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  • How, when, where does MLT play in your life?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 09/03/2019 at 05:55

    I live in a suburb in Vancouver BC so to get to and from work every day I take a train called the “West Coast Express”. It is a 40 to 35 mins train ride each way from my place to downtown Vancouver, and it’s usually MLT Orange or one of the BAM 3 albums lately that can be heard through my headphones as I commute. I have all 7 MLT albums in MP3 loaded in my Samsung Galaxy these days along with several hundred other classical Beethoven, Mozart and Bach MP3s, as well as Beatles Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sargent Peppers, Beatles #1, and Beach Boys Sounds of Summer albums among a few others. The Orange album is perfect because I can start it off on the first track of “The Future” as I board the train at my train station and “Still a Friend Mine” just finishes as the train arrives at the water front station in downtown Vancouver. How perfect! Of course I start the album at different points just to mix it up 🙂 . Sometimes I miss hearing “When We’re Together” so I play that for a few days on the little daily journey. When MLT released BAM 2 and 3 last year, it was awesome to have all that new MLT music suddenly as well. More joy!

    At home I bought a little wooden cabinet record player shortly after the Orange album vinyl arrived Christmas of 2017, and since then I’ve added Beatles Rubber Soul, and Sargent Peppers and a few other LPs I could find at my parents old place. So one of my fave things to do after dinner in the early evening is to lay on the couch and listen to an LP, and it is usually Orange, Rubber Soul, or Sargent Peppers. What a perfect trio of albums in vinyl to have. I also enjoy just leaving the MLT Jukebox on while I multi task on the computer at home sometimes.

    Listening to record player cartoon


    Listening to music in the car is another fave time to listen to MLT, especially on the longer road trips or holidays. It’s often Orange or The 2007 MLT Concert album we listen to. My wife especially likes the 2007 Concert album with all the variety of songs on there, and Der Kommisar, Aufstehn, Michelle among others are her favorite tracks. She also likes Wonderful Tonight, as the MLT version of that song inspired me one evening to sing that to her. 🙂 When I first got the Orange Album last year, my wife often called MLT the Orange Twins and I had to correct her a few times. I think the Orange MLT fridge magnet in the kitchen might have confused her at first. Last year on a trip back to Korea to visit her parents by herself, she brought me back a new Orange fountain pen because she thought I might like it because of the Orange album I always listen to, so thanks Mona and Lisa, you had something to do with me getting a wonderful fountain pen too! thumbup

    And finally another fond memory that comes to mind is back in summer 2017 I went up to Alaska on a seven days round trip cruise out of Vancouver, and on the way back on the last day of the cruise I was outside on the deck, and it was sunny and the ship was passing through the many channels of the BC coastline all afternoon, and what a joy listening to MLT. I remember really getting into Aufstehn that day from the 2007 Concert Album. Thanks Mona and Lisa for all your joyful music! smile

    How, when, where does MLT play in your life these days?

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Thomas Randall

    09/03/2019 at 18:23

    Mainly here at the computer at home but also in my car’s CD player although I don’t drive as much as I did in the good old days (too many clowns on the road today). I just got my first “Smart” phone (a Samsung) so I suppose I’ll figure out how to load some MLT on that now as well.  Better get a big SD card for it come to think of it!




  • Jacki Hopper

    11/03/2019 at 01:06

    Usually listening on the bus on my Android phone /tablet as I don’t drive as I don’t have/ nor want a driver’s license… I’m 50 and quite happy bussing…walking and being driven by family and friends or take train for my commuting needs…. Or at home on my CD Discman or in my CD/Cassette Tape Boombox…. Their music makes me feel Groovy… Love to sing along and airguitar or air drum along with songs… Lol… Or if I have sleeping problems… Their voices have Calming essences… I can then fall asleep ????????????????????????????????????

  • Michael Rife

    11/03/2019 at 06:15

    Usually on the home CD player or in the car CD player.  I teach part time at a few universities and need to drive to the city (Boston) and then drive from school to school.  During that time Play CDs or listen to the Sirius Beatle channel.  Also, I still watch their videos on YouTube on the PC.  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    16/03/2019 at 06:38

    Tommy, Jacki, and Mike.  Thanks for your input.

