MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion GUITAR HEAVEN…for me, that is

  • Jung Roe

    21/06/2019 at 05:45

    Hi Roger, well here are my pride and joy instruments, but I have to admit I’m no musician yet, but I plan on changing that with piano lessons and dedication to music which is my dream.

    Here is my Baldwin baby upright I bought brand new back in 1994/95 during the height of my 2 years music passion and piano lessons. I got to the point of being able to play a simplified version of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata by memory for a piano competition. Well it was me, a grown adult competing with 10 and 12 years olds. 🙂 Things happened and life got in the way and I unfortunately did not continue my piano, and always regret that and think what if I continued.

    Baldwin upright

    The piano is back at my parents old place in the basement which use to be my bedroom. My mom always liked having the piano in the house, and would often come down and play on it when I was out, although she didn’t really know piano. So the piano kind of became part of the house, and when I left, it just didn’t feel right taking it, so it’s been there now for some 25 years. My sister lives in the house now, so I can still see it. Maybe one day I will bring it to my place when I can play well enough to make it worthwhile.

  • Jung Roe

    21/06/2019 at 05:47

    So for now, and my piano lesson aspirations, I bought this modern digital piano. It’s nothing fancy, a Casio Privia Digital piano, with volume control so I can practice with headphones on and not worry about driving others crazy around the house. It does have a computer interface port, so I will figure out how to use software with it, and play with some accompaniments.

    Casio digital piano 1

  • Jung Roe

    21/06/2019 at 05:49

    Here is my MLT Piano pick!  🙂

    Casio digital piano 3

    • Roger

      22/06/2019 at 03:41

      Never thought of playing the piano with a pick!  You are a great innovator who clearly is willing to go where no man or woman has gone before…to seek out and try new and uncharted territory in the field of music…you are the man, Jung!


  • Jacki Hopper

    21/06/2019 at 06:35

    Okdokey… Here’s my plethora of music instruments of sorts…

    Out of all… The tambourine and  the keyboard and the 2 wooden instrument things are what I tend to tinker around on most…. Especially the tambourine… Like I’ve stated… Though I ‘m quite music note illiterate… Prefer to hear though not knowing which key I’ m at… And I do enjoy singing (not great at that either but doable… No tomatoes pelted at me thus far),I do seem to have a natural sensing of rhythm and would most likely learn to play something by ear and watching-visual learning…. That is my extent of my musical education thus far…



    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/06/2019 at 06:39

    Here’s perhaps a better photo:


    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

    • Jung Roe

      22/06/2019 at 09:26

      Jacki, your repertoire of instruments is just absolutely groovy!

  • Howard

    21/06/2019 at 07:25

    That’s a nice looking guitar Tomás. Well done waiting for the right time to buy.

    Do yourself a favour and go hard on those piano lessons Jung. It will be hard work for a year or so (as I guess you already know), but you won’t regret it in the long run. I had just finished typing my response regarding my piano lesson experience as an infant, then got distracted and lost it all. I’ll make another attempt when I’m in the mood again.

    Nice collection Jacki. Have you given that harmonica a mouthful yet?

  • Roger

    21/06/2019 at 14:06

    Tomas,  Great looking guitar….it looks like a real rocker!  Curious as to what you play it through and some of your favorite music…when it comes to playing and just listening pleasure.

    Jung,  I agree with Howard…don’t give up on those lessons.  Playing the piano is such a wonderful gift!  And, I have a feeling your digital piano may offer you added incentives by way of additional sounds.

    Jackie, A uke is on my “to buy” list.  Talking to folks at my local guitar shop about things.  They have a rather large selection.  I love the MLT when the uke is made part of their songs.


    • David Herrick

      21/06/2019 at 15:40

      Lisa has inspired me to purchase a ukulele:  my first ever stringed instrument.  It’s a cheap one ($50 American), but it suits my talent level.  After two weeks I’ve concluded that I’ll never develop the necessary finger dexterity to play chords, so I lay the instrument flat on my lap and depress the strings like piano keys, palm down.


    • Thomas Randall

      21/06/2019 at 15:47

      MyBaritoneUkeYeah David, Lisa also inspired me to get a uke as well last year. First a cheap $60 Aklot with surprisingly good intonation but then I bought a Kala baritone which plays a lot nicer and tunes like a standard guitar without the low E and A strings. So now I go back and forth between my Telecaster and Kala. Ukes are a lot of fun!


