MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How and when did you discover MLT

  • How and when did you discover MLT

    Posted by Jung Roe on 25/01/2019 at 18:32

    While some of us may have shared this in their “Introduce Yourself” post, I don’t think everyone has, and there are a lot of new members who joined recently in the MLT Club, so I thought I’d ask this in a post.

    For me it was about 2 years ago now, I was in the middle of compiling a memorial family video of a 2004 family trip to San Francisco.  My mom had passed away a year earlier so I was putting a memorial video together for the family.  During a break I went on Youtube and searched on Scott McKenzie San Francisco, just to reminisce about my time there.  In the search results I came across MLTs San Francisco.  The youtube picture showed these two beautiful young girls called MonaLisa Twins, and it sparked my curiosity how this fave song would sound sung by them, so I played it.  Those angelic voices instantly captured me, and then I went on to listen to California Dreaming, Hotel California, and then I went to their Youtube Channel and I haven’t looked back.

    Robert Blume replied 5 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Steve

    25/01/2019 at 19:03

    May of 2018.  I was watching the Stanley Cup playoffs between Washington and Pittsburgh when I went to my phone to Google something as I often do when I’m watching TV.  The first entry on Google Cards was a video of MLT doing Drive My Car.  I was like, “Really?  Nobody does that song.”  So I had a listen and the rest is history.  Been hooked ever since.  What drew me to investigate more of their work was the fact they stayed true to the original.  If they had broken into some rap or hip-hop garbage and made it almost unrecognizable, that would have been it and I wouldn’t have ventured any further.

    • Jung Roe

      25/01/2019 at 21:56

      Steve.  That is the MLT magic with their covers isnt it.  They stay true to the original yet add their own charm and uniques style making them their own.

      Havent been following the hockey too much lately since Vancouver fell out of playoff contention for a few years lately.  Seattle is getting a new NHL team which should make things interesting around here.  I’ll have to cheer them on with Seattle Bob ????

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/01/2019 at 19:09

    OMG… It’s been THAT long ago for me… Lol… At least 10 years… Lol… It was their version of “California Dreaming” .. As I’m a huge Mamas and Papas fan (also the solo stuff of both Denny and Cass respectively ) and was curious as to any decent worthy covers…. Pleasantly happily stumbled and lifetime hooked when I saw their video … And that my friends  is profound…. ????????????????????✌️????????????????????????????????????️????????????????????????????????????????☮️????????????❤️

    • Jung Roe

      25/01/2019 at 22:04

      Wow Jacki, 10 years eh!  That is profound.  You’ve seen them grow musically and physically from young teens through to young adults today.  That is special.  Were there many others here today at MLT club from 10 years ago you know of?

  • Jim Yahr

    26/01/2019 at 01:50

    Don’t remember exactly when, other than a couple years ago.  I was looking at different ways of playing “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl” and was totally blown away by the live performance at the Cavern.

    • Jung Roe

      26/01/2019 at 04:27

      Jim, I think many here express the same awe on MLT performance of “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl.”  Just goes to show how extremely talented Mona and Lisa are, and why their covers ring such a huge bell with everyone.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    26/01/2019 at 03:01

    I found MLT at least 2 years ago now, though it seems like I’ve always known them, when I was researching covers of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. I had learned the solo and was planing to do an all guitar version. When I saw the MLT version I was floored, and humbled. There are so many versions of the song out there and they routinely butcher it, even by established artists. Also knowing how difficult it is to play the solo properly, and how hard it is on the fingers, it blew me away how Lisa’s little Bruce Lee fingers were all over the fret-board with incredible agility and precision.

    That took me to watch their other videos, and again it blew me away how they were covering all my favorite songs, impeccably. That made me an instant lifetime fan and the more I hear them and know about them, the more and more I like them.


    • Jung Roe

      26/01/2019 at 04:17

       …it blew me away how Lisa’s little Bruce Leefingers were all over the fret-board with incredible agility and precision.


      Tomas, I love it!!!  Creating this thread just for that was worth it.  🙂

      Well stated, I totally agree with everything you said.

  • Michael Triba

    26/01/2019 at 11:02

    Everyone here is so vague, but at least Steve knows his month!

    It was 4/2/16 @ 7:05 pm when I was searching for a video of “When I’m 64” to send to my little brother who would be 64 in 4 hours and 55 minutes back then.

