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  • Hello, somebody out there?

    Posted by Jürgen on 03/11/2019 at 16:15

    Hello everyone

    much Greetings from Moers (a small town somewhere in Germany…). My name is Jürgen and I’m glad to be a part of the MLT Club now. One of my favorite passions is music (could it be any different?), but I’m no musician like some of you. My teachers always told me, that I was completely untalented. Maybe. My first musical instrument was a triangle (accordingly, my music career took only a very short time), my second one was a record player. Nevertheless I enjoy listening to all kind of music. It helps me to see life in a colorful way. My musical favorites are very mixed. From „A“ like Alan Parson, to „D“ like Deep Purple and Depeche Mode, „J“ like Jean-Michel Jarre, „N“ like New Model Army and „Z“ like  ZZTop. But  most of all I like the „B“. Although I’ve just been born when „Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band“ was released, the Beatles were my first love. And so I have found my way to the MonaLisa Twins. I was searching on YouTube for „While my Guitar gently weeps“ when I saw the corresponding video of Mona&Lisa. I felt touched and enchanted by the music at the same time. It is hard to explain why. Was it because of the fresh-sounding voices or because of the soul of George Harrison swinging all about the scene? However, I enjoyed it very much and here I am.  What I like the most about MLT´s self-written music is that their songs are timeless. Time follows its own rules and fashion trends. Sometimes very fast and much faster forgotten. But when people after many years still hum a tune that you wrote today, then your music has overcome the time and found its way into human hearts. I believe „Close to you“, „Still a friend of mine“ and  „That’s life“ represent this kind of music. Please carry on. The Cover Songs are also impressive, for example „I´ll be back“, „Two of us“, „ God only knows“ and „Bus Stop“ (my favorite one because of the very funny video clip).

    Best regards


    PS: In the late seventies I spend my Holidays in Austria (Steiermark and Kärnten) together with my sister and my parents (holiday on the farm). I loved the landscape, especially the lakes and the mountains. My personal favorites were „Wiener Schnitzel mit Pommes“ and chairlift driving to the Alpine Areas. The trees at my feet, above us only sky.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Howard

    03/11/2019 at 18:54

    Welcome to the Club Jürgen. You’ll enjoy being part of the best club in the world.

    I bought my first album (Sgt Peppers), the year you were born. Like you, I’m no musician but I too enjoy a wide range of music.

    • Jürgen

      05/11/2019 at 15:52

      Hello Howard,

      thank you very much for your quick response. I’m glad to hear, that I’m not the only non- musician here. Do you still own your Sgt. Pepper Album? Unfortunately, I gave away all my Beatles Records a few years ago. It’s not the sound of the LP’s that I’m missing, but the “touch” (the big cardboard/ cover) and watching the LP doing its job on the turntable.

      Best regards


  • Jacki Hopper

    03/11/2019 at 21:14

    Hi Jurgen,  Welcome and nice to meet you, enjoy the MLT Club here and all the MLTBuzzing Groovy that goes with it!

    • Jürgen

      05/11/2019 at 16:08

      Hi Jacki,

      thanks for your answer. At the moment everything is new and interesting here. I let myself be surprised. But I can already say, that the Club Members are courteous and friendly people. That feels good.


      Best regards


  • John Behle

    05/11/2019 at 03:38

    Glad you found your way here. My intro to MLT was the “Drive My Car” video. Then each new video cemented my interest and admiration of their skills and qualities. “My Guitar Gently Weeps” is a favorite too. Many of their covers have been new to me. Some songs never hit big on the radio in the US or even made it at all. Others I might have heard but not been interested in or “Captured” by.

    I find myself kind of “Biting my Tongue” so to speak or restraining my typing fingers as I do not want to be mugged by Beatles fans or others. The reality is I have not heard one cover song by Mona and Lisa that I don’t like better than the original – MUCH better. I was just listening to their newest song last night “Here There and Everywhere“. I can’t recall ever hearing it from the Beatles or others. I searched out every other copy and artist’s version and it left me un-impressed.

    I’m not sure I would have been interested in the original versions or other artists at all, but Mona and Lisa’s version is wonderful. The version by Celine Dion comes closest. She has a powerful, technical voice – but to me Mona and Lisa’s voices and Harmony are just plain beautiful. I like the recent comment about how they “could sing the phonebook” and it would be wonderful. They could sing in “Klingon” and I’m sure it would be amazing.
    My German is far too rusty at the moment, but their German Christmas song is just stunning. I missed their Christmas calendar last year, but someone directed me to the “TIDBITS” section on this site and it is towards the bottom. Their early version is wonderful, but their updated “polished” version of “Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” is the coolest winter song there ever could be. I was pleased to see it on the new Christmas album.

