MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hello and Love to the MLT Universe!

  • Hello and Love to the MLT Universe!

    Posted by David Johnson on 05/09/2020 at 17:00

    H!  My name is David B. Johnson, and I live in St. Louis, MO, USA.  I “discovered” these fine Ladies and this fantastic group recently, and only wish I would have done so much sooner.  I love their harmonies and their whole sound, the music, their originals, and of course their excellent covers of Beatles and other songs.  I also love the personality and emotion that Mona and Lisa have and communicate, and their bubbliness.  The spectrum of emotions journey that they take their listeners on touches a person to the core, and their playfulness is very endearing.  They can move you to tears on songs like “Still A Friend of Mine” and “God Only Knows,” and then make you smile/laugh with “craziness” like Lisa chewing on her hair in the “That’s Life” video or eating the chocolate bar in the “Bus Stop” video.  In fact, and I know it sounds funny, but it’s things like that, beyond the fact that they touch your soul, that makes you “fall in love” with them!  Oh, wow, I could just go on and on.  I will just end this post by saying that I am 49 years old and have loved music for a long time, and MonaLisa Twins have become one of my favorite, top-three, all-time music groups, with The Beatles and Chicago, and that, my friends is not hyperbole or exaggeration at all.  Peace and Love, and if I may borrow the words of MLT, which I love so much, “Stay Groovy!”  🙂

    David Johnson replied 3 years, 12 months ago 11 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Robert Fendt

    05/09/2020 at 17:18

    Hi David, a warm welcome to the fabulous MLT Club.

    I couldn’t agree with you more echo everything you said, it’s a fantastic and groovy place to be.


    Enjoy and love as do we all.

    • David Johnson

      05/09/2020 at 21:51

      Thank you to everyone, for your warm welcome and greetings!  I see that the spirit of love and harmony that MonaLisa Twins bring to their music is in the hearts of their devoted fans, also.  : )

      With love to you all,


  • Joseph Manzi

    05/09/2020 at 18:06

    Welcome aboard David,

    I myself live in the States. Used to live in Texas but now in New Jersey. I agree with you.

    The twins are talented and special. Looking forward to interacting with you. As the girls say .

    Stay Groovy ! Will be talking


  • David Herrick

    05/09/2020 at 19:54

    Hello, David!  Welcome to the ever-growing contingent of Davids in this club.  Your description of what makes MLT so groovy is precisely how I feel as well.

    I’ve always been a big fan of the city of St. Louis, although I have no particular connection to it.  But other than a few stopovers at Lambert in the heyday of TWA, I’ve only visited once, back in 1994, and only for a day.  I did all the basic touristy things:  went up in the arch, visited the westward expansion museum, and took a ride along the Mississippi, where I saw some boats still in the process of power-washing the structures along the banks that had accumulated mud in the great flood the previous year.


  • David Johnson

    05/09/2020 at 22:02

    Thank you, Robert, Joseph, and David, and to all who have extended your kind and warm greetings to me!  I am glad to be part of MLT Universe!

    With peace and love,

    and “stay groovy,”


  • Robert Fendt

    05/09/2020 at 22:19

    You’re very welcome here David! The MLT Club is fantastic to be apart of it’s a fab groovy club lead by the amazing MonaLisa Twins.

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/09/2020 at 00:06

    Welcome David BJ… ( Must distinguish  you from the other David’s on here…hope you don’t mind) and most Groovy to meet you, I’m Canadian and been an MLTBuzzingLuvGroovy Gal for going on 13 yrs…. I’m in complete agreement with your sentiments, and am looking forward to your postings… As the Team MLT signature trademark saying goes…Stay Groovy !!

  • Howard

    06/09/2020 at 04:27

    Welcome to the best club on the planet David. I live Downunder in Brisbane, Australia. I share your feelings for Mona and Lisa. They have definitely breathed new life into so many of my old favourites, and do it in the most beautiful way, and then take it even further with their own fabulous originals.

  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2020 at 05:43

    A big warm welcome to the Club David, so glad you joined.  Loved reading what you wrote, and my sentiments exactly.  They can make you laugh, smile, move you to tears, and fill your heart with joy!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    06/09/2020 at 14:11

    Hi David,

    I joined a few months ago for similar reasons.  These original songs stand up to the classics.  Can’t wait for their next release.

    And this is a great group of fans on this forum.  We have most of the time zones covered.


  • David Johnson

    07/09/2020 at 20:23

    Hello, Jacki, Howard, Jung, and Johnnypee and everyone!  Thank you for your greetings!  I joined the club because MonaLisa Twins are fantastic and special (such good music, singing, originality, personality, etc.), and of my love for them, but I see that there is a lot of love amongst us MLT members and admirers!  I’m feeling the love, and it is special.  Thank you!  I’m definitely on-board with MonaLisa Twins and all of you for the whole journey!  It’s like all of our own Magical Mystery Tour!!  : )

    Peace, Love, and Stay Groovy,


  • Rudolf Wagner

    14/09/2020 at 11:30

    Hi David,

    We’re flattered, thanks for that sweet hello! Welcome to the Club community and we hope this space brings you joy. 🙂

    It’s hard to know how to react to such big compliments but just know that it means the world to us. There is no better feeling than knowing what we do can brighten some else’s day. So thanks a lot!

    Stay groovy and all the best to St. Louis!
    Mona & Lisa

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    15/09/2020 at 04:52

    Hello, David,

    I see you welcomed me before I could welcome you even though I joined a few weeks before you.  Anyway, it’s good to see another Midwesterner in the MLT Club.  I, too, wish I’d discovered the twins long ago, except that it would have been frustrating.   I haven’t really had any opportunity in the past ten years to travel to Liverpool where I could see them play live.   I discovered Lindsey Stirling back in 2011 when she was just getting started and I got to see her in concert two years in a row (2013 and 2014).  It would have been 3, but my wife didn’t want to pay $35 (we paid 20 and 25 respectively for the first two concerts).

    Once travel restrictions are lifted and things return to whatever “normal” is, I’m hoping we can get the Twins to tour the U.S.  I haven’t pressed the “Donate” button yet, but I would in a minute if they said they were raising money to tour the U.S.  I’d even look up venues in the Omaha metro area to see who’d like to have them play.

  • David Johnson

    17/09/2020 at 05:20

    Hi, Mona!  You’re thoughtful reply really brightened my day!  Thank you for that, so much!

    I hope you and Lisa and your family and everyone there has a great and blessed day!

    With love, and, of course, “stay groovy,”

    David  : )

  • Bill Isenberg

    20/09/2020 at 03:55

    Welcome David from Pittsburgh Pa! So glad you can share the joy with us. The Mona Lisa Twins Club is the Groovest place on the internet!! Such beauty and joy from the Mona Lisa Twins. There music is so up lifting in a world that is not in a good place right now. But they have us all on their wings and taking us along for the ride and we love every minute of it!! I found them back in 2018 and wish it would of been sooner but glad I found them and now they will be around with us for quite some time! So enjoy and check out the forum, real good conversation coming from club members!! God bless


  • David Johnson

    23/09/2020 at 03:53

    Lynn, I’d love to see a MonaLisa Twins concert here in the States!  Maybe someday not too far off.  And Bill, thank you for your greeting, too!  Yes, MonaLisa Twins help bring joy into the world through their music and song, and remind us that music is the sound of feeling, as someone once said, and putting love into music and expressing it has to be one of the most beautiful and powerful things in the world!

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