MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Before you post – Guidelines & Suggestions

  • Before you post – Guidelines & Suggestions

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 21/09/2018 at 17:12

    The MonaLisa Twins and their team are genuinely proud of the positive spirit in their community, and the MLT Club is certainly no exception. Also, since this forum is only accessible to paying members, trolling, spamming and other abuse should be no problem.

    Our admins will make it a priority to keep this place pleasant and interesting for everyone, so that you will want to invite your friends to join the MLT Club, too. If you want to help us keeping things groovy please consider and encourage the following guidelines:

    The topic of this forum is all things MLT and their music.
    Imagine this forum as a MLT panel where fans specifically go to to talk about this particular band and related topics. While naturally there are links to other bands and things the Twins are influenced by or have connections to, this should remain a place where everyone interested in the MLT will be able to find MLT relevant topics to discuss and explore. We certainly want to keep this space open to ideas and imagination, and the odd thread about a “MLT star wars episode” will be interesting and fun but for “star wars” whiz stuff please use a Star Wars forum. This is the place for MLT whizzes 🙂

    Likewise please stay away from discussing politics, religion and other highly personal subjects.

    This forum is international, with English as the official language.
    This forum is used by people of all ages, ethnicities and cultural, religious and educational backgrounds, as well as political systems. Also, the official language of this forum is English, so please don’t be easily offended by non-native speakers. In reverse, everyone please try to make yourself understandable as best as you can. Consider consulting “Google Translate” or similar translation services if needed.

    Before you post, search the forum and stay on topic.
    Before you post, please read the forum descriptions and try to create topics in the section that most closely matches what your post is about. Also, please search the forum before posting to ensure that you are not duplicating a discussion elsewhere.
    Replies to topics should have something to do with the conversation occurring in that thread. If you want to change the topic entirely, by all means, make a new topic in the appropriate forum section. Making sure that you post in the correct areas will make it much easier for everyone to find the subjects and conversations they are looking for.

    Sticky posts at the top of a forum section contain forum specific information.
    Before posting in a forum section, check to see if there are any “sticky” posts at the top that may help you with information specific to that forum area.

    Choose titles descriptive of your post’s content.
    When you start a topic, try to give it a title that will give people some idea of what’s inside. For example, titling a post in the fan questions forum “Question” doesn’t really help anyone, because ALL the topics in the fan questions section are going to be questions. A better title might be “Why do you cover so many Beatles songs?”.

    Respect moderators and admins.
    If “MLT Club” (keymaster) asks you to stop doing something, please stop. If a post or topic gets deleted (which will only occur in case of violation of forum rules), do not simply recreate the same one. If you disagree with a decision, please contact the team and discuss it civilly. Please do not post messages on the website commenting on the moderation policies of these forums.

    Always treat other users with respect.
    Please do not post self-important, pompous and/or lecturing messages. Dragging down the atmosphere of the community is ungroovy and will not be tolerated. It goes without saying that we do not permit sexual or offensive language or content, harassment of other users, abuse or disruption of our services or the impersonation of MLT Club admins.

    Don’t spam.
    “Spam” is defined as any pointless, disruptive, annoying message. Also, do not use these discussion boards to promote your or other people’s businesses, other websites, or any other commercial activity and do not register multiple accounts. 

    Don’t bump threads.
    “Bumping” is when someone makes a meaningless post in a thread in order to move it back to the top of a forum, such as simply saying the word “bump” or “up” without adding anything else to the conversation. If you want to revive a conversation, say something interesting and relevant.

    Respect Copyrights.
    Do not breach somebody’s copyright. Before posting pictures, videos or other content that was not created by you check if it is copyrighted. Admittedly, in social media times not much thought is given to things like that but people still have rights, especially in artists’ forums, and we want to respect that.
    Thanks very much for your help, we appreciate your co-operation!

    Rudolf Wagner replied 6 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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