11

    Hi Jackie, meeting Glass Tiger is very special, it would be like me meeting the Beach Boys in person. Only thing that could eclipse that is meeting MLT.

    Duran, Duran was huge in the 80s when they hit the music scene I remember. My younger sister I think is around your age and was in highschool in the 80s and remember her telling me about how everyone was into Duran Duran, and the Durannies. She was really into Depeche Mode, and she use to make fun of me that I was a head banger because I liked AC/DC. LOL. 🙂

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