MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion GUITAR HEAVEN…for me, that is

  • Roger

    23/06/2019 at 11:48

    Thank you all for allowing me to use this space to reach out and share my Eddy story.  It is helping me get through these initial tough times many of us have had with our pets. Again…thank you.

    I would like to take this time to encourage everyone to once again return to the business at hand with a focus on our musical instruments and the great sounds and fun surrounding all things 60s with special attention on all things MLT ?!

    Once again…thank you for all your very heart-felt words and stories about loss.  You all have helped me get through what I would call the “shock phase” of these experiences.  I will be forever thankful.  I mean that…sincerely…you all have helped!!!


  • Max House

    24/06/2019 at 19:49

    Hey Roger,

    You Have Some Great Guitars!


    I have a little collection of my own, This is one of my favorites ,


    My 1965 Mosrite Mark I

    • Michael Rife

      24/06/2019 at 21:14

      Nice guitar!!!!  Show us more!!  I like looking at other people’s collection.  Mike.

    • Roger

      25/06/2019 at 04:02

      Hearing some Venture tunes when I check out your great looking guitar!  Great shape for a ’65…wow!  Yes, I agree with Michael – post more pics of your collection.  I am amazed by the guitars that are showing up in these many posts.  Roger

  • Max House

    25/06/2019 at 15:46

    Hey Guys,

    I collect alot of John Lennon Guitars.

    This is my 70th Anniversary J-160

    Imagine Edition



    • Roger

      25/06/2019 at 16:45

      Please do plan to share other guitars in your collection…Beatles – related, or not, it’s all good!  What a great looking guitar.  I have the EPI version, but this is super nice.  I love playing my Lennon copy, and the sounds it produces are outstanding…the sustain is remarkable.  I can only ‘imagine’ what this guitar must sound like…do you often play it?  Please do post a few more.  As you know, Mona often grabs her EJ-160 for all kinds of gig situations.  Mona makes it sing!  I am jealous of the Twins when it comes to their hands…they have really long fingers and they clearly know how to use them on any guitar neck.  Roger

  • Roger

    25/06/2019 at 19:17

    Please think about sharing any of your backstories about your guitar when you offer a picture of it….or of them!  I think we would all like to hear about any cool history a given guitar might hold.  And, like in MaxHouse’s case, some info related to guitar preferences and what about the guitar attracts you to it.  It’s all good.  Roger

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/06/2019 at 21:15

    Lol… I feel kinda like the ostrich with head buried in the sand here on this ongoing topic… Out of sorts kind of as I don’t play guitar and though I love looking at the photos that have been shared… When going on about the styles and capabilities and etc… That’s where I feel lost… You all know what you’re referring to while I have no clue… Lol… Though I’m fascinated and find it interesting… I just wish I could contribute more on the mechanics and specifics as to not feel  lost here….. One of my older siblings self taught to play guitar… acoustic and electric and let me fiddle around with them sometimes or when he wasn’t home… More specifically no one was at home… I ‘d go plug in the guitar… Crank up the volume some and have a good time messing around my way and sound until I either was apprehended in the middle of as I had not heard anyone come home but they heard me down in basement…. Or I’ d only play for about an hour and put things back as they were…. My older sibling is a rock n roller but Blues is the preference…

    So keep on… I’ll just continue to enjoy the photos and learn about the different makes and sounds and etc… Just can’t contribute my 2 cents worth as I’ve yet to actually play guitar… Eye and hand coordination not my best  thing… I’d rather cowbell or tambourine or drum it… Lol

    • Roger

      25/06/2019 at 21:42

      Jackie…as long as you enjoy music, instruments of all kinds, and have opinions on what you like when you hear or see it, then it is all good. You should never hesitate for a second to post your thoughts.  Your ideas, opinions, and talents are all welcome in this forum area.  Never think that what you have to share is not worthy of a good read…never ever think that way…please.  I, for one, look forward to reading everyone’s posts in here…guitar player, or not.     Roger

  • Thomas Randall

    25/06/2019 at 22:42

    Jacki don’t worry, I myself am only an intermediate guitar player so I’m no pro either. Currently working on my 7th chords. Man The Beatles used them a LOT. B7 is killing me! Slowly but surely I’m getting better at switching to it but it’s a slow grind. Mona & Lisa make it look so easy. It’s fun seeing everyone’s guitars.




