MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?


  • Bill Isenberg

    02/06/2020 at 00:40

    I totally agree with you. They cover songs and breathe new life into the songs. Think about it, their video While My Guitar Gently Weeps……Eric Clapton did the lead guitar on that song, and Lisa made it her own, and Mona played the Harp on The Best Days of Our Life…..and they do these covers with such grace and style you fall in love with their version. So with their original music? Well how about Club 27? And This boy is Mine? OMG Such talent it is so wonderful to listen. I am such a huge fan, my day is not complete unless I watch or listen to them. I just wish I could see them in concert here in the USA. And maybe tell them how great they are for all of us to listen to. I remember the first time I Saw the Rolling Stones in concert 1972, and how excited I was, heck Stevie Wonder was the warm up. And I know if I ever have the chance to see the Mona Lisa Twins in Concert I will be just as excited if not more excited.

  • Jung Roe

    02/06/2020 at 06:19

    Howard, Lord Luca reminds me of Milo when he was almost a year old with his railing acrobatics.  They seem to have a keen sense of balance.  This picture was from Dec 2003, so he is a grand daddy now.

    Milo acrobat

    David, I just saw that Kittisauras video “Cats vs Toilet Paper Wall”, hilarious.  Some of the cats are quite graceful jumping over 4 or 5 high toilet paper, but a some would just walk through it, like they couldn’t be bothered.  Each cat has it’s own distinct personality.

    Jacki your story of Fluffy the demented cat reminds me years ago when I visited my friend’s parents place the first time, and they had a cat that was pretty vicious I’m told, even my friend and his parents don’t go to close to him.  Well me hugging all cats and dogs I come across, I saw him sitting under the couch with just his head poking out, so I reached down and gave him a big hug putting my nose up to his.  He let me hug him, but then darted away.  When I looked up, my friend and his parents standing across the room looked at me almost in horror and told me I was lucky I didn’t lose my nose, as he is one vicious cat.  I guess I must have caught that cat off guard.  🙂  I’ve been more careful about doing that since then.  I guess it was a case of what you don’t know can’t hurt you.

  • Jung Roe

    02/06/2020 at 06:27

    Bill, yes both Lisa and Mona are amazing on “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and “Best Years of My Life”.  One day when we get to see Club 27, it’s going to be out of this world.  Imagine Lisa smoking her Gretsch on those howling guitar riffs, and Mona doing the hard rock lead vocals!  Ever since I saw this video of Lisa at 13 doing Samba Pa Ti, I knew there is one great guitar legend in the works.  I can listen to this all day, love it!


  • Jung Roe

    02/06/2020 at 06:28

    And I think Mona is the coolest drummer to walk the earth!


  • Jung Roe

    03/06/2020 at 23:37

    Was out and about doing some local essential errands today keeping the social distancing.  Best part was listening to Orange in the car with the windows rolled down breathing in that fresh air and soaking in the sunshine.  Reminded me of the road trip just over a year ago, different times, taking in some beautiful scenery.  Godspeed the return to normalcy so we can all go back to enjoying the great outdoors freely soon.

    Nothing like a road trip, especially with some awesome music of the MLT blasting out of the car stereo.  Once upon a time, close to you, it’s alright, waiting for the waiter, in it for love, count on me, sweet Lorraine….all so sweet!

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/06/2020 at 01:12

    Wow that is so great to hear! I do the same thing when I Come home from work, roll the windows down and put on Orange or the first album and I Try my best to sing, I am a tenor at heart, but reaching some of the notes it is a challenge for me …LOL….I am not kidding I listen to the Mona Lisa Twins everyday and my day is not complete. We have a 55 inch TV and got UTube manly for the Mona Lisa Twins and it feels like i am right there in the audience. Got to say, all the songs on Orange are great but my favorite is Count on Me, reminds me of early 1970’s music. But think about it, this album has so many great songs it is hard to pick just one just like their first album. I Keep bugging them to do a video on Count on Me….LOL…Hope they do someday. I am with you all in saying these ladies are a gift to us and just love the spirit and love they put into their music. And when they rock? Man they can give anyone a run for their money, lead guitar, harp, voices they have it all!!! I have such a good feeling watching them rock out to Club 27, Revolution, Last Time, This boy is mine, and the version they put on recently For Whats it worth……OMG Rock and tearing it down……love it!!

  • Jung Roe

    04/06/2020 at 04:51

    Bill, indeed they have it all, and they do it all too!  Would be awesome to see all their youtube videos on a 55 inch screen.  Got to get that box and try that on my TV.  “Count On Me” is one of my first favourites from Orange, in fact back in 2017 when the album was released and I could listen to the entire album from the beginning to end for the first time, it was Count On Me and Still A Friend of Mine that immediately jumped out and grabbed me, and then with each subsequent listen of Orange the other songs one by one captivated my heart, Club 27, Sweet Lorraine, Close To You, In It For Love…..  “Count On Me” takes me in the realm of Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez.  Love it.

