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  • Hello from the Rockies

    Posted by John Behle on 28/09/2019 at 05:19

    I’m John from Alpine Utah.  I discovered the site at the start of 2019.  I was just back from a medical clinic and feeling pretty rotten.  I’d always heard music can stimulate endorphins and help with pain.  I searched on YouTube and in looking for Beatles songs I found “Drive My Car” by Mona and Lisa.  My first thought I couldn’t see where a couple “Girls” (I’m so sorry!) could be rocking out to Beatles songs.  OK. OK. OK.  I’ve been eating my words 0r thoughts ever since.  I was tempted to pass, but their faces just said they were having a great time so I chanced it.  I am so glad I did.  Instant amazement.  Still amazed.  Always will be.

    I just love their music.  Every new video was an adventure.  I try to be careful what I say.  I don’t want to be beat up by mobs of crazed Beatles fans, but I like their covers much, much better.  I’m more of a 70’s kid, so I might be able to outrun them.  My older sister had Beatles records and they were on the radio.  I loved their music but didn’t appreciate them as much as I should have.  High school in the 70’s was more Led Zeppelin, Rare Earth, the Guess Who and Grand Funk.  My 8-track was rocking loud.  At about 11 or so I started the drums, but in that day in my area a drummer was only needed if they were in a band and instruction in schools, etc. was less than exciting.  Usually just me on the drums and they wanted me to play a “Timpani.”  I wanted to be Ringo or Buddy Rich and they wanted me to maybe be in a school band.

    After I found my way here, song after song, video after video I grew more a fan of these two incredible sisters – and their family.  The first email I started typing crashed somehow.  I think there were too many “Awesome, Incredible, Amazing, Fantastic” and other similar words for it to handle.

    I was somewhat anonymous here for a while.  I’ve been aloof from the internet for a few years.  My whole family and I have been sick and we’ve been dealing with that.  Before that I had 7 discussion forums and several websites.  After thousands of posts answering questions, educating and encouraging people I got a little burned out.  I was hesitant to jump in here, but I am so grateful to MLT for their inspirational attitudes and wonderful skills.  They’ve brought so much joy to so many.  I so admire someone with drive, talent, ambition and a great attitude.  To work so hard to hone and perfect their skills to give that gift to their fans, friends and the world.  “Heal the world.  Make it a better place.”

    What a great deal.  They play and create the music they love, with joy in their hearts and on their faces while bringing that joy and positivity to others.  They inspire us with their music, treat their fans as friends and crack me up with their humor.  Many are happier and healthier and inspired to greater heights.

    Put me down for about ten copies of the Christmas CD as a start.  Presents are going to be easy this year.    Love ya Wagner family. 

    Oh and Skip Skippy, you inspired me.  I couldn’t find a decent picture to put here so it just stayed blank.  I’m always on the other side of the camera and would have had to go back to 1994 for a good P.R. picture.  So, I took one of my favorites – my youngest son.     

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Howard

    28/09/2019 at 07:05

    A belated welcome to the club John. You sound like the rest of us here. Blown away by how awesome the MLT are and wondering why it took so long to “discover” them. It’s nice to see you posting under your real name too.

    You have summed up my feelings for the MLT experience well. Yes, the entire Wagner family is a constant inspiration to all of us!

  • John Behle

    28/09/2019 at 07:23

    Thanks Howard.  I’ve always posted under my real name, but not much and without a picture.  A few months ago sitting at my computer was too painful, so I mostly just read the posts on my Ipad.  I feel better each day and get around more.  We are all getting feeling a little better and my two sons just entered college and are having a great time.  I’m fortunate that with them “A great time” is safe, happy fun.  Now if they would only discover good music.  “Marshmello??”  I’ve learned to like OneRepublic and some of the others they like.

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 07:38

    John, really glad you are here and a very belated welcome.  Love everything you said in your post here, and wholeheartedly agree about the Wagner’s.

  • John Behle

    28/09/2019 at 07:45

    Thanks Jung.  I’ve enjoyed your post for months.  I have a special love for Canada so your and Jacki’s posts kind of stand out.  Spent a couple years in Alberta and still tear up a little when I hear “Oh Canada.”  An incredible country and people that I miss.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/09/2019 at 20:47

    A Belated Welcome–EH?! John…. I only found in the last few years that the O Canada song actually has 4-6 verses in length but the 1 and 2 verses are what are sung most and known for…. Just a bit o Canadian Trivia Fer ya – – EH, I’m glad you enjoy both my postings and Jung’s !!

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 22:49

    Yes, I echo what Jacki said too, and thanks for those kind words John!

  • Thomas Randall

    29/09/2019 at 16:24

    Hi John and thanks for coming out of the woodwork! Everyone here is really nice and of coarse those Wagners are very special people. So talented, all 4 of them! This is a great place. And I know what you mean about being sick, I’ve been sick for going on a year and a half. These great folks have really helped me deal with it. Seriously. These girls are some of the best medicine you can get!



  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/10/2019 at 13:13

    Hi John!

    What a touching, interesting welcome post, thanks a lot for that!

    It’s funny to us how so many people find us specifically because of the “Drive My Car” Cover, a video we never expected to do so well. Now it’s our 2nd most watched video and introduces thousands to our music each day … life is bizarre sometimes.

    We are glad you came across it and decided to stay, and we can only say thank you for the kind compliments and your support here through joining the club.

    We are very sorry to hear that you and your family have been struggling with health problems. Hopefully, things are on the up and we’ll keep trying to help create endorphins with our music as best as we can. It’s magical sometimes what a simple song can do to one’s mood and outlook.

    All four of us send all the best, a big “hello” and an even bigger “thank you”.


  • John Behle

    20/10/2019 at 13:46

    Thanks Mona!   Love your last two videos and am anxiously waiting for the Christmas album. Usually I’m not big on Christmas music as it is playing everywhere and all pretty much the same.  Now we’ll have the variety and beauty of your music in our home, office and the homes and cars of our employees.  I’m thinking we’ll give them out to each new customer in December also.   It’s not totally just a “Santa” type gesture.  I’d love to create  a big enough local fan base that you could arrive here for another “British Invasion” or an “Austrian-British Invasion.”  I can envision you getting off the plane and waving to your screaming crowd of fans 🙂   At least that’s the way it ought to be anyway.   The world deserves as much of the MLT Magic as it can get.   Imagine.

  • Howard

    20/10/2019 at 20:27

    “can envision you getting off the plane and waving to your screaming crowd of fans   At least that’s the way it ought to be anyway.   The world deserves as much of the MLT Magic as it can get.   Imagine.”

    I agree totally John. In a perfect world that’s how it would be and we wouldn’t have to dream!

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/10/2019 at 21:05

    Lol… Love that John…. I, too can envision the MLTBuzzinGroovimodium that would occur… Quite so….. Enjoyed your post there John….

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