    I had never heard of “The Best Years of Our Lives” by Steve Harley.  The MLT version is stellar.  Several Beatles songs I didn’t know or had forgotten like “I’ll Be Back“, “If I Fell“, “The Night Before” and even “I’ll Follow the Sun” are so very, very well done.  I’m not sure I even remember the Beach Boys “God Only Knows” from before, BUT…. I sure know it now (utterly amazing song and video). 

    I’ve never listened to as much Beatles music as well as the other artists I didn’t know or have an interest in as I do now.   I really appreciate the love of music Mona and Lisa have shared and has grown in me.  It adds so much to my life I have missed.  I feel a little like Jonathan Livingston Seagull if anyone remembers that book.  He experienced soaring in the clouds and floating on the winds and then tried to share it with others.  They were just interested in pecking at worms and occasional fish (kind of like much of today’s music).  It would be nice to have someone around who was excited about the Christmas album that just arrived – but I’ll have to share it here – with the “Enlightened Ones”.  Yea, putting it on my phone now….  cool…. 

    “Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” 2.0 – Early Access

    • Jung Roe

      05/11/2019 at 06:43

      John, I share the same sentiment about some MLT covers, where I love the MLT version, but the original never really stood out for me.  MLT enabled me to see the beauty and true essence of the song that the original artists failed to connect to me.  I have to admit, Beach Boys “God Only Knows”, while I heard it a lot for decades was never one of my favorite Beach Boys songs, but after hearing the MLT version that blew me away, it triggered something that was missing in the original version, and I really appreciate it that song now more.

      BTW, I’d love to hear MLT do any song in Klingon!  That would be cool.   🙂

    • Jürgen

      05/11/2019 at 19:11

      Hello John,

      thank you very much for your reply. Good to hear that the Music of MLT has awakened the spirit of the Beatles in you and that you have drawn new energy and hope from it. I understand your enthusiasm for the music of MLT and that you think that it’s better than the original. It sounds funny,  but when I first heard the MLT, I thought that’s how the Beatles would have sounded if they had been born as women. Mona&Lisa have translated the music from the 60’s into the sound of today, not too close to the original but also not so far away that it sounds strange. I believe that’s the trick. Thank you for sending the video-link “Leise rieselt der Schnee”. A traditional “Weihnachtslied”. A little bit old-fashioned but it awakens childhood memories in me. Really nice.

      (Sorry, if I sometimes don’t hit the right phrase or vocabulary, my english is like the sleeping beauty from the fairy tale. It sleeps in a tall tower, waiting to be kissed awake by the prince. But the prince just doesn’t want to come…-to be continued-).

      Best regards



  • Jung Roe

    05/11/2019 at 06:29

    Welcome Jurgen to the MLT Club.  Really glad you joined us.

    But when people after many years still hum a tune that you wrote today, then your music has overcome the time and found its way into human hearts. I believe „Close to you“, „Still a friend of mine“ and  „That’s life“ represent this kind of music.

    I like what you said and couldn’t agree more.

    BTW, there are a few great Schnitzel places in Vancouver Canada too where I am.  I think visitors from Germany or Austria would feel right at home here!   🙂



    • Jürgen

      06/11/2019 at 17:39

      Hello Jung,

      thank you for your nice welcome. Schnitzel places in Vancouver, really? That sounds interesting. Another good reason to visit Canada. But I’m sure Vancouver surely has a lot more to offer. I find it exciting that so many different nationalities are represented here.

      I wish you a nice day and all the best.


    • Jacki Hopper

      06/11/2019 at 17:49

      Hi again Jurgen… Like Jung, I live in Canada too, just on the opposite  coast side sort of… … In Ottawa…. And I’m sure schnitzel is offered here, There used to be a German restaurant out in my  area but it either closed down or relocated elsewheres…. Lol… So perhaps, one day, you could do a cross Canada visit and say Hi to both Jung and myself on your Canadian travels… Lol

    • Jürgen

      06/11/2019 at 18:29

      Hi Jacki,

      now I’m really surprised: Yet another Canadian and more schnitzel. Ottawa sounds great too. But I’m afraid I have to disappoint you: If I come to visit Canada, but only because of the wonderful people, like you and Jung. And because of the great national parks and landscape (or what would you recommend to me?) Do you speak french too?



