MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Happy Birthday Mona & Lisa!!!!

  • Jung Roe

    16/06/2019 at 00:23

    Yes, here, here on this very special day!!!

    MLT Birthday wish2

  • Jung Roe

    16/06/2019 at 01:06

    I think this day calls for some:

    Classic British Sticky toffee pudding

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/06/2019 at 02:21[Electric-Guitar]-Dear-Mona-And-Lisa-Wishing-You-Both-A-Most-Groovy-Happy-25th-Birthday-

    “A Birthday For Two”

    Twenty Five Years have come along

    World renowned online

    For their videos and how they sing a song

    Fanbase growing strong

    They’ve come to a place they do belong

    Their gift of being

    As unique of in each their own

    But together quite compatible

    As twin siblings

    They have have  shown


    In clothes and mind

    Musically connected and inclined

    Today you celebrate


    What it means to you

    I send but of only the Best Cheers and Wishes

    It’s indeed true

    A Birthday For Two…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~


  • John Behle

    16/06/2019 at 02:29

    Happy Birthday! You deserve an incredible birthday. I’d sing you a birthday greeting but that might be more cruel than kind. I can’t share the gift of music, but if you ever pass through Utah I’ll treat you to some freestyle mogul or deep powder skiing and dinner for your family at the restaurant of your choice. That’s probably a very remote possibility so maybe it’s going to need to be a Liverpool location.

    Happy Father’s Day to Rudi and belated happy Mother’s day to Michaela ( I hadn’t started posting yet )

  • Roger

    16/06/2019 at 02:58

    Happy birthday to another gemini…err… two geminis!  Clearly, an interesting month for twins to be born!  Congratulations, Roger

  • Paul Rivenburgh

    16/06/2019 at 03:32

    Wishing both Lisa and Mona a wonderful birthday and Rudi a Happy Fathers Day as well. If you and your family ever come to upstate New York, dinner would of course be on me.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    16/06/2019 at 13:52



    I hope you both will have an amazing day! You have brought so much joy into my world, and the worlds of other fans. I hope today will bring nothing but joy into your world.

    Lots of love and good wishes for a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for you both!!!!!


  • Angelo

    16/06/2019 at 18:13


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    17/06/2019 at 01:23

    It was 25 Years Ago Today!
    Papa Rudi taught the girls to play.
    They’ve NEVER been out of style,
    And they’re guaranteed to raise a smile!

    …The Super-Dupla MonaLisa Twins


    Q: What did one Twin say to the other?

    A: You say it’s your birthday, It’s my birthday too, yeah!

    Wishing you enjoyed a lovey day! 🙂

    • Jacki Hopper

      17/06/2019 at 02:54

      Good one Tomas…. I hope you liked my Lorraine poem I had posted for you awhile back in tribute to your late aunt.

  • David Herrick

    17/06/2019 at 03:30

    Yes, the warmest of birthday wishes to MLT!  I know we all collectively would like to send them something of comparable value to the gifts they’ve showered us with, but that sort of item just can’t be purchased, packaged, and mailed.


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