• Hello From Canada

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 11/10/2022 at 16:45

    Hi all, newbie from Canada. I’m an older guitarist (but certainly not what I consider a great player) that grew up in the 60’s so MonaLisaTwins covers really resonate with me. I’ve been listening to them for the last year and a half now and really love their approach to songs that ring loud and clear to my memories. I find them and their music refreshing and very heartwarming. I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new CD “Why”. I listen to Orange, Live at the Cavern Club and Duo Sessions all the time, plus all the clips they post so I am stoked to get the new release.

    I play acoustic, electrics, a bass occasionally, and a ukelele. I’m a PRS fan (have a Hollowbody SEII Piezo and an SE Custom 24), and I really like my two Yamaha FG800’s (one dreadnought and one electric cutaway). I favor older rock, metal, Southern rock, and country too, but I dig just about all music other than Rap and Techno electronic; I need guitar riffs and solos or I turn it off!

    Here’s my little family, just waiting for the arrival of my new Seagull S12 Concert and that will do me for a while. I have 3 amps: An older Peavey 10, a Mustang 25LT, and a Katana 50 MKII.

    Looking forward to hanging out here, I’m retired in 3 weeks so listening and playing will be my main gig from then forward…

    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    12/10/2022 at 02:26

    Hi Daryl, welcome to the MLT Club! Enjoyed reading your write up, and I too love music with guitar riffs especially, or any good guitar work. I think modern music lack any good guitar work if any these days. We don’t have musicians any more in the same league as Mona and Lisa. Nice little family of beautiful guitars you got going there. Thanks for posting the pictures of them. Like that little white one in your collection.

    I’m from Canada too by the way, Vancouver.

    I love this video by Mona and Lisa, my guitar heroes.


    • Jacki Hopper

      12/10/2022 at 02:49

      Gidday Eh there Daryl and a #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Welcome to the MLT Club here, I’m Canadian too, from Ontario, and been an MLT fan going on 15 yrs now, Awesome intro and luv your guitar family group photo, looking forward to seeing more future posts from you.. . ????????????

      PS…. Hi Jung , I had to reply for Daryl under your reply as I couldn’t see a Reply option button under Daryl ‘s post, or if there is, my dumb eyes missed it …..

    • Daryl Jones

      12/10/2022 at 15:19

      OK, so, like how’s it goin’ eh?

      As I mentioned to Jung, I’m in north central AB. I have a couple guitar (other PRS fans) and other friends and relatives in the GTA. Last time down there was on my motorcycle 5 years ago so I’m due for another visit now that the work monkey is almost off my back.

      I’ve had a rather varied career life, spent the last 16 years in the power sports world selling motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles and such. Ran my own business for many years from the 70’s through the mid 90’s, was a commercial pilot (small charters mostly), and being out here spent a few years in the oil and gas industry. Music has been and always will be my first love, and that’s where most of my attention will be in the future. Been riding motorcycles since I was 14, and I will continue as long as my body allows. I road race recreationally on one of my bikes so I’d love to get down your way and hit some of the fabulous racetracks in Ontario!

    • Jacki Hopper

      12/10/2022 at 16:38

      Cool, I’m in Ottawa ….. Thankyou for the reply, and now I’ve seen the Reply button on your posting on here in your reply to me …. ????????✌????????

    • Daryl Jones

      12/10/2022 at 15:02

      Thanks for the welcome! Sad really that so much of the music is “generated” rather than played anymore. The Twins fill that emptiness with energy and that does my heart so much good.

      I live in a northern community, a couple hours north of Edmonton. Been here most of my 65 years. I’m retiring the end of this month so most of my focus will be on music, although I doubt anyone will ever hear me with the same fervor Mona and Lisa generate haha.

      That white guitar is a Yamaha RGX121, first guitar I ever bought. Picked it up in a pawn shop in Edmonton about 30 years ago along with a little Peavey 10 practice amp for $100. Not anywhere near what either of my PRS instruments are, but the H/S/H pup combo is really quite versatile, fun little axe. It does spend far too much time sitting on the rack as my Custom and HB get all the attention as a rule. My acoustics do get played, but the PRS guitars do spoil me with their buttery feel. I’ve been waiting for my new Seagull since February, never even held a 12 string but I’m sure going to give that one a whirl. Not sure how my fingers will take to it straight off, double the string tension is going to be a real test for me.

      I’ll be pretty regular here as time goes on, just hope I don’t bore anybody.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 03:57

    My guitar family grew over the weekend. I’m now the very happy owner of a Seagull S12 Concert Hall e-acoustic 12 string. Easily the nicest acoustic guitar I’ve ever owned. I had a Seagul S6 years ago and it too was awesome, ended up giving that to my nephew as a Christmas gift (mistake?) But hey, it’s family right?

    Anyway, I’ve been playing it for a few days now and read getting the feel for it. I was a bit nervous about the string pressure and how it might be difficult to play, but even the mist stubborn barre chords are easy to play on it. So, my music cave is full now, unless I go searching for a new amp or something else…GAS is very real.

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