  • Jacki Hopper

    25/06/2019 at 22:55

    I enjoy singing… Not great at it but it’s half decent… PI have fun…. I have done karaoke a few times… Did Cass Elliot… Patsy Cline… Beatles… John Denver… Better Midler… Etc… I don’t care if others thought I sang bad… I enjoyed myself… Nervous as I was… Even at family functions where Karaoke was offered… At least for first song then I let loose…. Thanks Roger and Tommy for your kind thoughts….

    • Roger

      25/06/2019 at 23:46

      THAT’S A BIG BINGO, JACKIE!   Thanks for sharing.  I would probably never sing…I know my limits!!!!!  Karaoke…never!  I would make a fool out of myself.  Thanks for sharing.  Roger

  • Jung Roe

    26/06/2019 at 01:32

    Love to hear about your cool purple uke Jacki! ?  After all, Lisa is a big fan of the uke and does amazing magic with them.  How, when, why did you get it etc.

  • Howard

    26/06/2019 at 07:10

    I can only endorse what Roger and Tommy have posted, Jacki. I couldn’t sing to save myself, so you are way ahead of me there! I, unfortunately, don’t have a musical ear but this hasn’t stopped me appreciating music and the various instruments of members. You have quite an impressive collection of instruments yourself. Not having an ear for music didn’t stop me from trying as an infant. As a nine-year-old, I was learning to play the tenor horn, along with an old brother and our eldest brother who was learning the euphonium. We actually played in the band in a Salvation Army service at the time. A very scary time for me. The older band members decided that if they hit a bum note, they could blame us!

    A couple of years later, when I was eleven, I had piano lessons from a Methodist church organist. I had to learn to read music and did well in my first-year exams at our conservatorium of music. However, I started High School the next year and my parents could no longer afford my piano tuition. I have five siblings and three of us inherited our father’s musical ear and the other three (including me), inherited our mother’s nonmusical ear. “Such is Life”, as Ned Kelly would say!

    Your enthusiasm is inspiring Jacki, and I did appreciate that video last year of you singing! Maybe another one this year for the new members could be in order.  Your birthday perhaps!


  • Max House

    26/06/2019 at 19:11


    I have some guitars at my office and some at home. And most of them in cases in the extra bedroom. So thats why there are several pictures, because everything is scattered. Now with that said, its time to dig some out of their cases and maybe take a few pictures.

    Now here is the kicker Jackie. I cant play the guitar! As a matter of fact , I cant play anything but my Sirius/XM radio… 60’s only, The Beatles channel and Elvis channel. I started following Mona and Lisa several years ago , which for some reason led me to start collecting guitars. I’ve always been fascinated with them and don’t know why. Anyway, thats my story.


    on the left we have a 70th Anniversary Lennon J-160

    and on the right 360C-63 Rickenbacker


  • Max House

    26/06/2019 at 19:15


    This is my

    2016- Gibson ” Dove “

  • Max House

    26/06/2019 at 19:18


    This is my

    75th Anniversary John Lennon Martin W-28

  • Jung Roe

    26/06/2019 at 20:18

    Wow, your guitars look awesome MaxHouse!  Whether you play them or not, they are magnificent instruments to own and admire.

  • Roger

    26/06/2019 at 23:38

    MaxHouse….holy schnikee!!!!!  You have some great guitars there!  I understand your wanting to own such wonderful instruments.  First, they are exceptional works of art!  Second…it’s all Beatles stuff…models they played and what can be wrong with that?  Third, they probably make you feel warm and fuzzy as you look at them/admire them.  Fourth, they make you feel closer to the MLT experience…nothing wrong with that!  Great guitars and remember…it only takes one finger to start playing guitar!  Roger

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    27/06/2019 at 01:38

    WOW, MaxHouse,  those are no ordinary guitars… Fab for sure, and then some.

    Please share more as you can. Personally I love looking at guitar collections.


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