    • Jacki Hopper

      06/11/2019 at 18:47

      Lol… Your reply “I’m surprised, yet another Canadian and more schnitzel”.. Etc… That was funny, well I found it funny and that I was also surprised by the fact that you were surprised about me being Canadian.. (My Intro is on this forum area somewheres, as it’s been ages since I had posted it at the time) you just got to look for it, I had mentioned I’m from Canada…) as for me speaking French, the answer is no and  I only understand the extreme basics and can read a bit of French, but that’s the extent of my French… Lol…. Now I will say that Quebec French differs from the proper “Parisienne France French”, Quebec French is more slang lije and folks speak half French/English and whatever other languages all in combo…

      As for my reccomend actions of Canada to visit, can’t say much as I don’t travel much, and only been to Montreal in Quebec, Hull/Gatineau Quebec area across from The Ottawa River, Niagara Falls – Canadian side, Kingston, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Toronto and a few other places when I used to go on Sunday drives with my late parents back in the day, I have relatives in Toronto area,…This pretty much has been my Canadian travels in my 50 yrs… Lol… The only places outside Canada I’ve been to, Watertown NY Areas: Ogdensberg NY, Oswego NY, Potsdam, NY & surrounding area of Potsdam NY…. Lol… But I would say that each of the provinces in Canada, have awesome things to discover/visit.

  • Stephen Kosior

    05/11/2019 at 20:35

    I second Jung’s comment regarding the ability of a songs you mentioned to endure. Welcome to the Club.

    • Jürgen

      06/11/2019 at 18:19

      Hello Stephen,

      thank you for your welcome.

      Best regards


  • Dale Harris

    06/11/2019 at 01:46

    Hello Jürgen,

    Glad to see you here in the Club, there is so much to check out.  I found the MonaLisa Twins by accident on YouTube, also looking for Beatles tunes.  Coolest accident ever…Welcome!

    • Jürgen

      06/11/2019 at 17:53

      Hello Dale,

      nice to hear from you. Sometimes accidents also have something good about them (but really only sometimes). Yeah, first I want to look around a bit and collect new impressions.

      Greetings and all the best for you.


  • Howard

    06/11/2019 at 03:59

    Methinks you might be channeling Pink Floyd, Jürgen.

    “Is There Anybody Out There?”

    It’s surprising just how many MLT fans there are around the world, and who knows, perhaps out there in the wider universe!


  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/11/2019 at 23:30

    Servus, Jürgen!

    I will keep my reply in English so everyone else can read along, too, but it’s really nice to hear you are from Germany! I had never heard of Moers but I just googled it – the closest we’ve ever been to was Cologne when we took a trip many years ago to see Paul McCartney live in concert …and check out “Musikkeller Dorsten” for our red Vintage Höfner bass and Framus …).

    Speaking of Paul … The Beatles brought a lot of us here together, so you are in very good company! 🙂 Lisa and I for once, probably would not be musicians today, if it wasn’t for us falling in love with their music in our teens. What a legacy!

    I loved your post, thank you so much for all of the very kind words and the insight in your life.

    Have a groovy time here and thank you for the support,


    • Jürgen

      11/11/2019 at 18:52

      Servus Mona,

      thank you for your reply and I’m very pleased to meet you on this way. Your music inspires me very much and therefore I would like to thank you with a slightly modified stanza by ABBA:

      „Thank you for the music, the songs you’re singing.

      Thanks for all the joy you’re bringing

      Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty

      What would life be?

      Without a song or a dance what are we?

      So I say thank you for your music

      For giving it to me“

      Viele liebe Grüße auch an Lisa


  • Brian St. August

    10/01/2020 at 16:00

    Welcome Jurgen. I really enjoyed your post and both your creativity and sense of humor. If a teacher ever really said that you had no talent, I think they missed a lot of who you are. It’s never too late to give that guitar a try and anything else that intrigues you, my friend. Best always … Brian

  • Jürgen

    31/01/2020 at 19:40

    Hello Brian,
    sorry I am only now answering you. Thanks for the encouraging words. Yes you are right, it is never too late to explore your own creativity. For me it was unfortunately not the guitar, but I love photography and filming. And I’ve been planning to write a book for at least twenty years … I think I’m just starting now. A warm welcome to you too.


  • Jacki Hopper

    01/02/2020 at 00:43

    Hey Jurgen… My one bucket item list thing is…. To publish a poetry book of sorts… ??

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