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  • Hello from Tomas in NC

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 12/10/2018 at 03:34

    This is a great MLT idea! Even though it is a LOT more work for you, I’m glad I can contribute in more ways. I shy away from social media more and more, so this private area is fantastic.

    About me…
    I was born in Argentina to British ancestry (who lived in Woolton, Liverpool and were part of the St Peter’s congregation for several generations), I started playing guitar at 4. Music has always got me through difficult times. One of my earliest memories (2 yo) is being distraught that the Beatles had broken up. Funny enough is that I didn’t understand what “broken up” meant, and kept thinking that they were broken up like a shattered tea pot! As a teenager, I wanted to be bigger than the Beatles! I’m 6′ 1″, so mission accomplished.

    After a dropping out of engineering studies in Argentina, I moved to Los Angeles in my early 20’s. I worked in the “industry” for over 20 years free lance and got to meet many stars and work for some really big bands’ live shows. Being in the film and music industry for that long, you get to see all the rotten aspects, and they are many.

    A couple of years ago, my wife and I moved to North Carolina (very close to where James Taylor grew up) and we couldn’t be happier. We have a great place and though we’ll probably never be millionaires, we do what we love. I do IT work for my wife (my only boss), and it pays all our bills comfortably.

    I get to play music and be creative in my own time and I have some nice vintage -and some not so vintage- guitars.

    I found you when looking for “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” videos, since I was going to do my personal version with only guitars. It struck me that all the songs you covered, were my favorite songs, whether Beatles or not, but clearly Beatles heavy. Knowing what the real story is in the “music industry” I’m elated that you didn’t go that route. I also have some knowledge of what not going that route means, and so I will always be a supporter 100%.

    There isn’t an original MLT song that I don’t like, and I’d be hard pressed to pick the one I thought was the best, but if I had to choose the one that brings me the most joy, it’s probably “The Wide Wide Land”.

    Thank you for all you do!

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 5 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/10/2018 at 05:31

    Always so good to hear/read from you and we’re happy you decided to join us here 🙂 We loved this introduction and reading about your (condensed) life story. It’s fascinating hearing from people that have insight into the good and bad of the music industry that watch our journey through the lense of their experiences. We’re glad you like how we’re going about things, purposely staying away from certain paths. That means a lot.

    Great to see you here and thanks for the support! (… she says, wearing some fab headphones!)

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    16/10/2018 at 03:23

    Thank you Lisa!

  • Timothy Connelly

    16/10/2018 at 03:44

    Hey Tomas! My wife and I are going up to Raleigh on Wednesday 10-17 from our hometown of Wilmington. Our daughter lives there so we actually visit her about once a month. Anyway, if you ever want to sit down at a Starbucks and talk music, Beatles and Mona and Lisa, the invitation is there. I’m a big James Taylor fan- I love his song about the neighborhood he grew up in- Copperline. I’m almost 63 so there’s a wide age gap between us and unlike you, I’m not bigger than the Beatles. But it would be fun to talk with another MonaLisa Twins fan!


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2018 at 04:03

    Now…if you guys have MLT teeshirts…wear them for your Meetup and share on how it went and selfies of the two of you..Try to make the meetup happen????????✌️????????☮️

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 08:25

    Hi Tomás, nice to meet you. I’m actually older than Tim, so there’s even a bigger age difference. I’ve never been involved in the industry myself but having worked in the corporate world I can understand what you are saying about the music industry. We hear enough stories about that from other people in the industry and from the MeToo movement.

    Fortunately Mona and Lisa have been protected from those aspects of the industry through the career route they have so bravely chosen and with the support of the father and stepmum and their many world wide fans, they have managed to create something truly beautiful where their vision and creativity can shine, unadulterated by the darker side of the corporate world.

    Hopefully MLT supporters can make this Club work in a way that assists Mona and Lisa and in a way that isn’t a drain on their time and resources. They already do so much for their fans without adequate reward. Now if only we could find a way for those many YouTube hits of theirs to return some reasonable income for them. I’m sure there are enough geniuses out there who could come up with suitable ideas.

    Once again, welcome aboard from a supporter from Downunder!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    21/11/2018 at 02:53


    Tim, I’d love to meet up if you’re ever in this area again. Sorry I just see this, I hand’t set up the replies my mail and missed it. I live very close to the house where James Taylor grew up. Literally the same neck of the woods! I’m 50, so not that much of an age gap!

    Jacki, we’ll keep you posted for sure.

    Howard, I know what you mean, and I’m glad they have taken that route as we are the ones that benefit from it. I’m a big fan and will support them as much as I can, in any way I can. My sister married an Australian from Perth, I love it down there.

    I love the new forum and functionalities that are being added.



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