• David

    22/07/2020 at 21:24

    Hello again everyone. Another mistake I have to correct. Regarding If I Fell. Its That achingly beautiful Cello. Not Bass.



  • Matt Hay

    24/07/2020 at 13:32

    Bonjour and G’day from Australia David 😀

  • David

    24/07/2020 at 13:40

    Bonjour & G’day to you as well Matt. Wellcome to the club. I see you’re new here as well. It’s great to be a part of all this. Isn’t it?

  • Matt Hay

    24/07/2020 at 16:15

    Yes it is!

    Yes, I have only been a member for 10 days, and first heard the MLT less than 2 weeks before that 😀 First time I’ve been a member of a fan club, but I guess one is never too old ;p

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/07/2020 at 01:10

    Hi David!
    Thank you so much for joining the Club so soon after discovering our videos on YouTube and for all the kind and flattering words.
    As your name twin David pointed out, it is great to see so many Canadians here in the Club. We have yet to meet a single unpleasant Canadian and would love to visit your country one day 🙂

    Mona and me hope you’ll have a wonderful time here at the Club and send groovy greetings!

  • David

    25/07/2020 at 02:15

    Thank you very much Lisa for your kind welcome.  You & Mona have formed a wonderful community here. Its a very welcoming and life affirming place.  Its great to read  what people have to say about your incredible music; the sharing of all this admiration for what you both do. Since I joined last Saturday I’ve seen & heard a lot of material that was new to me. My appreciation and admiration for you both keeps growing. I’m looking forward to discovering more & especially to your next album.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 13:45

    Yes, that’s  my dream, to have MLT come to Canada, and would love to meet them….hoping one day, it can happen….one can dream, hope…???

  • David

    25/07/2020 at 14:17

    Mine too, Jacki.  I would love to see them in Montreal. I think they would fall in love with that city as much as I did. It’s such a vibrant, culturally rich city with an incredible Anglophone as well as  a Francophone music scene. I can imagine seeing them strolling through old Montreal amount the stunning architecture eating a poutine in one of their slick gorgeous videos . But really I would love to see Mona & Lisa  anywhere.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 18:03

    I would see them in Montreal, only 2 hrs away from Ottawa, but they have to come to Ottawa as well….?

    • David

      25/07/2020 at 19:07

      Yeah they can go in the winter and skate on the Rideau canal

  • Jung Roe

    26/07/2020 at 10:05

    After Montreal and Ottawa Mona and Lisa will have to come hiking to see some breathtaking peaks in the Rockies and then do some whale watching on the westcoast.

  • David

    26/07/2020 at 12:43

    Hello Jung,

    Yes you’re right. I was born and raised in Calgary & one of the things I miss the most other than people is hiking in Kananaskis Country which is about an hour away. It is still one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Then I moved to Victoria where I spent most of my life. They have to see Tofino which is north of Victoria on Vancouver Island.

  • Jung Roe

    26/07/2020 at 21:13

    David, wow you’ve lived and live in many of the best places in Canada!  I lived in Vancouver pretty much my whole life, but always enjoyed hopping over to Vancouver Island, Victoria all the way up to Port Hardy/Tassis.  I’ve been to Tofino-Long Beach many times too (great whale watching there) including a week long memorable highschool Beatlemania biology trip.  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle loved it so much when they visited Vancouver Island they decided to live there.  I think Mona and Lisa will love Canada!  🙂   Been to Calgary many times too, often did the Banff – Calgary – Edmonton – Jasper – Columbia Icefields – Lake Louise loop.

  • David

    26/07/2020 at 22:52

    Vancouver is a beautiful city as well. Mona & Lisa should visit Stanley Park, Granville Island and take that incredible sea to sky highway drive to Whistler.

    I have to ask, “Beatlemania biology trip” what was that all about? What an intriguing phrase

  • Jung Roe

    27/07/2020 at 00:26

    Hi David.  You certainly know all the best places in Vancouver well.  Those would be the top places to see in my fair city for sure.

    As for Beatlemania biology trip, imagine 30 grade 10 highschool kids on a week long biology field trip to Tofino and Longbeach, and someone brings along the Beatles blue and red albums and a ghetto blaster.  It’s a recipe for a Beatlemania explosion. It was the first time I experienced Beatlemania in all it’s glory and passion!  In the Ask the MonaLisa Twins sub forum, I shared my Beatlemania moment of that highschool field trip last year and asked Mona and Lisa about their Beatlemania experience.  You can catch Lisa’s awesome response there if you want to follow the link “A Beatlemania moment“.

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/07/2020 at 05:32

    Whoa David, you’ve  certainly have touched down in some of Canada’s finest offerings of places….I’ve only travelled specifically to Montreal, Toronto, Oakville, Hamilton, Burlington, Niagara Falls, Newmarket and driven through with Dad driving to various little towns in the corridor of Montreal to Niagara ….???????

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