MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion GUITAR HEAVEN…for me, that is

  • Roger

    14/06/2019 at 12:12

    Michael….What a great collection.  Even if a member only has one guitar, and considsrs it his or her “baby”, they should post a picture and add any back-story they might have about it.

    Your collection is filled with some real beauties and some unique players!  This is one thing I love about the MLT…their collection of instruments and the way they appear to care for them.  I think that is an important part of the MLT gig.  I could be wrong about such things, but I do not think so.  I love checking out their “herd” to see what they might be playing next time around!

    Again…nice collection and something in which to take pride!


    • Michael Rife

      14/06/2019 at 17:59

      Thanks!!  Your collection is great, too!!!  Our differences in the guitars we have might reflect what musical styles we play….for me it is more on the RnR and country-rock styles.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/06/2019 at 15:18

    Though I have never played guitar… My wee fingers  unfortunately and my hand and eye co-“ordination don’t qualify me the privilege to do so though I can” air – guitar” no problem…. Lol…

    I love guitars… Own a GuitarPurse… MLT guitar picks… Some other guitar picks… I have a Purple small basic beginner uke…

    I’m thoroughly impressed by and enjoying the photo sharing of all of you who have a guitar collection of sorts…. Please keep them coming!!

    • Michael Rife

      14/06/2019 at 22:05

      Hi Jacki;

      I have short, stubby fingers which are not the ideal for playing guitar. Now Lisa has long fingers and some of the stretches she makes on the fret board just amazes me.  But, then that’s why she is better than me and a lot of other players.  Sometimes it causes problems when trying to play certain chords…..not too many problems in picking, though.  Still with the chords I have problems with on certain songs I try to use alternate ways of playing a chord.  Any one chord can be played in multiple ways and at times I try to use the alternate ways or the capo to play.  There’s always a way around the problem.  So, I would not let that stand in your way if you really want to play.  Mike.

  • Roger

    14/06/2019 at 16:00


    Please consider sharing pics of your cherished musical instruments!  You know what?  Guitar players….long, short, sinny, or fat fingers…at the end of the day are just folks of all skill levels, but do share a few things in common, like the ability to be happy alone or with others!  We are happy to play just for our own enjoyment, or perhaps to please others…even air guitar!  As long as you have fun…what can ever be, or go wrong, with that?  Take pride in that purple uke!  It is, afterall, your very own “baby mine”!  Bless the MLT for inspiring all of us!  Roger

  • Roger

    15/06/2019 at 18:00

    Here’s where I “tip my hat” to Lisa…


    Brand new Gretsch – Cliff Gallup signature with fixed Bigsby…just a few days “new” at my house.  These babies are a bit pricey.  After playing this for a few hours, I find I truly love this guitar, but the fixed arm must be swapped out.  I plan to put a Duane Eddy swivel on it and also a different bridge to enhance the guitar’s tone.  Also, I prefer medium jumbo size frets…these frets just look and feel tiny.  Something a person gets accustomed to after a bit…one just has to pay attention to chord formation as it is a little unforgiving.  Overall, I see why Lisa’s 2012 DSV is her go to guitar. ?  Perhaps this Gallup will become mine.



  • Roger

    15/06/2019 at 18:06

    Here is my G&L tele which I feel has the best overall neck for playability in my collection.  I think G&L guitars get no respect, like this brand is the Rodney Dangerfield of the guitar scene. Hot pick-ups, comfortable to play, and a neck that allows you to play with finesse or crunch.



  • Roger

    15/06/2019 at 18:10

    One more…here is a Godin Jazz guitar that is very unique.  This is a heavy player which produces some really mellow sound.  This is one of those synth guitars and using the Roland GR55 allows you to contour the shape of your sound.  EA18EC52-78A5-4270-9293-5CCC8CB2FA1A


  • Jung Roe

    15/06/2019 at 20:44

    Niiice Roger.  Really enjoyed looking at all your guitars (and yours too Mike).  That Gretsch certainly looks familiar with that signature Gretsch label on the white plate.  All those videos with Lisa and her pride and joy Gretsch.  That’s gonna be awesome when you do all the customizations on it to get it perfectly to your liking.  It must have been quite joyful (guitar heaven)when you took that brand new guitar around the block the first time!

    BTW I will post a picture of my Baldwin soon as I can, but it’s at my parents old house.  It kind of became a fixture of the house and didn’t seem right to remove it when I left.

    • Roger

      16/06/2019 at 15:17

      Looking forward to seeing your pictures.  I love what companies have done with technology these days.  I once owned a Roland D-50 which I consider the first step towards a digital keyboard/synth.  In the 1980s, the D-50 was the keyboard many wanted to own and use.  By today’s standards, it must seem rather like a vintage piece of equipment.  Personally, I think the vibe of a D-50 sound is fantastic.  The only Baldwin instrument I ever owned was one of my first “real” guitars – a hallow bodied, double-cut-a-way that was cherry red and showed the wood grain.  I recall that it almost had a violin-like head stock…funny looking, I thought, but what an easy-to-play guitar it was.  Take care,  Roger

  • Roger

    17/06/2019 at 16:10

    Here is my Ibanez Jazz guitar – very smooth, nice player.  Neck has a wonderful feel, and for a somewhat larger guitar it is not difficult to get around it.


