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  • Happy St Patrick’s Day

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 17/03/2023 at 15:46

    OK, I ‘m only half Irish, but I celebrate every year and I identify with my Murphy half as much or more than my Welsh roots. Unfortunately, around here there are no parades of leprechauns and huge celebrations like in some locales, but it is a fun day for me. I dress in as much an appropriate manner as possible, even when I was working.
    I had a traditional head covering called a “Beanie O’Greenie” that I wore for decades back as far as the early 90’s when I was running the meat department in my own supermarket. Stuck with me the rest of my working life, and even wore it flying a charter aircraft with crew changes. The base commander was a bit iffy on it, but I carried it off anyway. The passengers got a kick out of it as much as I did.
    This year, my wife presented me with a fedora of sorts (hint maybe?) to wear so the beanie stays in the drawer this year. But it ain’t going away either (it’s a part of me after all). Anyhoo, have a Happy St Paddy’s Day all ye that have roots on the Emerald Isle (and even if not). Be well, be kind, and be safe in your celebrating.
    “May yis all be an hour in Heaven, before the Devil knows yer dead!” Slainte!

    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 6 months ago 8 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    17/03/2023 at 18:14

    Today, this Irish-Canadian Genuine LadyLeprechauness, WeeJax enjoys donning her Green and her Irish Eyes R Truly Smiling of her RainbowSpiritSoulHeart ….

    May All Be Blessed in Peace, Laughter, Love , Positivity in #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Abundance … ☘💚🍀🇨🇦🇮🇪😊🤘

  • Tim Arnold

    17/03/2023 at 18:50

    I’m not Irish and don’t drink much anymore but back when I did it was a tradition to go to the bar and drink green beer. Wisconsin folks don’t need much of an excuse to drink beer. Just being Friday will do. I know the Irish are very good at it too. A nephew of mine got married years ago and 2 friends of his came straight from Ireland. They were drinking when they got off the plane. Drank through the wedding and reception and dance too and never really got drunk. Just had a good time. They were probably drinking all the way home too. Good times. Happy St. Patrick day to all the Irish clubbers.

  • David Herrick

    17/03/2023 at 19:15

    Although I have some Irish ancestry on my dad’s side (a couple of great-great grandparents in the old country by the name of Doyle), I don’t really celebrate it as such. However, if it weren’t for St. Patrick’s Day, grade school teachers in the U.S. would have no theme for decorating their classrooms in March.

    • David Herrick

      18/03/2023 at 18:10

      I completely forgot that I have a couple of other great-great grandparents named Shannon, so I’m twice as Irish as I had thought!

      Here’s a funny story that my Dad once told me about his grandmother (the daughter of the Shannons, born in the U.S.). It sounds like a joke, but he swears it’s true:

      She worked in a soup kitchen in the very early 1900’s, and at that time it was serving a lot of Irish immigrants, one of whom had never heard of corn on the cob. After polishing off an ear, he handed the cob back to her and said, “Put some more beans on me stick!”

  • Dave Johnston

    17/03/2023 at 20:33

    Scots/Irish here. Johnston and Murphy as grandparents. Use to go downtown DC to a bar called the Dubliner every St Patricks Day at noon. Drank green beer, Guinness or what ever was put in front of me and often sang Irish ballads with all the other crazies!! Can’t say I miss it now but when I was younger it sure was a lot of fun.

  • Chris Weber

    18/03/2023 at 00:08

    My maternal grandfather was 100% Irish. His parents arrived in the States from Ireland 3 years before he was born.

    Had the classic boiled dinner today and some Guinness with some family.

    All the best to everyone on the High Holy Day.

  • Jung Roe

    18/03/2023 at 08:39

    Missed this post. A belated happy Saint Patricks Day to all. I will fill my fountain pens with Irish Green ink in honour!

    I like this Irish song, to get in the spirit.

  • Daryl Jones

    18/03/2023 at 15:36

    Cool to see another Murphy descendent in the mix! On me Mum’s side, the family hails from a more uncommon ground a few klicks SE of Belfast. Typically the Murphy clan runs in the more cCentral and Tipperrary regions, but the small village of Crossgar is my ancestral home. I visited there in 2011 but due to sad circumstances there are no records left of my family origins. A distant cousin tracked the history many years back, and we spoke often of it. Sadly she passed before I got a chance to really go through all that she found and having no direct family herself, the work she did is now lost too.
    We toured mostly by motorcycle and train while there, and honestly, the Irish countryside is stunning. The experience of enjoying it on a motorcycle is surely one of the best ways to see the land and mix with the local people. Irish hospitality is second to none and we were warmly welcomed and treated incredibly well. I had many friends from an online community (motorcycle based) and these folks showed us some sights we would have never found on our own. Life long friends came out of a mere chance meeting on a motorcycle site half a world away from me/us.
    Truly there are no strangers in this world, only friends yet to be met.

    I don’t drink, haven’t for years, but I was never one to turn down a Guinness or a Jameson on St Paddy’s Day. Never did go the green ale thing though!🤣

  • Jürgen

    22/03/2023 at 09:17

    Well Daryl,

    I’m late: St. Patrick’s Day is already over and I definitely have no Irish ancestry. But I really like Irish folk music and Irish beer. That must be enough. Hence my somewhat belated post. I always find the performance of the two brothers worth seeing. Somehow gravity seems to work differently on them than on the rest of humanity:

    • Daryl Jones

      22/03/2023 at 17:33

      That’s awesome! Some of our best fun in Ireland was evenings in the small pubs full of local families singing, playing and dancing. We originally went in for a traditional meal, but ended up staying for the good times. The small seaside towns and villages were the best! Cork, Dublin and Belfast were great too, but I’m a country soul so that’s where things hit home for me.

  • Dave Johnston

    22/03/2023 at 15:59


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