• Jacki Hopper

    22/06/2021 at 03:19

    Hi Robert, Welcome, nice to meet you, may I ask wheabouts is Tamworth !? Enjoy being here, loads of things to see/do, looking forward to your postings. ☮

    • Howard

      24/07/2021 at 12:49

      Hi Jacki. I don’t think Robert will mind me answering on his behalf. Tamworth is on the northern tablelands of NSW, on the Great Dividing Range. Every year the biggest Country Music Festival in Australia is held there.


  • Darryl Boyd

    22/06/2021 at 03:56

    Hi Robert. Tamworth, Australia?

    There’s a few Aussies on here. Welcome from another one.

  • Jung Roe

    22/06/2021 at 16:18

    Welcome to the Club Robert! Glad you joined, and hope you enjoy yourself here!

  • Howard

    24/07/2021 at 12:47

    Hi Robert. Welcome to the Club. I was born close by in Armidale. A very nice area of NSW. A little cold in winter though, up on those tablelands.

  • Robert Bell

    26/11/2021 at 17:20

    Hi Everybody! Sorry i hadn’t logged in for some time and missed the messages!

    As is happens I’m in the ancient capital of Mercia, Tamworth, Staffordshire, UK.

    A visit to the country music festival in Tamworth NSW at some point in the future is certainly on my bucket list! I’ve never been to Australia but have a few different family branches out there, so a month or two’s visit to see them all, when life allows, is certainly on the cards!

    In the meantime i do hope that the twins may one day play the Assembly Rooms here!

    (Just as the Beatles did, February 1st 1963.)

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