MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Here's a –Q– for U All….

  • Here's a –Q– for U All….

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 22/01/2019 at 02:50
    1. If you were to ever have the opportunity to perform with MLT for gig… Which Cover songs /MLT Originals would you want to do and what chosen instruments would you use or you’d prefer only singing with them?!
    Ed Brown replied 5 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    22/01/2019 at 06:12

    Well Jacki, for me it would be “Still a Friend of Mine”, because the piano is the only instrument I’ve ever played and that I have some aspiration to be proficient at it one day while I still roam the earth, and it is the only MLT song with a piano in it so far.  And it is one supremely beautiful song too.

    BTW, hope you are keeping warm there in eastern Canada with that winter storm yesterday.  Minus 30 sounds unimaginably cold.  I heard they had to cancel a snow festival in Quebec because of too much snow.  That sounds like a lot of snow!  Maybe send some Howard’s way down under.

  • Howard

    22/01/2019 at 11:32

    Well I certainly would not wish that on anyone and especially MLT. However, assuming I could sing in tune and play an instrument reasonably competently, my choice of a cover would be either ‘Bus Stop’ or ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’ (it’s got to happen), with me on lead vocals and guitar. As for an original, ‘All About Falling In Love’ from their debut album and from ‘Orange’ perhaps bass on ‘Club 27’ and piano on ‘Still A Friend Of Mine’.

    Yes, in my dreams!

    And yes Jacki, I could do with some of that snow of yours. Had to have an esky with two ice bricks in it when I went out today!

  • Daniel Smith

    22/01/2019 at 21:43

    Believe me, NOBODY wants to hear me sing.  I’m not all that good a guitar player either, at least not anymore.  I do remember the lead parts to “And I Love Her,” so maybe I could play guitar on that and let one of the Twins sing it.


  • Michael Rife

    22/01/2019 at 22:21

    I’d play rhythm guitar and sing……that’s the easy part.  The song???  Likely Sweet Lorraine.  Whenever I hear it, I can’t help but harmonize with it.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/01/2019 at 03:56

    I’m loving all the replies here… Keep it going… As for myself… Though if I could play…. I’d love to play guitar… drums…. harmonica… piano… Uke… Etc… Of course I’d sing and play tambourine because those 2 things I can do somewhat good????

  • Steve

    23/01/2019 at 17:32

    While I can play a lot of songs on my guitar, some by MLT and a ton by the Beatles, I think I would rather be in the audience and marvel at their skill plus if I were on the stage with them I might lessen the quality of their show and I wouldn’t want to do that.

  • Ed Brown

    24/01/2019 at 16:11

    Hi Jacki!

    If I had my druthers I would perform “You’re gonna lose that girl” with the girls, singing background harmony with Mona and playing guitar. That would absolutely be a dream come true as its one of my favorite Beatle songs, one of my favorite covers of theirs and such an infectiously happy video!

    Thanks for asking such a fun question!

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