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  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2019 at 07:01

    Pens in use April 13 2018

  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2019 at 07:02

    Stipula Model T March 7 2018a

  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2019 at 07:20

    Howard, no doubt digital is the way of the future with everything from music, movies, books etc all digitized into ones and zeroes and saved as files on servers and smart phones, but CDs/Vinyls, and Books seem to be surviving and embraced by a small but strong following.  Thank god for the surviving books stores where you can go in and still hold a hard bound book in your hands and enjoy.  Nice pens are making a small come back too in the last 10 years with major brands like Montblanc, Lamy, Cross, Parker, and Pilot thriving with a small and growing niche market.

    Jacki, my hand writing has always been on the messy side, often nothing more than a chicken scratch compared to some of the pretty hand writing other kids were able to do, but I am glad I maintained it over the years.  Hand writing calms and soothes me at work sometimes, as I draw up a design or plan by hand, on paper and pen.  It helps me to organize and collect my thoughts and ideas. I often fall back to it days, or even years later, and it’s all  there.  All my detailed hand written notes I take at meetings and from phone calls have saved the day and helped tremendously over the years.  The flexibility of digital is great, and I agree it’s great we have both forms available for communication.

  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2019 at 07:33

    Roger, and here is a picture of a brand new Baldwin acoustic almost like mine in all it’s glory again.  A beautiful instrument:

    Baldwin upright

    I use to enjoy opening the lid and just admiring all the craftsmanship inside when I first got it.  It had a beautiful black glossy wood finish, and it still does.  In need of a good tuning though.

  • Roger

    24/01/2020 at 07:17

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone…missed all of you during the past few months.  Have a few new guitars and hope to post pics of them soon.  Kind of fell out of touch.  As you might recall, I lost my morkie, Eddy, some time ago….also my youngest sister and then my mother…it has been a bit of a tough time emotionally.  Needed to just take a break from most things.  Glad to be back.  Roger

  • Jung Roe

    24/01/2020 at 09:01

    Hi Roger, Im so sorry to hear about your sister and mother.  Condolences and hope things will get easier and better each day!  A big welcome back!  So glad you are back.

  • Thomas Randall

    24/01/2020 at 10:52

    My condolences Roger and I hope you are feeling a better. Life can sure throw us curve balls every now and then. New toys always help one’s mood! Whether it’s guitars, drums, MonaLisa videos, albums, etc.!

    Welcome back!


  • Jacki Hopper

    24/01/2020 at 13:26

    Welcome Back Roger?

  • Darryl Boyd

    26/03/2020 at 06:42

    Finally got around to rounding up most of my herd.

    I’ll post a few pics, I think it’s one per post.

    First one from L to R:

    5 x Avril Lavigne Squier Telecasters (another pic to follow)

    Fender Powercaster

    Gibson 30th anniversary Les Paul Goldtop

    PRS SE Santana

    Paul Reed Smith S2 Mira

    Paul Reed Smith CE22

    Paul Reed Smith Custom 22


  • Darryl Boyd

    26/03/2020 at 06:45

    From L to R:

    Ibanez 12 string acoustic

    Ibanez semi hollow

    Squier J Mascus Jazzmaster

    Fender Japanese Mustang


  • Darryl Boyd

    26/03/2020 at 06:49

    Last but not least my small collection of Squier Avril Lavigne Telecasters.

    I’ve become a bit of an Avril fan over the last few years, and I like the guitars. I’m not really in her key demographic I suspect but I’m old enough not to care 🙂

    The two black ones are the second version, and the three chequer plate ones are the first version.



  • Jung Roe

    26/03/2020 at 08:51

    Wow, impressive collection there Darryl.  Avril Lavigne Telecasters, Power Caster,  30th Anniversary Gibson Les Paul Goldtop….etc.  Do you have a favourite?

  • Darryl Boyd

    26/03/2020 at 09:07

    [postquote quote=89153][/postquote]

    Hi Jung.

    Faves are the Paul Reed Smith CE22 and Custom 22. They’re the gigging guitars. They cover lots of styles, sound great, and almost play themselves 🙂

  • Michael Rife

    27/06/2019 at 08:10


    Those are all very nice guitars!!!


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