MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hi Dee Ho from Womack, Mo.

  • Hi Dee Ho from Womack, Mo.

    Posted by Charles Kindlesparger on 10/11/2020 at 00:51

    Hello Mona, Lisa…..sounds like a Nat King Cole song !! My name is Charlie Kindlesparger, age 65 ,from Womack Missouri, USA. I live out in the country. I’m a widower, my wife passed from lung cancer Nov.28 2016. I served in the US Navy also. I recently found your music on YouTube. The first video was with John Sebastian, ” Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?” I was like, “WOW, this is far out” I have been hooked ever since. I just received 2 of your CD’s …”Orange” and  ” MonaLisa Twins play Beatles and More”  and have ordered more CD’s too from you. At the moment, “Still a Friend of Mine” is playing and I have seen the video this song gets to my heart, as all good music should.  “That’s Life” is light hearted and I love the video of that one too. You Ladies have gotten me out of the doldrums, a Navy term, I am enjoying your music, your covers and your original music. Stick with it girls. I post some of your videos on FaceBook, hoping to get more listeners. You ARE a breath of fresh air. God Bless you…always be Groovy !!    Charlie        Peace, Love and Happiness

    Rudolf Wagner replied 3 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Refugio Arellano

    10/11/2020 at 02:07

    Hi Charli, welcome to the club.

    In some way or another, the music of Mona and Lisa influences our lives.


  • Jacki Hopper

    10/11/2020 at 02:15

    Hi  Charles and an #MLTBuzzLuvGroovy Welcome to you here at The MLT Club, nice to meet you,  I’m sorry about your  wife’s passing but am happy that your discovery  of MLT music, has helped you cope and brought joy , take care, look forward  to more postings from you .

  • Johnnypee Parker

    10/11/2020 at 03:31

    Hi Charlie,welcome to the club.  There are a lot of friendly faces here who share your new found love for the MonaLisa Twins.

    I am from upstate New York.  I found the twins by clicking on their Duo Session of “Wish You Were Here”.  After that I dove feet first into the koolest rabbit hole ever.  There is a lot to see and hear.

    Have you seen the Skydiving video?  These daredevils went Skydiving on their birthday and documented it on video with an amazing soundtrack.  If you have not seen it, click Specials and then Out & About.

    As I am typing, their cover of “The Best Years of Our Lives” is on the TV.  Their vocals are so powerful on this one, it’s got this fresh faced imbecile grinning ear to ear.

    I agree with you, “That’s Life” is very clever.  Orange is a true masterpiece that demands to be listened too beginning to end.

    Have you seen “Bus Stop”?  It’s hilarious and Mona shows off some really hip dance moves.



  • Jung Roe

    10/11/2020 at 07:52

    A big warm welcome Charlie to the

    MLT Club script 1

    It’s always so awesome to have a new member join the Club.  Enjoyed reading what you wrote and looking forward to more posts from you, and hope you enjoy everything here.  MLT are my one and only music heroes!  They are a breath of fresh air indeed!  The greatest musical gem you will find anywhere!


  • Joseph Manzi

    10/11/2020 at 13:04

    Hi Charles,

    Welcome to the Club. Sorry to hear of your wife’s passing.

    I live in the states too. New Jersey. You will love this site. You should check out the tab Club Music in orange above this. Click on it then the drop down Live at the Cavern Club and watch the videos. . Not sure if you are aware the Twins have released a double cd of all the songs they perform on the last time they were at the Cavern Club before they closed it.

    Well listen Charles, looking forward to interacting with you. Once again welcome aboard.


  • Michael Thompson

    10/11/2020 at 16:14

    Welcome to the club Charles! We have a great group of like minded people here who all feel better listening to our lovely talented hosts. Feel free to interact with all us goofy, interesting folks as we go off on some strange tangents in our threads! It’s always fun! You won’t have any problem staying groovy here!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/12/2020 at 04:58

    Hi Charlie, that is so good to hear! We’re glad our music became part of your life and that you found us through the collaboration with John Sebastian. One of our highlights of 2018 🙂
    Thank you for joining the Club and for getting our CDs! Support like that is what helps make this all possible!
    We are also really sorry to hear about the passing of your wife and our whole family sends our deepest condolences.
    All the best and see you around,
    Lisa ( & Mona)

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