    Mona and Lisa’s music bring us a lot of joy for sure and modern technology today certainly makes it easier for us to take their music with us everywhere.  While I really like the convenience of MP3 music files, I hope physical CDs and LPs will always be around.  I miss the old record and CD stores and being able to physically pick up an album in my hand and look at the glossy cover and titles.  I think when online download stores allow you to just pick and choose a few select song or songs from an album, instead of experiencing the entire album, people are missing out on a whole dimension I think.  Can you image Sargent Peppers, and the masses only experiencing 2 or 3 tracks of it instead of the artistic impact of the whole album?  It’s like taking a Pizza and picking off the pine apple and pepperoni without experiencing the entire thing with the stringy cheese, crust, and all the other toppings that together make a unique taste and experience.


  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 08:28

    Jung, your pizza analogy makes me laugh out loud! Not bad! I had one of my usual Friday night, homemade pizzas from my excellent oven using a genuine pizza stone heated to 200 degrees Celsius before adding the pizza with its fresh ingredients. I could not imagine just picking out some of the ingredients and not eating the whole thing. Not possible!

    I use every possible way of appreciating the MLT soundtrack. At home, it is usually listening via my iPhone or iPad by Bluetooth to my Bose Wave Music system or through my Beats headphones. Sometimes I listen via Bluetooth through my seventies Yamaha amplifier and enormous Bose, Direct Reflecting speakers. Occasionally I listen to my vinyl copy of ‘Orange’ via my early 80’s Luxman turntable, with its diamond tipped ‘Grace’ stylus.

    I also use their ‘Jukebox’ on my iPhone via Bluetooth to my helmet speakers while riding my ‘Moto Guzzi, California 1400 Touring’. However, my preferred method is through my AirPods from my iPhone while riding my bicycle, which I do often. I also use this method while using public transport.

    And I shouldn’t forget that occasionally I use my Bose mini portable speaker when sharing with friends. Then, of course, there is the TV when I’m watching their YouTube videos.

  • Thomas Randall

    16/03/2019 at 10:10

    Hi Jung! I agree, there’s nothing like having a physical record or CD in your hands. It’s kind of strange downloading and listening to MP3’s or FLAC files to listen to music but that’s “progress” apparently. Of coarse I bought the MLTs albums on CDs. Eventually CDs will disappear I imagine like most records have. Probably not for awhile though. Although there ARE real record stores popping up around the U.S. again. I miss records, the music sounded better to me on records and the artwork was of coarse bigger easier to read.


  • Jung Roe

    17/03/2019 at 00:19

    Howard, it looks like you take good advantage of technology, old and new, to maximize MLT listening pleasure in your day to day life.  From 80’s Luxman turntable to your Blue Tooth helmet speakers when your ride your Moto Guzzi, California 1400 Touring bike!  thumbup It looks like you make a mean home made Pizza too!

    I miss my 02 Mustang with the 6 CD Changer and 6 speakers.  It could accommodate almost all the MLT CDs!  The new “family” car, despite all the modern technology and back up camera, heated steering wheels etc, has no CD player!  I guess they figured no one uses CDs any more so I have to play my music from my smart phone via blue tooth to the car speakers to play music.

    Tommy, glad to hear your health is stabilizing and hope you start feeling better soon!  There is nothing like the positive effect of  MLT music on the soul!

    It’s great the record stores are popping up again, and I am seeing more record players in the stores too!  There definitely were advantages with LPs like just being bigger and having bigger art work to enjoy, and not to mention the great analog sound.  A few years ago I read that CD’s using lasers to burn in signals creating pips in the CD material, have a shelf life of only a few decades.  No one knows for sure how long but I’ve had a few CD’s become unreadable for various reasons.  When CDs first came out they were touted as being revolutionary and will last forever because there are no needles to wear out the grooves like in a vinyl record, but it looks like the CD material itself can tend to lose it’s signal holding integrity over time.  Vinyl records on the other hand, while more susceptible to scratching and grooves wearing out, if properly cared for looks like can last indefinitely like some of my 1960’s records are still surviving.  I hope our treasured CDs will last as long.  Better hold onto those MP3s too or get vinyl.


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