How do you stay so sweet and unaffected?
Having been a loyal fan of yours for a number of years, I have always been struck by the beauty of your voices, your harmonies and your musical excellence. You are both beautiful inside and out and yet it is my impression that you play down the physical beauty so as not to distract from your more important musical message.
What I would like to know is how the two of you have maintained such an open, modest and unaffected demeanor? You are not only kind to your fans, you are very kind to each other and your love for your father and Michaela always comes through.
So many of us have written about how you make our day with your music… and you certainly add a lot to mine. But I think that knowing people like you are in the World gives me confidence in our future. Whatever you do to remain so kind, understanding, patient and wise, please don’t ever stop it. Much love to both of you… Brian
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