• David

    27/07/2020 at 13:58

    Thanks Jung for your reply & for sending that link to your original post about your Beatlemania moment and Lisa’s wonderful evocative  response.  It sounds like quite a time. I loved the Beatles Red & Blue albums as well.  When I was around 13 I started to go to my sisters place & listen to her incredible collection of vinyl records. It was when I really started to “listen” to music. One of  my favourites was the Beatles White album. It completely transfixed me and took me to another place. I was in awe of the incredible diversity of styles & attitudes of the songs & of the feelings & questions they provoked in me. It was shocking to me that music could move me like that. Their charisma oozed out of the speakers & I felt  like I could relate to so much of what they were saying & at the same time they were miles above me . I began to see what quality was,  what talent was. Like Lisa described  about her Beatlemania moment mine seems insignificant . But it was the beginning of my life long love affair with Beatles music &  in fact with music in general. To this day when I discover an artist that really reaches me I devour every song I can get a hold of. I become completely immersed in their music. When I discovered Mona Lisa Twins I immediately knew that I would be spending a lot of time listening to their music. I immediately knew I was hearing quality & immense talent; That they they are special and unique in this world of disposable plastic.

  • David

    27/07/2020 at 14:06

    Hi Jacki,

    I have never been to Niagara falls. I would love to to go.  I would also love to go to the east  coast of Canada, Nova Scotia & Newfoundland. This is such a huge country & many Canadians have only seen such a small part of it. I have met quite a few  tourists who have seen more of Canada than I have.

  • David

    27/07/2020 at 14:13

    I should have written : I have met quite a few tourist who have seen much more of Canada than I have.

  • Jung Roe

    27/07/2020 at 19:40

    Hi David, wow thanks so much for sharing your Beatlemania experience.  I’ve been scouring the used records stores for a vinyl copy of Revolver (have Rubber Soul and Sgt Peppers already), but I think I will also seek a vinyl of the White Album too now.  I have to say some of my most deepest moving moments were through music.  From singing in grade 5 music class, Beach Boys, Beatlemania biology field trip, Beethoven, MonaLisa Twins, there was nothing that moved me emotionally like music.

    I want to meet someone music quote

  • David

    28/07/2020 at 22:39

    Great photo,  Jung

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