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  • Jung Roe

    17/10/2019 at 05:19

    Hi David, there is just something about NASCAR that really appeals to me.  I think it is to do with the fact the cars are stock cars with enhanced suspension and beefed up engines, that actually look like the cars we drive.  A NASCAR announcer once pointed out that it takes the best race car drivers in the world to drive a stock car at 200 MPH literally inches apart from each other in formation like they do.  I’ve never been to a live professional car race though.  Would have loved to catch an Indy 500 or Daytona 500 race.  Maybe one day.

    Jacki, it sounds like your father had a passion for NASCAR racing.  I bet when you watch NASCAR, there will always be a part of him there with you.  Thanks for sharing that story of your dad and NASCAR with us.

    I found the actual Rusty Wallace/Dale Earnhardt race at Talladega in 1993 in the clip below.  This clip captures some of that excitement and passion fans of NASCAR racing would experience, that I thought would be fitting to post here.

    It’s funny how after some 26 years, ones memory of a particular event can be a little different from how it really went down.  My recollection was about 90% accurate, with Rusty Wallace and Dale Ernhardt in the lead at the final lap of the race, and Dale clips Rusty to send him flying, but it was actually Ernie Ervin who passes both to win that race.


  • Jacki Hopper

    17/10/2019 at 14:13

    Thankyou Jung, though since Dad passed away in 2011, and I have not had cable TV for years, I’ve not watched NASCAR at all but can always tune in on updates on the internet…. Lol…. While I have many souvenir Tshirts that Dad bought for me, this one and the Oswego Speedway hoodie which Mom bought for me many moons ago while she and Dad were down to Oswego to catch the Labour Day Wknd races one year as they always did until Mom got sick but Dad continued the tradition until he got really sick and no longer could drive (one of my older bros went down with him and drove-last time to go down for him and NASCAR stuff too for Dad. These 2 items in particular hold dear to my heart as well as a few of Dad’s NASCAR souvenir Tshirts he bought and wore that I kept as keepsakes and I wear sometimes.

    ©PhotoBy :JackiHopper2019 ~

    IMG_20191017_085830The Tshirt is….. Purple, and I have pink one too of same thing but wore Purple one more ?

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