• Grumpy old Person

    Posted by Sara Pattern on 08/12/2022 at 08:11

    I love watching live music shows but my only thing I find slightly annoying is that there is always someone trying to film a song on their mobile phone usually in front of you. Ok if you are taking a quick pic but I being a grumpy old person think that if you are going to watch a live show why look at it through your phone and spoil other peoples view if that’s the case stay at home and buy DVD or watch someone else’s horrible picture quality on you tube. What are others view on this phenomenon or am I really a grumpy old person?

    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 9 months ago 10 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • David Herrick

    08/12/2022 at 15:40

    I agree with you, Sara. I can remember when you were forbidden to bring any recording devices into concerts, and they inspected your bag at the gate. If smart phones hadn’t completely replaced flip phones, perhaps they could reinstate that policy and let everyone enjoy the concert without having their views constantly obstructed by souvenir hunters.

  • Roger Penn

    08/12/2022 at 16:35

    I’m totally with you there. But then, I’m a grumpy old person too. LOL

  • Jürgen

    08/12/2022 at 17:22

    No, you’re definitely not a grumpy old person, Sara. It’s always the question: what is my purpose in attending a live show? If I do this to know which smartphones are currently in fashion, then it’s ok when the person in front of me keeps holding his smartphone up all the time (oh yeah and of course I’m also particularly interested in which ringtones are especially popular at the moment). Otherwise, I see it like you: I enjoy the concert and afterwards watch the shaky videos of the others, or even not. Especially in the cinema, I find it annoying when suddenly somewhere in the auditorium a mobile phone owner creatively illuminates the cinema with his device, or is poking around in his 20 liter popcorn bucket for hours, but now I’m going off topic… 🙂

  • Johnnypee Parker

    08/12/2022 at 17:52

    I agree. I understand the temptation to preserve the moment for down the road, but I can’t see how watching a show through a camera is worth it. And like you said, a lot of them come out pretty crappy.

    I prefer to enjoy the moment. It can be annoying when someone near you is trying to film the show.

    Everyone should just put their hands in the air like they just don’t care.


  • Michael Rife

    08/12/2022 at 21:54

    I agree, Sara. During live shows I try to sit as close to the front as possible to cut down on the cell phones I have to look around or over. I also try to sit on the end of the row to make it somewhat easier to see. My favorite seat is to the right of the musicians (left for us) so I can see what they are doing on their instruments……….fingering on the fret board, etc.

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/12/2022 at 20:38

    Well, let me the instigator here and say, I’m that annoying person… I’m glad we can film/take photos during a live show nowadays ( most venues now allow it, yay !!!!! )… I did in past sneak my camera in, to take photos, only once been confiscated …lol… Sorry to be that annoying person….lol….

    But on the flip side of this coin and annoys me most and always will unfortunately will be someone over 5 feet tall in row in front of me, I’m only 4’6″ -ish tall and when someone tall is in front of me, that ticks me off very much so, what’s the point of going to a show if I can’t see anything because Tall person in front of me, if they block my view for whole show…. I want see/hear and enjoy, not spend evening being blocked of view…. The only good thing is if I get a balcony seat and it’s built with unobstructed view… , the balcony section/seating plan itself, I mean by…. worse yet, is someone” smoking it up ” (drug/cigarette wise) as I’m extremely sensitive and allergic to the aromas by those things too , especially at outdoor venues….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • Jung Roe

    10/12/2022 at 06:27

    Hi Sara,

    I agree too. Why spoil the moment for others, and miss the moment themselves, just to get a poor quality recording, that they will likely watch once and forget. What bothers me even more than that, just to illustrate, I was at a wedding recently, and while the bride and groom were exchanging their vows, one of the bridesmaids cell phone goes off spoiling the beautiful moment. I am sure musicians must despise inconsiderate guests who let their phone ring while they perform.

  • David Herrick

    10/12/2022 at 15:25

    Okay, I will make exceptions for the capturing of unique spontaneous moments during a concert that are worth sharing with the world.

    I attended a McCartney concert in 2014, on the day before Halloween. Paul paused after the first few songs to read out loud some of the signs people in the front rows were holding up. One of them said, “Trick or treat! Please sign my feet!” After a few more songs, Paul paused again, looked toward that sign bearer, and said, “I’m seriously considering signing your feet, you know.”

    Finally, right after the band returned to the stage for their encore, Paul said, “Okay, let’s bring her up.” And this happened:


  • Jacki Hopper

    11/12/2022 at 02:21

    This was Epic…Kudos for this being captured…. so in a way, this goes with my commentary on why I think one should take photos /record ….

  • Tom Fones

    13/12/2022 at 01:43

    Tom Fones

    I am definitely a stay-at home and watch the DVD type of guy.

    A friend my age here in Davis is taking his grand-daughter to Taylor Swift for the 3rd time.

    I think he said $1500 for two tickets.

    I am still trying to process that.

    • Daryl Jones

      13/12/2022 at 16:22

      I admit I did take some videos at the last two shows I was at. But in my defense, I don’t think I had my phone in anybody’s face during the process. With the seating in these new arenas the way it is, you are typically way below anyone behind you, and well above those in the row in front. And I have to say that the flashlight app is certainly much better than a Bic lighter for enticing an encore. Which typically, are given away at rock concerts like candy on Halloween, but we seem to have the need to show the performers that we want them to not stop playing.

      So, having said that, I might just have the last live footage of Henley singing “Desperado” at Rogers’ Place…

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