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 06:16

    You are fortunate to have such beautiful scenery for your travels there Jung. However, it’s a bit disconcerting for me watching you drive on the wrong side of the road!

    My motorcycle club are back to organising rides again with the more severe restrictions lifted and we have an excellent one coming up. Just 110km to a country cafe for lunch but I will be returning via a different route to visit my brother and his partner in Maleny, a lovely town in the mountains …….. well you’d probably call them hills, compared to your Rockies! However, it’s a beautiful part of our world and home to many artists, musicians and many small boutique shops and craft industries. A few degrees cooler than where I live, but not a bad thing in our very hot climate where winter is closer to a Liverpool summer!

  • Jung Roe

    04/06/2020 at 23:51

    Howard, it must have been the revolution we had here.  Since then in north america we tend to do everything differently like driving on the “right” side of the road.  🙂  Now if Canada decided to stick with the British system, I could imagine a cross border drive down across the border to the US could get quite chaotic.

    The 110KM tour and Maleny sounds like cool perfection!  I’m sure the Australian scenery is just as beautiful and unique.  I’d love to do a road trip down under one day.

    Speaking of road trips, these ladies know how to do it in groovy style!

    MLT in MG Oldtimer 01

  • David Herrick

    05/06/2020 at 01:50

    I’ll come with you, Jung!  If I could do only one cross-country road trip over the rest of my lifetime, the country would have to be Australia.  Canada would probably be second.  Both would be days-long trips with lots of natural variety, and people that I could successfully communicate with if my car broke down.

    Long ago I came across this joke, which is now on the internet:

    Canada could have had the best of three worlds.  They could have had American technology, French cuisine, and British culture.  Instead they have French technology, British cuisine, and American culture.


  • Howard

    05/06/2020 at 05:59

    [postquote quote=94294Canada could have had the best of three worlds.  They could have had American technology, French cuisine, and British culture.  Instead they have French technology, British cuisine, and American culture.][/postquote]

    LOL David. However, many Western countries have been unable to avoid the impact of US culture, and in some countries, like mine, foreign policy too. Fortunately we had many refugees and migrants arriving from Europe after WWII, bringing their interesting mix of cuisine with them. Before then, we had to do with the very boring British diet and I can still remember in the fifties, the only exotic food we could dine out on was Chinese. Not that my family ever dined out then! As children, we looked forward to the occasional Friday night fish and chips takeaway, or a spring roll perhaps.

    We just missed out on being more like Canada as the French had briefly settled in Western Australia in the late eighteenth century. Comte de La Pérouse also sailed into Botany Bay on the east coast, just days after the English first fleet had arrived and left to settle a little further up the coast at Farm Cove, in what is now Sydney Harbour.

    Just think, amongst everything else on our menus, we could be including snails and frogs legs. I think Australia could have been a much better place if the French had settled on the west coast. More like Canada perhaps.



  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2020 at 06:14

    LOL!  Can I borrow that joke?  🙂  It’s brilliant.

    A cross Australia road trip sounds like a dream David.  I would recommend a convertible green MG roadster like that one Mona and Lisa are riding in but a bigger one with back seats as I’d want to keep a Kangaroo or Koala to bring back as pet souvenirs!



  • David Herrick

    05/06/2020 at 06:50

    And an emu!  I’m not leaving Australia without an emu, Jung.

    This is the first time I’ve ever shared that joke with a Canadian, so I’m glad you’re cool with it.  Pass it on to anyone with a healthy sense of humor, which I imagine includes most of Canada.

    Howard, thanks for that article!  I love reading about history that might have been.  The French settled the U.S. by boating up through the extensive network of rivers in the middle of the continent, and were able to live off the land.  I imagine the fact that that strategy wasn’t available in western Australia may have been a large part of why they couldn’t establish much of a foothold there, notwithstanding the “no trespassing” measures by the British.


  • Jacki Hopper

    05/06/2020 at 07:16

    That is a funny joke,  good thing I have a healthy warped open minded sense of humor, although, there’d probably be at least one Canadian out there, EH, who wouldn’t  think joke funny…I would imagine…always is that one person…lol

    Jung lives out West Coast, while I’m stuck in the middle-ish, sandwiched between the Prairies, Quebec/Maritimes ….lol

    We do have a good reservoir of comedic gifted talent , living, and sadly passed on, gotta be whatever is in our water, EH !?…Lol

    And on that note…just after 2 am, tired but not sleepy, until now,  courtesy of menopause…lol I bid you all a MLTBuzzGroovyLuv Goodnight?✌

  • Jung Roe

    13/06/2020 at 23:34

    Sometime a song comes on, and it really resonates that day for some reason above all others.  Today it was this one on a rainy drive in the city.

    Such a beautiful ballad


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