  • Roger

    17/06/2019 at 16:11

    Here is the backside…sexy!


    Cannot see it well, but this guitar has an absolutely beautiful flamed maple binding.  There is just a ton going on with this guitar.  Not every person’s preference when it comes to the spalted maple finish, but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder…and I like it.


  • Howard

    18/06/2019 at 04:37

    The photo can be seen better when it is enlarged. Just click on or touch it and you can magnify it.

  • Roger

    18/06/2019 at 21:11

    Good point about enlarging the photos, Howard, thanks!  Here is a pic of my Godin Montreal.  Very useful guitar as it has great tonal qualities.  Subdued looks, but a real treasure with low action and a good feel when holding it.


  • Roger

    18/06/2019 at 21:19

    Not everyone’s cup of tea, but a lap steel offers a distinctive sound to many 60s hits and certainly adds to country songs.  You do not need much to add finesse to a song.  I have always envied a person who can play steel guitar really well…such a gift.  Here is my entry level Gretsch lap steel.


  • Jacki Hopper

    18/06/2019 at 23:00

    Ooohhh… This is interesting… I love the sound of steel guitars… The only woman I’ve seen play one is country singer Barbara Mandell…..

  • Roger

    21/06/2019 at 02:35

    If anyone would like to share pictures of, or just discussion about, your musical instruments, please feel free to do so.  Or, perhaps there is a piece of “dream” music-related equipment that you would love to own…why not share those dreams with us?  Perhaps it is a vintage piece.  Or, maybe it is something that has just been developed.  I have a feeling that our club’s membership ranks are filled with musicians…past, present, or those with hopes of starting to play in the future – it’s all good!  Roger

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    21/06/2019 at 05:32

    I feel like such a newbie when seeing what you guys have. I thought I had a lot of guitars. I’ve been wanting to post, but I’ve been so swamped with work lately, that by the time I’m done, I have to crawl onto the couch to take a nap so that I can make it to bed!

    Here’s a new addition to my set. I’ve been wanting a Double Cutaway TV yellow for the longest time. The originals (’57-’60) are going through the roof and out of range. I had heard the the batches made in the mid- 2000’s were quite good.

    So I lay in wait, patiently. This one showed up at a good price and I grabbed it. It had some rust issues, but nothing major. Changed the jack-plate and a couple of screws and it was done. Easy setup and it’s sounding really nice, as it should. While I was at it, I replaced the single ply pick guard for a 5 ply. All really cheap on eBay. Now it’s just as good as the Custom Shop ones that go for a few thousand.


    • Roger

      21/06/2019 at 19:31

      Tomas…I spy a Hofner there!  How about posting a photo of it?  Always love to look at those guitars…vintage or brand new.  Love to watch and hear Lisa thump her father’s bass guitar on “Africa” and in a few other videos.  Roger

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      23/06/2019 at 02:01

      Hi Roger,

      Yes, that’s a 1964 Hofner. On my profile page I have a video playing it to a groovy tune.


      It’s in great shape, all original, doesn’t look 55 yo. Macca’s is ’63 and is almost identical to mine (other than being right handed) except for the tuners and mine has a raised logo. Other than that, they are identical, with the slim control cover, long tail piece and “staple” pickups. I haven’t removed the pick guard on mine.  Sounds great especially through my Fender Bassman Silverface (1967), same as Paul’s amp on the Rooftop concert. I also have the original “Selmer” case.

      I “laid in wait” for this one for 2 and a half years looking at ebay and craigslist looking for all that showed up. When this one came up I new I had to get it, be it’s new guardian.

      It has a great story in that the owner was an Italian guy who saw the Beatles play at the Shea stadium. When he passed away his daughter “Lisa” sold it to me. It’s always been treasured.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      23/06/2019 at 02:02

      Here’s a picture in it’s Selmer case


    • Roger

      23/06/2019 at 11:37

      You, sir, have great tastes in vintage gear!  Stunning.  I will check out your video.  I have been curious about those Hofner basses ever since I saw my first one in Paul’s hands back in the very early 60s.  The violin-style body has always registered high and playability has always seemed so nice…but for me it has always been based on speculation as I have never had one in my hands.  Fender amps…some of my fav’s!  I have always wonder how the newer models compare with the more vintage gear…wonder what, if much, has changed.  Cool stuff!  Roger

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      25/06/2019 at 00:47

      Thanks Roger, I think the video may be gone but you can see it here:

      The real truth about guitars and amps is that 99.9% of the sound and tone is in the fingers 😉 Even if I have his base and amp, clearly I’m no Macca !! (but I have fun!)

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