MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hi! From Albion, New York

  • Hi! From Albion, New York

    Posted by Gary Delaura on 23/07/2020 at 23:58

    My name is Gary and I have been a club member since April so I’m kind of new at this. Born in 1952 and grew up when all this great music was brand new. Finding the MonaLisa Twins was a happy accident on YouTube! The first time I played one of their videos was like a breath of fresh air! My favorite MLT song changes from time to time. Having received “Duo Sessions” last week (Signed! How cool is that?!?) it is currently Both Sides Now. Always loved the lyrics to that song. While listening to All About Falling In Love I spent the first half of the song trying to remember what group originally sang it before realizing it was a MLT original! Shows that you are succeeding in your mission! Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with the rest of us. You truly make us smile!

    Thomas Randall replied 4 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    24/07/2020 at 00:35

    Hi Gary, a huge warm welcome to the MLT Club, so glad you joined.  I found Mona and Lisa through their cover of San Francisco, never heard anything so beautiful, and the floodgate opened when I jumped into their Youtube channel.  It was their originals that turned me into a passionate lifetime fan!  Their originals are every bit as brilliant as the great classics they cover.

  • Howard

    24/07/2020 at 06:30

    Welcome to the best club on the planet Gary. I also discovered the MLT by a very happy accident on YouTube

    Members here seem to have a diverse range of musical tastes and favourite groups, with a preference for the Beatles and other similar sixties Beat groups. Being a year older than you, I also was a teenager in the sixties, I grew up with the Rolling Stones, buying all their albums, although I was also heavily into the Kinks, the Who, the Animals, Manfred Mann, the Hollies, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and later Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

    My favourites from the Duo Sessions, and I love all of them, are “Pretty Flamingo” and “Both Sides Now”.

  • Matt Hay

    24/07/2020 at 13:22

    Hi Gary, welcome from another newcomer 😀

    I agree Howard, both those covers are pretty special. I love Pretty Flamingo – esp. Mona’s harp playing and Lisa’s descant harmony at the end. My current faves are Tired of Waiting and Baby’s in Black. Lisa to me was obviously an excellent guitarist from the jump, but Mona’s playing on that Kinks’ song would make Dave Davies proud.

  • David

    24/07/2020 at 15:45

    Hi Gary,

    Welcome to the club from a fellow newcomer. I also love their cover of Both Sides Now. It is truly a masterpiece.  Check out their new video of it here:

    Both Sides Now – Duo Session

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 01:09

    Hi there Gary from  another Canadian, MLT fan on here,  Ottawa way, EH!?…Nice to see you here and meet you, this MLT Club is MLTBuzzLuvGroovy Humdinger Fab Dandy, you’re  going to fully embrace it, trust me… I hope to see /read more posts from you , btw, whereabouts is Albion NY exactly  !?…

    • Gary Delaura

      29/07/2020 at 00:34

      Hi Jacki. Yeah you are right, this is a great club! Albion NY is just west of Rochester. Between Rochester and Buffalo. We are just an hour from Niagara Falls. Good to hear from you and Stay Groovy!

  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 03:55

    Hi, Gary, and welcome to the club!

    As a follow-up to Jacki’s question, which Albion, NY do you live in?  According to Wikipedia there’s one in Orleans County and one in Oswego County.  I thought that sort of thing was illegal…


    • Gary Delaura

      29/07/2020 at 00:43

      Hi David.  I’m in Orleans County. I’ll have to look that up cuz, yeah, that’s weird. Another Albion New York? An alternate reality? And do I live there also? You’ve opened up all kinds of possibilities! Well, as long as there’s an MLT Club there also……


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 06:49

    I’ve been to Oswego NY and Watertown area NY acfew times in my life forvday trip shopping, watching car racing in Oswego, we have family friends (car racing enthusiasts) who live in Oswego, NY.??

  • John Behle

    25/07/2020 at 09:35

    Welcome Gary!  My lucky day was searching for Beatles songs a year and a half ago.  All of a sudden here were these two happy, beautiful girls just rocking out to “Drive My Car”.  I was amazed.  Video after video I think I said “Wow” a hundred times and then started all over again.  Funny, after a year and a half the “WOW’s” just get bigger.   Have to warn you though, it’s probably got most – probably all – of us for a lifetime.  I think I’ve only gone a day or two without the beauty of their songs and voices.

    Glad to have another New Yorker here.  There are quite a few from New York and a from Canada and Australia.  Some really nice, friendly, enjoyable people  (I’m from Utah though).

    It’s like we here have discovered the sweetest most amazing fruit  and I get a smile on my face every time someone new tastes it.  For me it’s like a daily injection of joy, happiness and beauty.  I love hearing about the many that share how much it has helped their health, attitude or dealing with the stresses of life.  So many have said how it brought music back into their lives or expanded it greatly.

    It can be a howling wind outside, snow or rain yet others get a puzzled look as they see the grin on my face as I’m listening to “Good Day Sunshine”, “Here Comes the Sun”, or “Sunshine Superman”.  It’s nice here in this club to share a little bit of a part of their journey and  in their joy and accomplishments.  They are a truly talented and unique family.

    Hope you have a great time here and again, welcome!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/07/2020 at 20:36

    What a cool coincidence that we uploaded the video version for Both Sides Now” the day after you posted this 🙂 David kindly already shared the link here so I won’t post it again, but I hope you enjoy the accompanying video for the track.

    Thanks for joining the Club and for supporting us on this journey. We truly appreciate that ♥
    We send lots of peace & love to Albion, New York!

    • Gary Delaura

      29/07/2020 at 01:07

      Hi Mona! Yes, the Both Sides Now Video is so cool! That song brings back memories of my childhood in the 1960s. Always loved the song and your rendition is awesome! I’m so happy I found MonaLisa Twins. I haven’t felt this excited about a musical group in many years. I can tell that you love singing these songs as much as we love hearing them. And as we would say in the 60s, your original music is far out! ? Thank you for sharing your talent with us all…….Peace

  • Gary Delaura

    28/07/2020 at 00:22

    Enjoying the replies from my introduction post. As I would imagine this club attracts great people who love great music! Don’t know if I am able to individually reply to each one who has posted so I’m sending out this Thank You to all. If there is a way to post individually please let me know. And thank you, Mona for your reply. Your original songs are just as great as the “covers” you perform. You have found a life long fan in yours truly! My wife and kids are getting a good lesson in what great music sounds like through your videos! So always stay groovy….

  • David

    28/07/2020 at 22:26

    Hi Gary,


    Yes its great to be among fellow music lovers!

    Just above the comment you want to respond to, click on “Reply” which is lightly grey. Then the page will reload & box will appear with the subject line: Reply To: ….

  • David Herrick

    29/07/2020 at 01:45

    I just did a little digging, Gary, and I figured out the ambiguity.  This was news to me, but apparently every county in New York state is gridded up into units of area called towns, irrespective of whether they correspond to any particular concentrations of population.  The Albion in Oswego County is one of those fake towns.


  • Thomas Randall

    30/07/2020 at 00:54

    Hi Gary from Tom down in Poughkeepsie! Welcome to the club!

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