MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How did you experience your MLT joy today 2

  • Jung Roe

    27/06/2020 at 21:46

    Oooh the duo sessions sound some awesome in the car!!!

  • Jung Roe

    04/07/2020 at 20:31

    A sunny peaceful saturday morning, listening to The Duo Session album in all its glory!  It Aint Me Babe, Close To You, Tonight You Belong To Me, Both Sides Now, Imagine, All About Falling In Love……God so much beauty, my heart is afloat!!! Album is so brilliant!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/07/2020 at 01:55

    Priceless.  I can’t get enough of Both Sides Now

    I love that play on words.  It always sounds like we are talking about both sides of the album.  If only, right?



  • Jung Roe

    05/07/2020 at 07:26

    JP, I know what you mean, I can’t get enough of Both Sides Now either, keep hitting replay, so beautifully sung and played.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/07/2020 at 15:09

    I’m enjoying the Jukebox fix of these songs, until I can really embrace fully the full MLTBuzzLuvGroovy effect, I will have, once my copy arrives to me, in my hands , to play in my discman or CD/tape cassette/radio boombox ( ancient relics I know, but hey, I’m old school-fashion minded )…. I love Both Sides Now, and must agree, the gals definitely  eclipse vocally past Joni, although Joni, still holds strong  on her own…she’s not far behind…There is just something  in the power  of the gals vocals,  their uniqueness they both have, yet when combined, it just eminates harmonies that add that extra spunk to whatever song they do, original or cover wise….The luster,  calibre that comes shining through, astounding, stellar….??

  • Jung Roe

    06/07/2020 at 21:46

    MB 149 and Lamy Safari 1

    Voted the most uplifting Beatles song, “Here Comes The Sun” MLT Duo Session version is especially uplifting with Mona and Lisa’s magic!

  • Jung Roe

    09/07/2020 at 22:14

    Guess what arrived!  Oh joyous day!!!

    MLT Duo Session CD 1

  • Jung Roe

    09/07/2020 at 22:17

    Found the perfect spot for the beautiful sticker.

    MLT Duo Session CD 2

    And now time to pop in that CD and let the Duo Sessions begin!

  • Thomas Randall

    09/07/2020 at 23:18

    [postquote quote=97711][/postquote]

    Nice! They must be using random stickers, I got a heart shaped one with their likeness! I love those little surprises they throw in, very thoughtful of them and appreciated! Enjoy Jung!

  • David Herrick

    10/07/2020 at 01:20

    I got a “Stay groovy!” sticker.  It never occurred to me that those goodies might not be distributed identically.  I guess I’m thinking too corporately.  But yes, the bonus items really make one feel valued.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    10/07/2020 at 03:49

    I like the new look to your piano, Jung.
    I think my cat got my sticker.  It was funny when I opened the box, both of my cats were ready to dive in.   They are quick, so I will have to check out their favorite hiding spots.

    I had also ordered an orange coffee cup.  My wife was watching as I held the cup up with a huge smile.  Then I was looking at the CD and she noticed my smile was fading.  She asked if everything was okay.  “‘I thought they were going to autograph this…”.   She prodded me to look a little closer.

    I looked at Both Sides Now, Oh happy day.  It was signed with a gray/silver ink that blended right in with the album cover.  Nice one ladies.   I can see clearly now, I’ve got my glasses on.  Is that a smile under Mona’s signature?





  • Jacki Hopper

    10/07/2020 at 04:29

    Cool Jung , JP, John, and David…I’m still awaiting the arrival of my CD, hopefully  tomorrow, if not maybe next week or week afterwards….but prefer sooner than later….as for the wee MLT Groovy extra gem goodies that came with your CDs, Bonus MLTBuzzLuvGroovyWorthy…. I’ll post a photo whenever mine arrives….lol …Onwards and Crank Up The Duo Sessions….!!!!??✌

  • Jim Yahr

    10/07/2020 at 06:08

    Jacki – Mine showed up today so you shouldn’t have to wait too much longer.  BTW, it was postmarked on 23 June so things are going pretty slow.


  • Jung Roe

    10/07/2020 at 07:15

    Thanks Thomas!  The randomness is nice, we all get something different.

    David, yeah I always love the extra goodies Mona and Lisa always include in the packaging, does make it feel extra special.  It was especially nice getting the sticker, perfect on my piano I think.

    JP, funny about your cats getting the sticker!  LOL.  I hope you find it and it did not get chewed up too bad.  It reminds me of when someone sent me a Christmas card once and said it included a Starbucks gift card that I could not find.  I looked everywhere and finally found it on the floor with 2 puncture marks.  It fell on the floor without my noticing it when I opened the card and my dog Max at the time got at it.  The card worked, but always gave me a chuckle whenever I saw it with teeth puncture marks.

    Mona and Lisa signature with grey marker I thought was a nice touch too, blends in with the cover art elegantly.  Does not distract, but is easy to spot. They are always so thoughtful and creative.

    Jacki, as Jim said I’m sure yours will be along any time.  I hope it arrives for you on time for the weekend!  If not the anticipation will make it that much sweeter when it does show up on your doorstep.  🙂

    The CD is precious!  Great to have all these wonderful Duo Session songs on an album disk.

  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2020 at 23:15

    I’m Looking Through You, you’re not the same…..(cool guitar)!!!! Oooh such awesome singing and wonderful twangy guitar sounds!!!  Can hardly wait for that duo session video when it comes out.

    Listening to Duo Sessions album today, all the songs flow so well like they were made together.  Pretty Flamingo…Sweet Lorraine..I’m Looking Through You..Wish You Were Here..Here Comes the Sun.  All in MLT magic style, all their own!  Can’t stop the CD in the middle until it plays out!  All so brilliant.

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