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  • Hello from Massachusetts

    Posted by George Paine on 25/10/2018 at 22:01

    Hi, I’m George & I’m from a little town in New England called Douglas, Massachusetts.  I’m currently 23 yrs old & I’m a lifelong classic rock fan.  I was raised listening to all this old music & I love it.  Believe it or not when I first found Mona & Lisa I was looking up Paul McCartney on youtube back in May.  Their cover of Drive My Car appeared under recommended videos.  I checked it out & was instantly hooked.  I checked out everything else they had at the time & I loved everything.  I bought all the albums they had out at the time & put them on my computer.  I have well over 25,000 songs on my computer mainly of Classic Rock.  I love the sound of vinyl too & I bought myself a record player a few years ago.  I have a growing collection of records with the most recent one being the newest Guess Who album.  Just since 2014 I have gone to 19 concerts & plan on going to 2 more next month.  Music is a big part of my life & as you might be able to see from my picture I play a little bass too.

    Michael Rife replied 5 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2018 at 22:23

    Hi… And Welcome????☮️

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 23:51

    ‘And the lights, all went ouuut … in Massachusetts’. Welcome to the club George.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 23:56

    Hello fellow bass player (we’re often underrated but still needed ;-)). Hope you will enjoy it here. It’s good to see the younger generation still interested in this kind of music.

    • George Paine

      26/10/2018 at 00:16

      I started out trying to learn guitar but I wasn’t quite getting it.  I’m still slowly getting better.  My younger brother learned from my older neighbor & he actually got so good he started to teach my neighbor things.  He borrowed my neighbor’s bass & I tried it.  I really liked it so I went & bought myself a nice red Fender bass.  I find it to be much easier than guitar for now.  I’m getting there.  My brother also bought himself a nice bass.  He got himself a Hofner violin bass.  I love this kind of music.  When I found Mona & Lisa online I was surprised to find two people around my age so into the older music.  I did notice online there seems to be a lot of younger people who are really into this older music especially over in your area of the world.

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/10/2018 at 02:20

    I can  somewhat play tambourine…dibbledabble on piano…dibbledabble on mouth harmonica ( not hardly on hamonica/piano/guitar but enjoy what I conjure up…play by ear…one time kinda by ear figured out half of the original ” LEAN ON ME ” song from 1970s on the piano of one of my aunts )

    I do own a Purple Uke ( Lisa gave me the idea to get one…” I Don’t Know Birds That Well ” & nor can I hardly play it  either but I have it and besides it’s purple???????? )  I would love to one day give Cowbells and Drums a whirl….Harp….Xylephone….Washboard….I do have couple of exotic type instruments  …One has metal tongs and is round …good for meditating.. and another kind from same company  but it resembles like a mini-xylephone. It also helps having have an older sibling who enjoys  jamming and playing his electric/accoustic guitars but with BLUES tunes…????????????????????????????????????️????????….Oh I’ve even tackled Kareoke a couple of times…

  • Jung Roe

    27/10/2018 at 04:38

    A warm welcome George.  Looking forward to seeing you around the MLT club!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    28/10/2018 at 02:09

    Hi there, George! A warm welcome from all of us here and thanks for the really kind words!

    The Drive My Car seems to have been popping up in lots of people’s recommended videos, that’s awesome! We’re actually working on a little project in relation to that song right now – it will show up in the MLT Club soon 🙂

    That’s great that you got to see so many shows over the years. Which ones are the ones you’re going to next month?

    I also love that vinyl is making a comeback in our generation. We dug out dad’s old one a few years ago and have been building up a little collection too … slowly but surely!

    Anyway, lovely to have you here and we hope you’ll enjoy your time in the Club 🙂

    • George Paine

      28/10/2018 at 08:41

      I’ve always loved Drive My Car.  It has always been one of my favorite Beatles songs.  Next month I’m going to Twin River Casino twice for the concerts.  The first one is going to be The Temptations & The Four Tops.  The second one is going to be Grand Funk Railroad & Foghat.  I’ve already seen Grand Funk Railroad twice but they are a fantastic band & they put on a great show.

    • Rudolf Wagner

      06/11/2018 at 19:49

      That sounds great! I hadn’t heard much of Grand Funk Railroad before (except the obvious hits) I have to admit, and I did some catching up last week. I think they were one of those massive US bands that didn’t have the same kind of following here in Europe, at least from my Austrian/UK perspective (After all… they were an American band 😉 ). Glad to hear they’re still putting on great shows!

      The Temptations & The Four Tops, now that’s a cool double bill.

      Hope you’ll have fun there!

    • George Paine

      07/11/2018 at 01:36

      I want to go with my brother to see The Temptations & The Four Tops on Friday.  It would be great to see them & my brother is really into that older style of music.  With Grand Funk Railroad 2 of the original trio is still there.  The Drummer/vocalist & the bass player have been there since the beginning.  The original guitarist/vocalist left & now the guy who took his place was the lead vocalist for 38 Special back in the 80s on 2 albums.  They also got another guitarist who plays the lead who was the  lead guitarist in Kiss back in the late 80s & they have a keyboardist.  That concert with Foghat is next Saturday.  I might go to that with one of my friends.  I know a lot about music especially when it’s a band I really like.

