MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE


    Posted by Walter Music on 22/11/2023 at 20:52

    Hi Everyone,

    Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, I do give thanks to all of you MLT members and the Wagner family as all of you have made me happy at one time or another so HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!!!!! Stay Groovy!!!!

    Dave Johnston replied 10 months ago 9 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Mike Dresen

    23/11/2023 at 03:09

    I think we ALL have things to be thankful for and need not be celebrated just one day a year!!!

    Just my two cents worth!!

    Everyone stay safe and be HAPPY!

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by  Mike Dresen.
    • Bill Isenberg

      23/11/2023 at 03:16

      I agree Mike, not just one day but everyday! My family, my little Maddie, my health…I could go on but have to say very thankful for the MLT Club and members and Rudi, Michaela, Mona and Lisa!

    • Bud Jackson

      23/11/2023 at 07:58

      Hello Mike, & to Everyone in the MLT Club,

      Those are all very nice thoughts! I also wish everyone a Happy, Peaceful Thanksgiving! If you don’t happen to celebrate Thanksgiving where you live, no problem! Just have a nice weekend & beginning to your Holiday Season! This is the time everyone should come together & appreciate our diverse, Global Community! May Peace and Love be with you all! — Bud J.

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/11/2023 at 03:30

    I also posted a Happy Thanksgiving posting for USA MLT Club Members ….lol… but though I’m Canadian and celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October , I’ll repeat myself again here for USA Thanksgiving … I’m Thankful for Team MLT/music , Kindredness Amongst All Members on here and Friendships created 🇨🇦🦃🇺🇲😊🤘🏻☮️

  • Walter Music

    23/11/2023 at 03:44

    I do agree with you all!! Thanks.

  • Mike Dresen

    23/11/2023 at 03:49

    I don’t want to get to heavy here, but this is the time of year many people suffer and see no hope.

    I would suggest sit and look a dog in the eyes and talk to them, they really listen, go sit in the country and just listen and watch and think of what you have, your health, friends, family, a pet and if you believe, a heigher being. There is always something to be thankful for. There are also many people willing to listen and help when your down.

    Sorry! I don’t want to be a Buzz Kill, but for many people the holidays are tough!

  • Walter Music

    23/11/2023 at 04:11

    Mike, you are so right. People need help all over the world. In America, people are in the streets, destitute and needing help, in the Middle East people are dying. In Ukraine, in Russia, you can name any nation in the world and not everyone can say I Give Thanks, all we can do is pray and help our neighbor’s the best way we can, sometimes if only to listen to those who are distraught or down. I hope for our little planet to come together with all of us being able to give thanks one day. Have a blessed day everyone and thank you all. God Bless.

  • Jung Roe

    23/11/2023 at 05:23

    Happy Thanksgiving Walter, and to all the MLT members here! Hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends, we all have so much to be thankful for. God Bless!

  • Walter Music

    23/11/2023 at 05:33

    You to Yung, thank you.

  • Chris Weber

    23/11/2023 at 06:08

    Thanks for all the kind wishes. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

    This has been a different year for me than recent ones, in a couple good ways, so I have things to be thankful for, as always. One of those things is this Club. Thank you all. Take care.

  • Tim Arnold

    23/11/2023 at 16:58

    Happy Thanksgiving to every MLT Club member. Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, you can still give thanks for the things you have and people you love. You can also have turkey and pie, heck there’s no law.

  • Dave Johnston

    23/11/2023 at 21:35

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrates the holiday. Been a member of a 12 step group going on 40 years and Gratitude is one of the key things I need to be aware of everyday. An attitude of gratitude! With that said I agree with others in this thread that there are many on this planet today that it’s really hard for them to be grateful. And for most of us a daily awareness of this helps us “Raise our heads”!

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