• Hello From Canada

    Posted by David on 22/07/2020 at 04:08

    I live in Magog, Quebec which is very close to the Vermont border and about an hour & a half from Montreal.  A few months ago I was searching for something on youtube when I stumbled upon their hauntingly beautiful video for their cover of  “If I Fell”. I was mesmerized. I was hooked. That achingly beautiful bass, those gorgeous vocals. I was struck at how professional and slick their performance and the video itself is and yet how fun and unpretentious.  I spent the next few hours immersed in their many  videos. I was blown away by the consistent quality. They are truly magnificent musicians even when they were  so young. Their cover of “Samba Pa Ti”. What stellar guitar playing for some one of any age!  Their bright joyful cover of “Morning Has Broken”. Their many covers of Beatles songs whom they seem to have coursing through their veins . I never heard any one  capture the electricity and the  fun of the Beatles so well.  Then I discovered their originals from the sultry and seductive “Waiting For The Waiter” to the fun and humorous “Thats Life”. It was all so wonderful & infectious. They have a charisma that is hard to define that leaps off the screen in every thing they do. Maybe it  is partly due to the fact  that they have spent their entire  lives enveloped in the world of music making. They are so talented yet they make it seem so effortless. It is all very life affirming to witness. Reading the comments on youtube and this site clearly demonstrate that there are many, many people who feel the same way I do.  I envy those of you who have seen them live. I really hope to do so one day.

    I”m really happy to join this club and look forward to discovering much more of Mona & Lisa’s incredible music.

    David replied 4 years, 1 month ago 9 Members · 40 Replies
  • 40 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 04:24

    Well Gidday Eh/Bonjour David, from up Ottawa  way …about 2-3 hrs away from you, I’ve been to Montreal a few times…. it’s nice to see another Canadian-Canucker join  on here, there’s  myself, Jung so far that I know of who are Canadian MLTBuzzLuvGroovies. I’ve been a fan going on 12 yrs now, stumbled upon them on my, searching for a decent California Dreamin…was hooked from getgo….pleased to meet your aquaintence,  look forward to more postings from you. You’re  gonna luv this Club and all its  offerings, ???☮

    • David

      22/07/2020 at 13:07

      Bonjour Jack,

      Thanks for your reply & your welcome.  I love their cover of California Dreaming as well. The video is charming; it really looks like they had a lot of fun filming it. You live in such a beautiful city and its so bilingual as well!

  • John Behle

    22/07/2020 at 04:35

    Very well said.  My sentiments too.  “If I Fell” is my phone ringtone.    I’d tell the whole world about them if I had a way.  Cool that you found them and hope you have a great time at their club.  Some of the behind the scenes are just as wonderful as their videos.  Their humor, their joy, their kindness.  Someone pointed me to their Christmas advent calendar of a couple years ago and their video making cookies.  The humor, teasing and love between them is heart warming.

    Welcome David, so glad you found your way here.  Canada is kind of a second home to me and there’s some other great Canadians here in the forum.

    • David

      22/07/2020 at 13:10

      Thanks for your welcome Jack. There is so much great material on this site that I’m looking forward to discovering.

    • David

      28/07/2020 at 22:37

      Sorry for the late reply John,


      Thanks for your welcome. Yes,  the behind the scenes material is great.  I  really enjoyed the making of the Duo Sessions album cover video

  • Howard

    22/07/2020 at 04:49

    Hi David, and a big welcome to the MonaLisa Twins Club. Thank you for sharing that wonderful introduction with us. I experienced similar feelings that momentous night I discovered them on YouTube two years ago. I stayed up all night watching as many music videos and interviews etcetera of theirs as possible, wondering just how they managed to be around for over a decade without me knowing of their existence. Especially since they spent six months in my country around eleven years ago.

    You are now a member of what I consider to be the best club on the planet. I look forward to hearing more from you in the Club Forum. The Club already has two very passionate and active members from the deep north of North America. I hail from the deep north of Australia in your opposite hemisphere.

    • David

      22/07/2020 at 13:16

      Thanks for your welcome Howard,

      This is the first club I’ve ever been a  member of . I”m glad to be here.

      I have always wanted to visit Australia. In the small amount of traveling I’ve done, I’ve met many wonderful sociable people from your great country.

  • Jung Roe

    22/07/2020 at 05:48

    Hi David, a big warm welcome to a fellow Canadian.  So glad you joined.  Mona and Lisa’s singing  and harmonies are so infectious indeed, when they let loose with their vocals watch out, and they have such wonderful charisma.  A lot like the Fab 4 in many ways!   Lisa’s guitar work on Samba Pa Ti is incredible, I feel every beautiful note.  I was out in Montreal and Quebec City last fall, such a beautiful area, loved it.  I hope you have a great time here!  Lots of great people here from down under to Canada and everywhere in between!

  • David

    22/07/2020 at 13:22

    Thanks Jung for your welcome.  I can see that there are a lot of members from very diverse places.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 13:35

    Hi again David…

    You’re  welcome and Thankyou for your reply but I would like to clarify something:

    My name is Jacki, not Jack, and I’m a woman not a man, a she not a he…female, not male…lol…just wanted to clear that up. Only my own family can get  away with calling me “Jack”… ☮

  • David

    22/07/2020 at 14:00

    I’m so sorry Jacki!

    Please forgive my carelessness.

    I can’t believe I did that!

    I thought I could read!

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 14:18

    Hi David, you’re  forgiven, ?not to worry, just wanted  to clarify it from get go, hope you didn’t  mind me doing so☮

  • David

    22/07/2020 at 14:32

    Hi again Jacki,


    I would never mind it when someone corrects me after I did something really idiotic.  Again, I’m really sorry.

  • Michael Thompson

    22/07/2020 at 15:56

    David just call her WeeJax from Canada eh!

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 16:08

    Lol, well Michael, in fact, that’s  my nickname most of the time, my friend Alan from Glass Tiger band, ( lead vocalist)that is what he  calls me most times whenever I’ve seen them play and meetup before or after their shows, my friends call me that, so it is fitting, I even refer to myself as that,  so it’s  appropriate  and I’m okay with it, doesn’t bother me, so WeeJax has spoken of???☮

  • David Herrick

    22/07/2020 at 16:30

    Hello, David (from a fellow David), and welcome to the club!

    At first I doubted that you were actually from Canada, seeing as how statistically improbable it would be to have so many Canadian members.  But you’ve already apologized twice for something rather innocuous, so I believe you now.


  • David

    22/07/2020 at 16:42

    Thanks for the Welcome David

    Yes I’ve done my country proud by doing something stupid & I’ve pretty well ensured that I will forever be known in the MonaLisa Twins club  as the Canadian who called Jacki, Jack.



  • David

    22/07/2020 at 16:44

    I think I should get some sleep!

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 16:50

    Well, I’ve got the perfect solution… I can be dubbed on here as WeeJaxWoman…lol…I chose this nickname, so I’m fine with others using it…lol???

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