Hmm… how about a mash-up of Beatles songs?
Forum newbie here: apologies if it is verboten to link to another band’s Youtube video (I am a true-blue MLT believer, I promise you that).  YouTube put the video below into my My Mix feed — I assume because nearly half that feed is now Mona and Lisa, and this is so Beatles-infused:
This is a mash-up of a number of Beatles’ songs, in chronological order, sung by a six-person band called Walk off the Earth (in front of an ‘unsuspecting audience in Hamilton Ontario’).
It’s a brilliant arrangement (& I think Mona and Lisa and MLT fans would enjoy it). Which (here’s the mandated forum tie-in) leads me to wonder:Â what do y’all think about Mona and Lisa performing a mash-up of some kind? Maybe various 60s artists, or just one, as done here?
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