    • Roger

      21/06/2019 at 15:50

      Hi David…the key is to not give up.  A new instrument can be challenging, for sure, but practice and patience go a long way in learning to play it.  My initial guitar efforts were so frustrating!  I would spend hours practicing three or four chords just to play one of my first songs … I think it was “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” by Peter, Paul and Mary.  Did I think that there was no way I would learn to play the guitar – you bet I had those thoughts!  Try not to be discouraged.  The learning curve can be steep, but well worth the effort in the end…at least I think so.  Take care and keep plucking away!!!  Roger

    • David Herrick

      21/06/2019 at 16:10

      Thanks, Roger!  I didn’t mean to imply that I was giving up, but rather that I had found a way to circumvent my “disability”.  As long as I’m just trying to entertain myself, I’m fine with looking foolish.  But if any experienced players can convince me that I’m on the road to ruin, I’ll certainly listen.

      The first (and so far almost only) song I’ve learned to play is also by PPM, via John Denver:  “Leaving On A Jet Plane”, which basically just alternates between C and F, with an occasional G.


    • Roger

      21/06/2019 at 19:40

      As do a ton of songs!  If a person can muddle through basic chords, including A, B, C, D, E, F, and G…with a few minors and 7ths tossed in for good measure, you have around…oh…I don’t know…a song list with a million songs!   ?.  Keep on Truck’n.  Roger

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/06/2019 at 15:03

    Playing Music does run in my family… My late Mom should of been a professional singer… She had a voice… She would sing around house (secretly I think she might of but my grandparents probably thought it foolish so…. Out the window went her dream)

    Even after her massive stroke… Her uncanny ability to hum along beautifully to what she heard on TV… Radio… One of the nurses or health care aides that would come into her room to change her “undergarments” or reposition her in bed as right side was paralyzed.. Even at Xmas party for patients… Mom be first one humming out the Xmas songs… When all the while her speech permanently affected by stroke say the odd word sweari or yes or no one’s. My older siblings and I discovered Dad had won singing competitions as a kid at school… Our aunt confirmed this… We discovered the certificates he had hidden away in his stuff as we were packing/sorting after we had sold the house while he was in nursing home. My one older sibling dabbles and jams on guitar blues style… Self taught….

    Our aunt with whom confirmed Dad’s singing talent as a kid… She’s an organist/pianist for her church… So I guess my love for music comes by honestly…. Just wish I was a tad more hand and eye coordinated (always a struggle for me all my life) and could grasp reading music (I just can’t grasp that concept)…. I’ll just stick to singing and tinkering around on my stuff…

    Roger… Yes… I have tried sort of to tinker around on my harmonica to MLT songs where blues harp is present… That is have song playing while I try to play my harmonica along with song in the certain spots!!!! I know I’m not great but hey… I enjoy trying and doing my own thing!!!!

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2019 at 09:24

    Thanks Howard and Roger for the encouragement.  I definitely plan on continuing piano lessons.  It is one of my life goals to play the piano.

    As for the Ukelele Tommy and David, Lisa gave me a new respect for that simple yet wonderfully effective instrument.  Lisa’s Ukelele sounds give “God Only Knows” so much more character.

  • Michael Rife

    22/06/2019 at 15:06

    Hi all;

    Keep posting instruments…….Roger and I may have more because we are older and had trouble figuring out what we really wanted.  It is always interesting to see what instruments other have because it lets us know a little more about you.  From certain instruments you can figure out what other genres people like.  For example, my Tele, White Falcon, mandy, banjo, and lap steel kinda points in the direction of a country bend. Then it comes as no surprise that some of my other favorite groups are Poco, Pure Prairie League, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Unicorn (a 1970s country rock band with an edge), Outlaws, Frank Walsh (current day country rocker in England).  Mike.

  • Roger

    22/06/2019 at 16:19


    i want to share some very sad news with my new-found  family.  Early this morning I lost my 10 year old morkie…my Eddy.  I am devastated.  Here is a picture of my dear boy…


    Not a bad bone in his body….my heart is broken and there are not enough tears.  ?

    Thanks for letting me share,



    • Thomas Randall

      22/06/2019 at 16:56

      So sorry to hear about this. I lost mine years back, she was 15. The first time that *I* had to have one put down and the last time I’ll ever do that. Years latter I’m still heart broken. She was a black & White Springer Spaniel. My condolences.



    • Roger

      22/06/2019 at 19:21

      Thank you.  This is not the first time I have had to experience the deep sadness that such a day brings.  I feel your pain…all these years later.  Some folks do not “get it” but we dog lovers certainly do.

      You know…having to say good-bye is never easy, but it is the price we ultimately must pay for loving one of God’s most mystical creatures so much…Indeed a most loving creature who just happens to have a much shorter life-expectancy than his or her owner.

