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  • Hair & Makeup (But mostly hair)

    Posted by Dale Harris on 18/07/2020 at 22:06

    I usually ask questions about your process, perspective, technique, etc. but I’m going to throw you a curve here. I was watching the “Wish You Were Here” duo video for the I’ve-lost-counth time and noticed something that I hadn’t before.  In the video and the recent release of Duo Session photos, Lisa’s hair is up in this neat looking braid-thing knot (bun?) with a pony tail shooting out of the middle and cascading down.  It’s so cool, but strikes me as an incredible feat of engineering.  Is this something she did on her own, and how was it done?  I can’t help but picture six or eight people hovering around her as someone shouts out instructions they’ve gleaned from the blueprint.

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 1 month ago 9 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/07/2020 at 22:06

    As someone who is notoriously lazy about doing anything too complicated with my hair (Mona would always like me to try out different braids and updos and what not) I am now ecstatic about the fact that I seemed to have at least make this hairstyle LOOK complicated ;-D It really was super simple to do. I tied a ponytail, then braided a little section from that ponytail, wrapped it around the hairtie a few times and secured it with a few hair pins. If it would have taken longer than 10 minutes I probably wouldn’t have done it as I hate working with fidgety, slippery, long, tangly hair.
    Maybe one day I’ll be able to have eight hair stylists doing it for me 😉

  • David Herrick

    19/07/2020 at 00:15

    “I’d like to be a hairdresser… or two.  I’d like to be two hairdressers.”  (Barry Wom, of the Rutles)


  • Howard

    19/07/2020 at 08:04

    Well done Lisa and I too hope it won’t be too long before the MLT family can afford as many hairdressers as they like. I also hope that MLT Club members will still be able to get that special, personal attention they get now.

    As for me, it’s a long time since I’ve had much hair to worry about. Makes life a lot easier when it comes to washing and swimming too!



  • Jung Roe

    19/07/2020 at 16:29

    I got my hair cut finally the other day.  Was starting to look like a sheep dog.  Another month or two and I might have been able to do a small pony tail too.?

  • Thomas Randall

    23/07/2020 at 14:59

    [postquote quote=98469][/postquote]

    I feel your pain Jung. I finally got mine cut after 7 months! Although my hair is short now and slowly leaving me! My head feels 10 pounds lighter! For you British folk that’s about 0.714286 stone! LOL!

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/07/2020 at 19:44

    I caved a month ago, to get mine cut, was impressed by the setup the hairplace had, though the cost of haircut did go up since my last cut, I did notice of…. Lol… But it felt good to be shortfree…. ???‍♀️

  • David Herrick

    23/07/2020 at 19:50

    I was going to try to wait it out (and grow it out) a little longer, but I finally got a haircut a couple of weeks ago for the first time since January.  The numbers are going up in the U.S., and I was afraid that everything might be shut down again by the time I was involuntarily snacking on my hair on a windy day.


  • Stephen Krogh

    24/07/2020 at 19:34

    When I started loosing much of my hair I shaved it off and never looked back. My favorite Lisa hair style and photo is this (“be still my heart”)…


  • Jung Roe

    24/07/2020 at 20:29

    Nice photo Stephen!   This one has got to be my favourite Lisa photo!  This is the real Mona Lisa smile, forget what’s hanging in the Louvre!

    Lanzarote 14

  • Stephen Krogh

    24/07/2020 at 20:35

    Yes, Jung I’m with you! I’ve seen Monalisa in the Louvre and she doesn’t hold a candle to Lisa (or Mona)!

  • Howard

    25/07/2020 at 02:49

    Nice picks Stephen and Jung and excellent photos of the very photogenic Lisa. I also like those styles for Lisa. However, in defence of the real Mona Lisa hanging in the Louvre, Jung, I don’t see Lisa’s eyes following me around the room. Perhaps Papa Rudi can remedy that for us in a future photo session of Lisa, and Mona too perhaps.

    I also like the hairstyles of both our favourite twins in the Maxwell’s Silver Hammer – Photos. In particular, as seen in photos six and seven .

    Maxwell’s Silver Hammer – Photos

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 13:55

    From a female perspective somewhat…( I’m more tomboyish still )…not a fan of getting all gussied up much, just happier in my tee shirt, Jean’s…unless dressup mood strikes, then I’ll get dressed to the nines, but not makeup…not keen on that….

    I do like MLT’s evolving hairstyles from over the years,   from when they had their natural colour and now to their current establishment  of their red/yellow trademark hair looks, with some more recent colour additions sneaking in… the styles, etc are complimentary on them, though, sometimes I have tried to visualize and maybe even asked them at some point about  possibly reversing their colour schemes…Mona becomingvRed, and Lisa yellow…lol?‍♀️?‍??

  • Howard

    25/07/2020 at 17:07

    Wow Jacki! Now that would really confuse us. A short haired blonde Lisa and a long haired red Mona! I can’t see it happening though. They seem to have had their current preferences since their pre-teens!

  • Stephen Krogh

    25/07/2020 at 17:15

    Gosh Jacki, I’m having enough trouble with my eyes already. I’m afraid if Mona and Lisa did that it would leave me with my eyes crossed permanently!

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 17:59

    Just joking, it would be a shock….but I did ask them that Q, and it was answered, probably not anytime soon away back when I had asked…lol…Not to fret…I like their current colour choices, styles….. so your eyes are safe for time being, confusion averted…though when younger, it was sort of hard to figure out who’s who in the photos of them as youngsters….unless you study their facial characteristics a tad more closely, there is some slight differences to determine who’s who…at least that’s what I’ve learned in distinguishing them apart in earlier childhood photos under age 6…?‍??‍♀️?‍♀️?‍?

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