  • Howard

    28/10/2018 at 12:11

    “Everybody’s doing a brand new dance now. Come on baby, do the Locomotion…”

    • George Paine

      28/10/2018 at 23:40

      I love that song.  The Loco-Motion written by Gerry Goffin & Carole King.  Originally performed by Little Eva in 1962 & then became a big hit when Grand Funk Railroad recorded it in 1974.

  • Gregory Alberts

    08/11/2018 at 13:13

    Welcome aboard George.   I too have a fondness for vinyl.   And shellac.

  • Jota Hermógenes

    09/11/2018 at 10:18

    Hello George, and best regards!. I also like the sound of vinyl and I have a mini home sound studio in my house too. I play piano and guitar a little bit. To my I also like all the music of MLT and I love all covers!.

    Music unites us all.

    Greetings and we speak here. 😉

  • Michael Rife

    12/11/2018 at 00:50

    Hi George!!

    Glad you are here.  I also live in Massachusetts in a Boston ‘burb to the southwest of Boston.  But, I am not sure where Douglas is.  I live in a town that  is just off I-95 near Foxborough.  Can you let me know generally where Douglas is?

    Also, do you play any instruments?  I have a bunch of instruments and maybe we could one day do some damage to the MLT Chord Book.


    • George Paine

      12/11/2018 at 03:16

      Hi Mike!

      Do you know where 146 is?  It’s right off of 146 exit 4.  Douglas is right on the Rhode Island/Connecticut/Massachusetts border.  I’m about 10 minutes away from both Rhode Island & Connecticut.  Webster, Uxbridge & Whitinsville surround Douglas.

      I do play a little bass.  I’m also trying to learn guitar & I used to play trumpet in middle school.

    • Michael Rife

      12/11/2018 at 16:25

      Hi George;

      I’m not quite sure where 146 is…….but if you are where MA, RI, and CT meet we are not too terribly far away.  I’m in the middle of teaching and grading papers, etc. now but over the holidays I’ll have lots of time.  Maybe then (mid Dec. to mid Jan.).

      BTW I feel no compulsion for both of us to be in MLT shirts when we meet!!


    • George Paine

      12/11/2018 at 22:18

      I have no problem with that.  I don’t even have a MLT shirt so no worries there.  Most of my shirts are band shirts though.  Like right now I’m wearing Journey.

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/11/2018 at 05:36

    Well then… Whenever you both do an MLTBuzz Meet up… Be sure to wear your MLT t-shirts so you can be the MLT TShirt Twins…. Lol… And Jam up MLT style ????????????????????????❤️????????????????️????????????

  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 00:59

    You don’t have a MLT shirt!! I hope you at least have a MLT cap! How else are we going to know you are a MLT fan when we meet you. Also, it pays to advertise.

    • George Paine

      13/11/2018 at 02:44

      Well I have all their albums on CD & I’ve been blasting their music to & from work for the past 2 weeks.  I put all my favorite songs together & it came to 3.5 hours.  I like to make cassette tapes of my favorite artists & 1 90 minute tape wasn’t enough.  I found a 120 minute tape.  So I put everything I liked from 2007-to the 1st cover album on the 90 min tape & everything else on the 120.

    • Michael Rife

      13/11/2018 at 10:18

      Hi Howard;

      I have an MLT t-shirt, hoodie, guitar strap, pics, hat etc.  I was mostly responding to Jackie’s response.  If George and I get together (either at my place or his) to play music, then he would know I am already an MLT fan because we would show up at one of the other’s place.  And to   me if we both wore our MLT stuff when we first meet, it would be a little too “cutesy”.  But, if a group of us got together at an MLT event, then I would likely wear one of their merch items so we can tell who is an MLT fan.

  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 11:00

    Thank you Mike.  I understand. Probably being a little too facetious there! I’d do exactly the same as you under the circumstances. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in Liverpool with the hope that one day you just might be lucky enough to bump into one of the Wagners at a local cafe! Hopefully in such a situation I’d at least be wearing a MLT cap!

    • Michael Rife

      13/11/2018 at 18:25

      Hi Howard;

      No problem.  We can’t always tell when someone is kidding by the typed word.  But, if I lived in Liverpool or surrounding areas, I would likely wear MLT merch at some time during the week.  I sometimes imagine if I were 40 years younger and had no responsibilities, would I pack up my gear and go to England/Europe or stay here in the US and try to make a go of it in music?? Through FB I have been in contact with other musicians in England and Europe and we keep threatening to send each other songs or partial songs we are working on and maybe do long distance recording or over-dubbing.  Anyway……..yes, I would wear MLT in Liverpool.  Mike.

  • George Paine

    26/10/2018 at 01:49

    I love the sound of the bass.  I also love this older music.  Some of it can be pretty hard to play for newer musicians & even some more experienced musicians.

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