    Obviously he has heard The Beatles’ original hundreds of times; big whoop!  I was searching for a cover and a good one.  I found one of a 4-man a cappella group, and they were quite entertaining.  YouTube auto-play was “on” and the next one was an audio-only of Barry Gibb of The Bee Gees singing it.  That one really cracked me up; lol!  So, I e-mailed the links to Tom and told him to “open his present” after midnight.

    I went back to YouTube and on the right side of the page was something called “MonaLisa Twins.”  I think I saw those words months earlier, but figured it would just be rubbish and moved along.  This time I was curious, and opened the video link to “In My Life” which is one of my fave Beatles’ songs and part of my fave Beatles’ album.

    I watched with my mouth agape, ears alert, and eyes wide open.  I asked myself; who are these girls?  Who are their parents?  Where are they?  I thought they were somewhat cute and very talented.  I saw from the date of publishing they were not quite 16 years old!

    THEN, I saw her (them) standing there!  Singing what I was looking for; a GREAT COVER of “When I’m 64!!!”  Wavy blonde-haired Mona singing the lead and looking like a Hollywood starlet!  Long red-haired Lisa (with brown roots showing) doing backup.  Now 19 years old and what a difference 3 years had made in their appearance and talent!  I listened at least 4x in a row and then sent Tom another e-mail and said “Here bro, watch this one instead, and open it now!”

    Because of this one evening sitting at my PC, all sorts of things have transpired differently in my life too numerous to mention; both good and bad.  From getting a Facebook account and staying up too late (like right now) and #gettingfatternotfitter, to my current status of being a Patreon patron and friend of Alyona Yarushina from Moscow, the greatest vocalist I have heard in my 68 years!

    Heading for bed as the clock just struck 5:00 am in Omaha.  Don’t want to see the sunrise.  See what I mean, Jung?

    Where is Howard?  You put up this thread at least a day ago!


    • Jung Roe

      26/01/2019 at 21:51

      Hi Mike

      Like you I was never really into the social media stuff.  I spent enough time on the computer and internet for work in the office, the last thing I usually wanted to do was more computer time at home.  I joined Instagram and Twitter for the first time 2 years ago so I could follow Mona and Lisa and their musical journey more closely.  I created a FB account a few years earlier because someone told me I should but it sat idle for years, but it was MLT that really gave me interest to jump onto social media.  It’s been fun following MLT.

      Thanks for your post and story on how you discovered MLT.  Enjoyed reading it.

  • Michael Rife

    26/01/2019 at 14:17

    I believe it was in the late summer or early fall of 2015.  I was going through YouTube for some Beatles videos and stumbled across MLT covers to Beatles’ songs.  Played several of them and then discovered they had a website and their own CDs and I order them.  From then on I was hooked.  Mike.

  • Thomas Randall

    26/01/2019 at 19:02

    On July 28th 2018 I stumbled upon their cover of “You’re gonna to lose that girl” on Youtube and it was love at first viewing/listening! I was instantly hooked. I only wish I discovered them much earlier. Better late than never!

  • Jung Roe

    26/01/2019 at 23:15

    Thanks Mike, Tommy.  Looks like many of us discovered MLT through one of their incredible covers and then discovered a massive glacier of wonderful music and talent just under the surface; their extensive youtube channel, awesome original and cover albums, a rich history and repertoire spanning 10 years, large and growing fanbase, MLT website, social media presence, recognition from many famous artists and well known radio/music personalities…..etc.

  • Robert Blume

    27/01/2019 at 05:02

    I’ve got You Tube on my Roku menu. I think I spend more time watching that than any of the services I actually pay for. And I often just randomly watch what pops up. Late night talk show clips, Game of Thrones reaction videos, puppies meet kittens, hippo vs crocodile, crocodile vs pit bull, kittens vs crocodiles…and the list goes on and on. You Tube is like a drug. I can easily kill whole evenings this way.

    Summer of 2017.

    So I’m meandering around You Tube as usual. At some point I must have viewed an old Beatles clip, because a bunch of Beatles related stuff came up on the menu. And there they were. MonaLisa Twins. You’re Going To Lose That Girl. A revelation moment. And now here I am, a fan club member like y’all.

    Fan Boy Bob


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