MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Have you ever thought about releasing a Christmas album?

  • Have you ever thought about releasing a Christmas album?

    Posted by Kenneth Plasa on 17/10/2018 at 01:16

    after you are already releasing two new albums packed with lots of great songs to listen to – which I’ve already ordered -, I don’t want to make “working animals” out of you. But as the holiday season is just about a good month away, it came to my mind that a Christmas flavoured MonaLisa Twins album won’t be such a “bad idea” in 1 or 2 or 3 … years, and why not have 24 tracks with songs, stories, melodies, fun …

    Rudolf Wagner replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Howard

    17/10/2018 at 06:46

    Hi kplasa.

    Yes, good idea!

    I notice that they seem to release a new Christmas video around Christmas Eve each year. Maybe in a couple of years or so they’ll have enough material for an album, so not too much work for them all at once. Check out their YouTube Xmas videos!

  • Howard

    17/10/2018 at 16:14

    By the way.

    If you haven’t already, I recommend you complete your profile at:

    “Introduce Yourself”

    Either Mona or Lisa will send you a reply when they get the time.


  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/10/2018 at 01:36

    First of all thanks for ordering the two new albums! And yes, a Christmas record is definitely something we’ve thought about but there won’t be time to record and release a full album this year. We do have something really cool (hopefully!) planned for the holiday season though, especially for everyone in the MLT Club, so keep an eye out for that announcement! 😉

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