      I think of the wonderful life that I gave Eddy and all the love and affection he showed me in return.  I think I was the biggest beneficiary!  Would not have missed the ride for nothing, or the dance as Garth would sing.

      Again, thank you…it means a lot to me.


    • Michael Rife

      22/06/2019 at 20:00


      I am so sorry.  We have had several dogs over the years.  When it came time to put them down, I could never go and do it.  My wife has to do it because I am a big wimp.  But, the dogs were in so much pain and there was no hope of recovery….so they had to be put down.  Always a hard thing.  Mike.

  • Howard

    22/06/2019 at 19:11

    Sorry to hear about your loss Roger. He looks so cute in the photo.

    • Roger

      22/06/2019 at 19:27

      Howard,  He was the most gentle, loving dog I have ever owned.  He was just so sweet to every person he met.  He just did not wag his tail when he met folks…his entire rear end got into the act…it was hilarious to watch him when he was so happy or excited.  One of a kind.  Thanks for your kind words.  It is going to be a very long day and night.  Roger

  • Howard

    22/06/2019 at 19:45

    Ten is quite young for a small dog. Was it an illness or genetic?

    • Roger

      22/06/2019 at 20:23

      Eddy had a host of issues.  I believe what happened was his diabetes led to complications with his pancreas.  He ended up having a very severe acute pancreatic episode that could not be brought under complete control and pancreatic  bleeding took place.  They believed that the compromised pancreas threw a few clots that eventually brought about a heart attack which ended his life.  He had developed a fever, infection in the lungs, vomited, would not eat, labored breathing, and blood glucose readings that were literally off the chart!  He just had too many issues hitting him all at once…I just think his little body could not take it.  He apparently died in his slumber as he was found in his sleep position…again, an indicator of a very severe heart attack.  Thanks for asking…it does me good to discuss him and his situation…therapy for me, and I need that.  He was young for a smaller dog, but, like I mentioned, he struggled with health issues for a while and his diabetes was harsh on him…hard to control.

      As people often say, “at least he is not suffering any longer”.  Well, in Eddy’s case that rings a bit true.  At least I know he was not in pain…thank God for good drugs.


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/06/2019 at 20:18

    Rainbow Bridge has welcomed yer wee poochie… My condolences… I had to put my beloved Corky lad down in 2000 – 2001 ish at 16… He was old and had a lot issues… He was a terruer-spoodle mix… This hit me hard as being his FurMom… I picked him out of litter where we had got him from… Eyes weren’t even open yet at the time… Later in life he became moreso Dad’s companion more so because he sensed Dad’s illness and felt he needed to be with Dad more. The previousvdogscI grew up with died from injuries sustained from being hit by car–chasing a groundhog…. The other 2 dogs before that one from car incident had died naturally at our house of old age and was buried on our property. The dog with fatal injuries from car hit… Died on way to animal hospital or shortly after arrival there… It’s no easy thing to get over… Never completely do… But do cherish the memories in photos… Videos… In your heart…

    • Roger

      22/06/2019 at 21:05

      Jackie,  Your thoughts and personal stories help.  Truth is, I do not have many people in my life.  My second, p.t. job has had me working every weekend on overnight shifts…and it has been sixteen years of it. Such a life (working 7 days a week) leaves one hard-pressed to find time to socialize.  The folks in here have been so kind, considerate, and helpful on this bummer of a day.  Want to thank everyone…seemd everyone has a sad pet story…we can all relate.  Helping someone who is suffering can bring out the best in people…truly showing the better side of our humanity!  Thanks…it means a lot to me.  Roger

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2019 at 21:09

    Roger, I’m so sorry to hear about Eddy.  He looks like a dear little angel.

    When I lost my dog Max, this little picture gave me a little smile, but nothing can ease the pain I know.

    Max goodbye


    • Roger

      23/06/2019 at 00:35

      I agree…such meaningful and beautiful words and thoughts crashing up against a pained mind and heart.  One day, soon I hope, this card will bring a smile to my lips.  Thank you for the card and thoughtfulness.  All of you guys have been great.  It still so fresh that it is difficult to work myself beyond the pain.  I had to have some kind of closure so I called the vet hospital and said that I wished to be with Eddy before his final trip.  It was the right decision…they were beautiful mi utes that I got to spend with my Eddy and with the two vets that were his primary care providers.  They were so kind, understanding, and both of them moved to tears since they had known Eddy from the first day that he enter our lives.  Eddy was rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri.  I believe that I gave him a great life…it was just around five years too short.  Thanks again to you and everyone … What a great bunch of MLT folks you guys are!  Roger

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