MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hello to all lovers of good Music!

  • Hello to all lovers of good Music!

    Posted by Michael Robinson on 17/02/2020 at 11:52

    I found the Mona Lisa Twins by chance at the end of last year from a Facebook link.

    Since then I have been charmed and excited by their music.

    From the lovely harmonies and brilliant guitar ( and other instruments) expertise , I have not enjoyed “new” music so much in a very long time.

    I must admit, have been dispirited by so much of today’s current music that the Mona Lisa Twins are a real breath of fresh air.

    I am amazed at the accuracy of the backing on their Beatles tracks, and whilst they manage to retain the spirit of the originals, they still give their very own slant to the songs. The videos are of excellent quality, too.

    Of course, their originals too are inventive and enjoyable.

    I could go on and on ( at 70 plus I do tend to ramble anyway), but I imagine I am already preaching to the converted!

    Such a surprise and delight to have won one of the 200 Giveaway MOT memberships – the additional content is amazing.

    If you read this, young ladies, thank you for the joy you have given me – long may you continue to produce such wonderful music and videos!

    Michael Robinson

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Howard

    17/02/2020 at 12:08

    Hi Michael. Welcome to the MLT Club. Your introduction to the MLT is similar to mine. I first encountered them via YouTube by accident, but once I had watched my first video, I was hooked and eager to discover more.

    There is much to see, hear and do in this club, and the Forum is a great place for members to share their passion for music and all things MLT. One of the Twins will get back to you in time.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/02/2020 at 13:18

    Gidday there Michael, pleasure to meet you… Congrats on being one of the many MLT Club Membership Giveaway Winners!

    You are correct in saying the gals ‘ music in today’s music landscape is indeed a breath of fresh air, many have referenced that exact /similar wording to describe, so you ‘ re not alone in that thinking.

    I’ve been a MLT fan going on 13 yrs myself, discovered them upon by chance on YouTube while searching for decent Mama’s and Papa’s covers…. Was I ever impressed and decided right then and there, a Lifelong fan I shall be, rest is history for me…

    You’re going to thoroughly enjoy all that MLT Club has to offer, meet and make new friends, etc.

    I look forward to seeing your postings ?

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/02/2020 at 09:39

    Thank you so much Michael, what a flattering introduction 😀 We really appreciate all the kind words and are happy to hear that you are enjoying the extra content here at the Club.

    It is such a cool place for us to connect with the people who support this crazy journey.

    Thanks for checking in!

  • Michael Robinson

    19/02/2020 at 21:28

    Thanks to Howard, Jacki, and especially to Mona for the responses to my ” introductory message” for the MLT Club!

    Such warm friends !

    I live in Norfolk, UK, but it is fascinating to see how wide across the world our common appreciation for this wonderful music and these lovely young ladies has spread.

    I used to play in a semi- pro band, so I have a keen eye and interest in the musical details of what the MLT do, and am constantly amazed at their skills, especially the guitar work. ( I am proud to say that I too use a black Epiphone electro – acoustic guitar like Mona’s).

    Although I used to be the lead vocalist and guitarist in our band, I was no match for the way Lisa sings and plays lead in the live performances. Mona, too, contributes some very fine guitar work live and in the studio – what a combination. Their harmonies and phrasing also match perfectly. It is interesting to hear how they alternate high and low harmonies – obviously well thought out!

    The good thing is we can all enjoy this expertise – long way it continue!!!






  • Michael Robinson

    21/02/2020 at 09:39

    Hello (again!)

    Following on from my last posts, this is a photo of me and my black Epiphone “Mona” guitar (!!) and my prized MLT t-shirt!

    Although I used to play in a semi-final pro band ( for some 50 years!), I now just play and record my own songs, and occasional covers.

    I still have a trusty Vox A.C. 30, but it is far too heavy now for a 70 year old to carry about – one of the reasons I stopped playing ” live”.

    MLT Club is a great place and it is great to know that so many other people love what the girls do.

    Kind wishes to all – MichaelMichael  Mona Lisa Twins T- shirt

  • Howard

    21/02/2020 at 09:47

    Nice T-shirt Michael. I have one that looks the same – strange! Don’t have a beautiful guitar like yours though. It would be wasted on me. There’s nothing wrong with playing live to yourself. Music soothes the soul!

  • Michael Robinson

    21/02/2020 at 09:47

    Just to clarify- it was a semi-PRO band, not ” semi-final ” – blame autofill , and me not checking carefully enough!

  • Michael Robinson

    21/02/2020 at 10:32

    Hello ( again and again!)

    Aside from music , since retiring a few years ago, I also enjoy creating pencil portraits from photographs. It is only now I have the time to do it.

    I only draw people I like, so it was inevitable that I would draw Mona and Lisa!

    I sent them the original of my drawing for them to keep, and they graciously signed a copy for me ( it is now treasured and framed), along with a lovely thank you note.

    I do hope the girls won’t object to me sharing a copy of the signed drawing here.

    Kindest wishes to all




  • Howard

    21/02/2020 at 10:44

    Wow! Very nice Michael, and quite a resemblance. You definitely are the artistic type.

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/02/2020 at 15:32

    Love your photo Michael, and your artistic flair  of your sketch-portraiture drawing of MLT…. ??

    I too, enjoy dabbling in creative arts, writing poetry, sketching/drawing /doodling.

    Please share more of your creative artistic efforts, there is a special section where fan creativity art is featured?

    I would love to see more of your creative works, your drawing made my day off to a smiling start, Thankyou.

  • Michael Robinson

    21/02/2020 at 22:35

    Thank you to Howard and Jacki for your kind comments!

    Whilst I would like to post more drawings , I don’t think it would be fair to post them on this site, which is primarily about the lovely Twins. To use this forum in any other way would be a bit cheeky to me!

    In any case, my MLT membership ends tonight as I was one of the very lucky people who won the Giveaway event.

    May I take this opportunity,  however,  of thanking Mona and Lisa for the chance to share the MLT Club content for these past few weeks.

    The extra content has been wonderful and participation in the forum has also been very rewarding.

    “Thank you for the music” !!!


  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:44

    Sorry to see you go Michael. I appreciated your contributions. There is always room for members to share their art here, especially when it is of the calibre of yours. All the best for the future. I hope we may see you back in the Club again some time in the future.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/02/2020 at 02:05

    Hi Michael, Sorry to hear you’re going, I enjoyed your postings, perhaps you’ll come back again in the future, Best Wishes?

  • Jung Roe

    22/02/2020 at 07:40

    Hi Michael, sorry for my late reply to your post.  Really enjoyed reading everything you wrote.  Loved that sketch you did of Mona and Lisa, and nice guitar!  I really hope you will return to the Club if you have to leave now.  All the best.

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