MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hello from Guyana, South America.

  • Hello from Guyana, South America.

    Posted by Faiz on 25/01/2020 at 02:00

    Grew up listening to the Beatles, Bee Gees, Abba, Peter Frampton among others.  Came across MLT will looking for some Beatles tunes on YouTube several years ago and have been captured.  I have since seen other covers but none that match the energy and  creativity that you put into your covers.

    Thanks for sharing the great talents that you have with the rest of the world.


    Rudolf Wagner replied 4 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    25/01/2020 at 02:22

    Welcome to the Club Faiz. I too was introduced to the MLT via their YouTube videos and joined the Club as soon as it opened. You will find much here to occupy your time and many like minded people to share it with.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/01/2020 at 02:40

    Hi Faiz and welcome to here at MLT Club, as Howard said, plenty to see/read/listen to do… Certainly will get your MLTBuzzGroovy going…. I’ve been an MLT fan almost 13 yrs now…Happily stumbled upon them on YT, for “California Dreamin” cover and right then and there the decision was made… Lifetime MLT fan was born…. Lol… Do enjoy it here, nice to meet you. ☮️

  • Jung Roe

    25/01/2020 at 05:31

    Hi Faiz, awesome to meet you and so glad you joined us.  I will echo what Jacki and Howard said, and the only thing that draws me to the internet these days is all the wonderful things here at the MLT Club, and following Mona and Lisa on their musical adventure.  It’s so wonderful to be along for the ride on the MLT Magic Music Adventure Tour that keeps on growing!

    MLT Magic Mystery Tour

    A big welcome to you!


  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/01/2020 at 20:42

    Hi Faiz!

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. YouTube has brought many of the MLT Club members here – welcome to the MLT family! 🙂

    We are lucky to live in a time where we can use things like YT to connect with people all over the world … from Iceland to Guyana! Groovy greetings from Liverpool!

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